P.S. Written in the front: Please read this chapter slowly and carefully. Imagine that Hitler is standing in front of you and giving a speech in a rhythmic manner.

——————Dividing line——————

On the big screen, long paragraphs of content appeared.

Fang Yuan was almost non-stop typing out text.

On and off the stage, in the live studio, everyone's attention was completely drawn!...

Through the screen, they seemed to see Hitler standing in front of them, shouting at them! Appealing to them!

Hitler said

【You might say: Mr. Hitler, I need a job and a piece of bread!】

【Yes, you are right, life is really important, but I want to tell you, there is something in this world that is more important than life, and that is freedom!】

【That's dignity!】

【As long as the French flag flies over Alsace and Lorraine, our dignity will not exist!】

【As long as the French and English are still bullying our country, our dignity will not exist!!】

【As long as this country called Germany is torn apart and weak on the map of Europe, our dignity will not exist!!!】

【As long as people from other countries laugh contemptuously when they mention the word"Germany" during conversation, our dignity will not exist!!!】

【Gentlemen, what we need is not a piece of bread! What we need is a living space! A living space for a nation!】

【This living space is not achieved through begging and protesting, but through iron and blood!】

【When others bully us, even the weakest nation comes to trample on us, we can only shout: 'We express our strong indignation and protest!’】

【Such people have no bones!】

【Such people are lowly!】

【When the enemy hears this protest, they will only sneer and rush into our country! Occupy our land! Kill our brothers and sisters! Then take down our national flag, throw it on the ground, and trample it hard!】

【Finally, they will point to our bodies and say to the people around them: Look, these are the Germans who have forgotten that they still have fingers that can pull the trigger and can only shout with their mouths:"We protest! We condemn!"’!】......

【Ladies and gentlemen, is there nothing we can do but protest?

Hitler seemed to be standing in front of them and shouting at them!

He clenched his fists!


【Absolutely not!】

【We should use the deafening sound of our artillery to make the enemy tremble!!!】

【We should crush their dignity and lives!!! Let them know that we are not a group of cowards who only know how to protest!!!】

【A country that only knows how to protest is a country without bones!!!】

【A government that only knows how to protest is a spineless government!!!】

【We don’t need a government that shamelessly protests when our dignity, territory, and living space are being trampled upon! You will eventually abandon them too!】

【I am proud that among you there are very few people who are so spineless!】

【In front of me is a legion with unyielding blood flowing for thousands of years!】

【This blood once flowed in the veins of our ancestors! They never gave in!!! Now, it is surging in our bodies, you tell me, you want it to cool down!!!!!!!!!!!!】

【Yes ladies and gentlemen, there are only two things that can unite people: common ideals and common crimes.】

【We have a great ideal engraved on the German flag, and we will shed our last drop of blood for this ideal!】

【In today's Berlin, nothing can save our motherland but this ideal!】

【The Treaty of Versailles is a great humiliation! We have the determination and reason to refuse to implement it!!!】

【Do what you want to do!】

【Just like Benjamin Martin picked up the gun, just like he led his compatriots to hold high the banner of freedom and fight the enemy bravely! If you want to fight, then go and fight!】

【Then I shall be able to see whether you are seventy million slaves or seventy million steadfast Germans!】

【If there comes such a day, I, Adolf Hitler, will also be like Benjamin Martin, holding the banner of our Germany and rushing to the front!】

【Even if I die in battle, I will enter heaven with a smile! I will meet the glorious ancestors of Germany! I can walk up to the great Frederick the Great with my head held high, and I can proudly say to him: I, your descendant, have not brought shame upon you! I shed my last drop of blood for the great Germany!】

【We don't fight for slavery! We fight for freedom!】

【We are not machines, not beasts of burden!】

【We are human beings! We are Germans who have never surrendered!】

【We unite in the name of freedom! Fighting for a new and fair world!】

【We fight for work for all! We fight for those who enslave us to be driven out of German soil!】

【Fight for us not to have to protest all day long! Fight for our dignity! Fight for our promises! Fight to liberate this country!】

【Germans, we fight for the glory of our ancestors! We fight so that our descendants can proudly proclaim: We are Germans who never surrender!】

【My fellow countrymen, long live Germany and the German people!】

【for freedom!】......

At this moment, the sound of the keyboard tapping was not a tapping sound.

Instead, it was a shocking impact that hit people's hearts!

At this moment, the words seemed to no longer be words.

Instead, there really was a Hitler who came to life, standing in front of them, waving his hands and shouting at them!

At this moment, when this speech of more than a thousand words appeared on the big screen, inside and outside the studio, everyone was shocked! There was complete silence!

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