Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 161 Leaving the Merchant City

"Qin Qi" walked in the forest, and calculated the distance, and was already very far away from Shangjia City.

He could slow down a bit.

Wearing a vest, Chen Bo successfully left the range of Shangjia City.

Fang Yuan's pillow had been replaced by a new one, so he wasted a little time and even thoughtfully replaced the other party with an identical one to prevent the other party from falling asleep on the pillow.

After doing this, he left Shangjia City. That place cannot be stayed for long.

Shangjia City, but there is a Gu Immortal sitting in it.

Gu Immortal looks at Gu Masters like people look at ants.

Perhaps people will stop and watch when they see ants moving.

Lin Chuang fled with the inheritance of the esophagus, and Shangjia City was in a commotion. It was really like a group of ants leaving the nest. Gu Immortals might really pay attention to this.

So after Chen Bo got Fang Yuan's pillow, he immediately fled far away.

Moreover, the opening of the Three Kings Mountain inheritance is not far away, and the preparations are sufficient, so you can go there!

Looking at the large number of dog-controlling Gu, paper crane Gu, and egg-exploding Gu in the empty cavity, Chen Bo felt satisfied.

[Haha, Fang Yuan, I'll give you another surprise! ]

He bought these three Gu insects on the market in the merchant city.

These three Gu insects are the key to entering the Three Kings inheritance.

Only by entering the Three Kings inheritance can you enter the Tyrant Turtle Blessed Land and have the opportunity to see the earth spirit!

At this moment, Chen Bo has a fourth-level intermediate cultivation. When walking in the wild, his stamina has greatly increased. If he meets a beast king, he will most likely kill him.

If you meet the Beast King, you should just ignore him. If you don't want to provoke him, he will run away. He can't afford to provoke him. The Beast King is comparable to the Gu Master, and he is thick-skinned and tough. The Gu Master doesn't want to provoke him easily.

He dares not provoke the strange beasts, which are stronger than the Beast King.

While walking on the road, Chen Bo used his mind to use several things. He has the Dan Brain, a killer move of the Dan Dao. With the help of the Dan Brain, he can continuously produce Dan Yi, which is good at deduction.

Occasionally, when the surroundings are safe, he will call out the Alchemist Gu and exchange the Dan recipe with the other party.

In this way, he kept moving forward and continued to deduce in his mind.

Suddenly one day, he was happy, and another killer move was successfully deduced.

[Success! Success! ]

Chen Bo blinked his phoenix eyes and observed the surroundings.

Not long after, he found a Ten Thousand Beast King inside and outside the door. This was a lone Ten Thousand Beast King.

In the past, he didn't dare to provoke the Ten Thousand Beast King and avoided it.

Now, it is easy to attack and escape.

Chen Bo approached the territory of the King of Beasts.

After a closer look, he recognized the King of Beasts as a giant lava turtle, with thick defense and belonging to the Flame Path.

The giant lava turtle also felt that Chen Bo had invaded his territory, but he did not care much.

He was lazy and wanted to lie down when he was not on his face, absorbing the heat of the sun and the heat of the ground.

Chen Bo raised his hand and punched, and a boar phantom was ejected by him.

This boar phantom turned from virtual to real in the blink of an eye and rushed towards the giant lava turtle.

Chen Bo punched again, and a goshawk phantom flew out, turning from virtual to real and flying into the sky.

At this time, the giant lava turtle could not react. The invader in front of him wanted to attack him.


돗 was lying on the ground, but he immediately stood up, raised his head and looked at Chen Bo.

The wild boar rushed towards 돗, and opened his mouth and howled on the way.

The giant lava turtle was annoyed by the wild boar's howling, shook his head and made a low sound.

This was based on the force mark engraved by the wild boar's impact Gu on his body.

With the all-out Gu and the voice Gu as the core, the sound wave Gu and the strength Gu as the secondary core, and the pig howling Gu, the bronze gong Gu, the hoarseness Gu and other Gu insects added, it formed a killing move that mixed sound and force.

Although there are fourth-level Gu insects, the level of this killing move is still at the third level.

The giant lava turtle was disturbed by the wild boar's howling and felt very uncomfortable.

In the sky, another hawk sent out a similar sound wave killing move - the eagle cry.

This made the giant lava turtle even more uncomfortable, and instantly aroused its animal nature.

Chen Bo punched out another thunder wolf, and while running towards the giant lava turtle, he opened his mouth and shouted the sound of a wolf howl.

Without the labor Gu, Chen Bo could only send out one shadow in his hand at a time.

But with the strength Gu, after turning the virtual into the real, he could send out the next one.

Chen Bo controlled the wild boar, thunder wolf, and hawk, and began to fight with the giant lava turtle.

The wild boar hit the giant lava turtle hard, causing it to be knocked several meters away.

The thunder wolf was agile and not suitable for rushing, but it used its flexible movement and jumped to find the weak defense of the giant lava turtle.

The hawk in the sky also swooped down from time to time, and took away a mouthful of flesh and blood when it took off.

The giant lava turtle was trapped by the three beast powers, and was not good at moving, so it kept getting hit in the same place.

But its strength was there after all, and it often seized the opportunity to destroy a beast power in a few attacks.

The destruction of the beast power was equivalent to the destruction of a third-level killing move.

Chen Bo had to bear some backlash damage, and the destroyed beast power could not be used again in a short time.


The wild boar beast power was destroyed.


The thunder wolf beast power was also destroyed.

Only the eagle beast power was still soaring in the air, and the lava rushed from bottom to top, but was evaded nimbly.

Seeing this, Chen Bo raised his hand and fought.

The next moment, a galloping horse rushed out. This galloping horse had no sound wave means, and Chen Bo did not have the horse neighing Gu, which was a general third-level killing move.

Then, he also used the power of the brown bear and the black python.

These two also did not have sonic abilities.

However, Chen Bo then used the Green Lion Beast Power and the White Tiger Beast Power.

The Green Lion Beast Power is about the same as the Wild Boar Beast Power, but the White Tiger Beast Power is the strongest in the field and has reached the fourth level.

The White Tiger Beast Power consists of the Tiger Roar Gu and the Sound Wave Gu, both of which are fourth-level Gu insects!

The six major beast powers besieged the giant lava turtle.

Chen Bo was multitasking, and with the blessing of the Dan Brain, he did not feel any difficulty, but was very comfortable with it, and even continued to open more.

With the increase of the White Tiger Beast Power, every tiger roar sound wave caused the giant lava turtle to suffer more injuries. Under the siege of several major beast powers, the giant lava turtle gradually became weaker.

But he was not weak either, and occasionally, he would explode a beast power.

However, for Chen Bo, after a period of time, the beast power will be restored and he will use it again to join the battlefield.

This is the glory of the upper force, and this is the method created by the wild demon lord. Later, he also carried forward this method and formed the totem killing move.

Now Chen Bo has a hint of imitating this killing move, and further turned this killing move into the channel's divine text killing move.

It can be imagined that when Chen Bo fights in the future, he will shake his body, and a large amount of divine text will fall, turning into a word text and a ten thousand word text, surrounding the opponent.

Among them, the beast text is more like a wild beast, roaring, colliding, biting, and spewing fire and thunder!

Moreover, it is thick-skinned and cannot be broken in a short time. Even if it is broken, it will become some radicals and can be recombined into a new divine text!

The beautiful fantasy ended, Chen Bo controlled the white tiger beast power, jumped down, and took the life of the lava giant turtle.

Among these beast powers.

He liked the white tiger the most.

If he could upgrade his white tiger beast power and all-out Gu to the fourth level later, this killer move would be at the peak of the fourth level, and he would be the best among all the heroes.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Chen Bo took back the beast power and continued his journey.

He walked and stopped, bumped and bumped, killed the weak and avoided the strong.

Four months later, Chen Bo finally arrived near the Chilling Mountain.

The inheritance of the Three Kings was also opened a month ago.

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