In the end, the two ended in a tie.

No one wanted to expose their methods to the public.

Zhang Guanlong did not make a living by fighting in the martial arts arena. He only needed to show his strength occasionally to maintain his competitiveness among the family elders outside the merchant city.

Chen Bo was a little cautious and did not want to be recognized by Fang Yuan. His divine text killing move was almost invisible to those who knew it.

Both parties made concessions to each other according to the previous agreement.

Chen Bo stopped pestering Zhang Liqin and apologized.

Zhang Guanlong gave a third-level black python entanglement Gu and said that he had prepared a banquet and invited Chen Bo to have a drink. He also invited Chen Bo to visit his store more often in the future.

Both parties focused on interests and did not fight to the death.

Zhang Guanlong actually gained a lot from this move.

For example, he used practical actions to tell others that although I am old, I can still control twelve flying knives, and the family store can still be defended. The status of the family elder of the Shangjia family is still stable, and it is still worth recruiting a four-turn peak strongman.

Chen Bo successfully promoted Lin Chuang's name in Shangjia City, and paved the way for the subsequent sale of the four-turn consumable Gu worm Huiyuan Dan Gu.

He was not afraid of others analyzing this Gu Gu recipe. If the school wants to develop.

Either you are powerful enough to push the school to the peak by your own efforts.

Or learn from the Juyang Immortal Venerable and let the five domains work for you.

At night, after eating and drinking at Zhang Guanlong's place, Chen Bo rented a house in the name of Lin Chuang again.

Not long after he moved in, someone came with gifts and invitations.

Chen Bo accepted the gifts and invitations one by one, and asked them to go back. He said that he would take time to go back to visit.

Chen Bo flipped through it and found the invitation from Shangmujiao.

[Let's go to his house tomorrow. ] Chen Bo thought to himself.

As for the others, forget it, I don't have the energy to make connections.

Not long!

Chen Bo summoned three alchemist Gu and asked them to continue refining elixirs and Gu, and deduce the recipes of elixirs and Gu.

It must be said that these three alchemist Gu insects, with the word "refining" in their names, also have certain strengths in the aspect of refining.

As for Chen Bo himself, he has his own practice, which is to engrave the beast power on his body.

The next day, he went to find Shang Mujiao.

After confirming that Shang Mujiao did not recognize him, he left peacefully.

Rejected Shang Mujiao's recruitment.

Chen Bo could sense from Shang Mujiao's words and deeds that his life was not smooth after returning to the family, and he did not overthrow the people who wanted to murder him.

In the following days, Chen Bo's life was stable and monotonous.

The first one is to practice, nourish the empty cavity, and use the force insect to increase strength. This move is mainly to obtain the phantom of beast power and prepare for entering the inheritance of the Three Kings.

The second one is to refine the Gu, refine the elixir, and refine the person!

Refining Gu is mainly for selling money to maintain economic stability, which includes Huiyuan Dan Gu, which is from the first to the third turn, and the fourth turn is not sold!

As for the all-out Gu, Chen Bo succeeded after refining it fourteen times, which cost a great price, and it was only the third turn. There is still a long way to go to the fourth turn.

However, he didn't want to upgrade it. It depends too much on luck and too much money. These fourteen times cost him hundreds of thousands of yuan.

To the outside world, he claimed that he had the all-out Gu, the all-out Gu, and the power Gu, which were all the power inheritances he accidentally obtained before, and he didn't reveal that he had the all-out Gu.

Refining elixirs, mostly refining word pills, combining pills, saving them, and refining other pills, such as the Pillow Pill and Sudan!

Once Chen Bo has Sudan and Pillow Pill, he will enter the dream.

Fang Yuan's second pillow has been conquered, and it is gone after he ascended to immortality.

The first pillow, after advancing one scene, is difficult to advance.

Bai Ningbing's pillow has long been useless, and the Bai family's head pillow has been used.

Gu Yuebo, the head of the Gu Yue clan, has also used his pillow, and his Moon Dao has improved a little, but it has not yet reached the quasi-master level.

Since then, other people's pillows are gone, and Chen Bo can only enter his own dream and accumulate dream Dao Gu materials.

After conquering these pillows, his Blood Dao realm has reached the master level, and his Slave Dao has also improved to the quasi-master level, and the Water Dao has also reached the quasi-master level.

Refining people refers to refining human Gu worms and refining alchemist Gu. Chen Bo has refined a total of five alchemist Gu, and he can't afford to raise more.

Chen Bo has a lot of Gu worms on his body, and the resource consumption is very large.

The third one is... when I have nothing to do, I listen to music in the brothel. I omit 10,000 words here. Chen Bo said you don't like to watch it.

The fourth one is the martial arts arena competition.

His sudden appearance brought a great change in the power structure of the martial arts arena.

Originally, the martial arts arena in Shangjia City was divided into two sides. One was Yan Tu, a fourth-level flame Gu Master, and the other was Ju Kaibei, a strength Gu Master!

Now, there is one more person, Lin Chuang, who mainly practices strength and supplements sound.

Fang Yuan, a third-level cultivator, has been hanging around in the martial arts arena and has a strong reputation, but he is not qualified to challenge Chen Bo.

Chen Bo is looking forward to Fang Yuan making a name for himself and then challenging him.

According to Fang Yuan's plan, he will challenge himself.

One day, a piece of news reached Chen Bo's ears.

An auction will be held in Shangjia City.

Since he had Dan Nao, Chen Bo recalled many details. He knew that there would be coolie Gu and many other resources in this auction, but he didn't need them. His own strength was enough and his accumulation was almost enough.

His energy was mainly focused on cultivation and strength growth.

Strength and combat power, attacking is the power of several beasts, under the effect of all-out Gu, the power of beasts is 100%, healing is the self-reliance Gu, defense depends on the improvement brought by the body tempering pill and bone refining pill, as well as a golden Gang Gu purchased later.

Mobility is a shortcoming, and he can only rely on horsepower phantom or eagle wing Gu, but he already has the recipe of leisurely strolling Gu, and is preparing to upgrade it.

This Gu is the fourth turn, which is upgraded from the leisurely strolling Gu. It can make people's steps real and fake, the body is ethereal and uncertain, and the straight-line movement speed is also very fast.

For long-range combat, it depends on the sound waves of beast roar, and he has the recipe of the fourth turn thunder tiger roar Gu, which is also preparing to upgrade it.

So, he received the invitation to the auction, but did not attend it, but practiced at home.

Days passed, one month, two months, half a year...

Chen Bo's cultivation reached the fourth turn middle stage.

The name Lin Chuang gradually became famous in the martial arts field, and Chen Bo had already made a name for himself.

In the martial arts arena, three powers stood side by side, and a pair of black and white demons were also in full force.

People were looking forward to the encounter between these five people.

"Brother Lin Chuang, please don't be offended by my sudden visit." One day, Wei Yang came to visit.

Chen Bo put down his practice and came out to greet him.

"I wonder why my dear brother Wei Yang is here?"

Chen Bo was much younger than Wei Yang.

But in terms of strength, he was one level higher than the other party, so he directly called him dear brother.

Strength is respected.

Wei Yang gladly accepted this title.

"Since Brother Lin Chuang came to Shangjia City, he has been a big shot in the martial arts arena. He has won all 28 battles and is the most popular. I have admired him for a long time. Today, I want to invite Brother Lin Chuang to my home so that we can get to know each other."

"I wanted to invite Brother Lin Chuang after the last auction, but Brother Lin Chuang was busy practicing and did not go."

Hearing this, Chen Bo asked, "I wonder if Brother Wei Yang has invited anyone else?"

"This banquet is only for Brother Lin Chuang." Wei Yang replied.

Chen Bo nodded, and Dan ideas kept coming up in his brain. Thoughts flew and collided, making him think quickly and understand things at a glance.

[Haha, this Wei Yang, I'm afraid he is not here on behalf of Shang Yanfei to try to recruit me. 】

If Fang Yuan is present at the banquet this time, it means that Fang Yuan wants to get to know him and then issue a challenge.

If Shang Yanfei's sons are present, it means that he wants to make connections and let the other party recruit him.

There was no outsider, so it was probably Shang Yanfei's intention to recruit him secretly, just like he recruited Ju Kaibei and Yan Tu.

On the surface, Yan Tu and Ju Kaibei were competing for the position of the outsider elder of the Shang family, but in fact, they had already been recruited by Shang Yanfei.

Wei Yang came this time to test "Lin Chuang" to see if this person is worth recruiting, what his temperament is like, and how loyal he is.

"Thank you very much, brother Wei Yang. I will pack up now and leave as you like."

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