After seeing the big things in Merchant City, Xiao Zuojia, Chen Bo didn't look at the Gu insects he needed.

Gu materials and voodoo food are a little more supplementary. After all, walking outside only takes a small amount of time, and the consumption of one's own supplies is about one-fifth.

Sanwang Mountain is also very vast. Chen Bo relied on his level 4 cultivation to easily obtain possession of a cave.

The Gu Master who originally occupied this cave, under Chen Bo's cultivation, left with a smile without a fight. Before leaving, he even helped Chen Bo clean up. Chen Bo praised him for being really diligent and tidy.

After calming down, Chen Bo began to practice.

Now, everyone is waiting for the inheritance of the Three Kings. Who will be stupid enough to run around, provoke right and wrong, and harm others and ourselves.

Hua Hua Hua——

The surface of the True Essence Sea rises and falls, the waves rise and fall, and the bright gold True Essence of the fourth level is mercilessly washing away at the four walls of the hole.

The next moment, a Gu insect turned into gold powder in the hole and landed on the surrounding walls.

With the effect of the golden relic Gu and the passage of time, the wall of the empty orifice gradually changed from a water film to a 녪 film.

Opening his eyes, Chen Bo exhaled a breath of thick air.

Fourth level high level!

Since breaking through the third level, I have relied on myself to break through the small realm. Only during the quiet days in Merchant City, I relied on myself to warm and nourish the void. The rest was mostly pushed up by the relic Gu.

Relic Gu does not have any side effects, and there is no such thing as a frivolous foundation.

It can only be said that the breakthrough is too fast and it is not suitable for the improvement of the quality of the true energy in the empty orifice.

In Fang Yuan's dream, Chen Bo had even been a Gu Immortal, so how could he be stumbling over such a small problem.

At the fourth high level, there is another golden relic Gu, and I am ready to sprint to the fifth level.

In terms of cultivation, he is two small realms ahead of Fang Yuan.

Today, Fang Yuan has broken through Rank 4.

However, Chen Bo's current level four Gus only have Word Gu, Sound Wave Gu, and Tiger Roar Gu.

Rank 4 is high level, and there are only three rank 4 Gu worms.

Chen Bo felt that speaking out would be a bit embarrassing to the devil outside the world.

Look at Fang Yuan, there is a rank six Gu insect Spring Autumn Cicada on his body, and there will be a second rank six Gu insect Dingxianyou soon.

Chen Bo couldn't steal it at all. He couldn't restrain Spring Autumn Cicada. If he grabbed the opportunity to refine Dingxianyou, wouldn't he expose himself under Fang Yuan's eyes?

Fang Yuan could not obtain the Fixed Immortal Journey, nor could he obtain the Second Sky Aperture Gu, so it was unlikely that he could activate the Spring Autumn Cicada to self-destruct and be reborn.

But, God will do it!

God will help him self-destruct, and if he comes back with his memories, then Chen Bo can just declare that he is done.

Who can play as a rollback player?

If you can't deal with Chen Bo once, then twice. If you can't deal with Chen Bo twice, then three times.

You say the Spring and Autumn Cicada needs to be restored?

Then she gave him time to recover, and when he almost recovered, he self-destructed. No matter how long it took, God could bring Fang Yuan back to the time point she wanted Fang Yuan to return to.

Chess pieces, be prepared to be manipulated.

An opportunity has been arranged for you, no matter who tries to snatch it, it will not work.

Unless Fang Yuan can find a way to eliminate the will of God in Spring Autumn Cicada.

But Fang Yuan in the mortal period couldn't do it at all. Even if he became an immortal, it would be difficult, difficult, difficult!

If it weren't for the ghost's help, Fang Yuan wouldn't be able to get rid of the providence in Spring Autumn Cicada. He didn't even know about providence.

Therefore, Chen Bo never thought of snatching Fang Yuan's opportunity. It was arranged by God and could not be snatched away.

Can only pick up leaks.


It can't be killed, and it can't be robbed. It's lucky to be able to pick it up!

The days that followed became much more monotonous.

Fang Yuan hasn't come yet, the Three Kings Mountain inheritance is still open, and there is no one outside that Chen Bo wants to deal with. He is practicing, reasoning, and refining Gu in a low-key manner.

As the days passed, a rank-4 high-level Gu Master named Li Xian came to Three Kings Mountain.

This person rarely goes out and is a businessman with good reputation in the devil's way.

Compared with the Zuo Family and Che Family, Li Xian can buy a lot more things here, and it can compete with the business in Merchant City.

Its background is not small.

Chen Bo heard about this person and invited him to his place for a banquet the next day.

Li Xian's cultivation level is the same as his own, so there's no reason to go find him by himself, right?

Chen Bo's level four high-level cultivation has long been discovered by others.

Li Xian came as expected, and business was his top priority.

Chen Bo has a simple table and stool in the cave.

"Sit down, Li Xian, when I heard you were coming, I wanted to help you find a good place to stay temporarily, but I didn't expect you to have already found it yourself." Chen Bo wanted to do business with the other party, but he still showed politeness. side.

"Oh, brother Qin Kegu, you are going to break me. What virtue and ability can I have? Please help me find a solution. I heard you were here and came to visit you as soon as possible."

Li Xian is also a slippery person. He directly said that he came here by himself, not by Chen Bo's invitation.

"Brother Qin, we are neighbors on the Three Kings Mountain, so we all have to take care of each other."

Chen Bo smiled and said, "It's easy to talk, come on, let me tell you directly, I want to take care of your business this time."

After Chen Bo finished speaking, he took out a few Gu insects that he had recently refined.

"This is..." Li Xian was confused.

"For sale, there is also this." Chen Bo took out a silver relic Gu, "Do you know where I got this Gu?"

When Li Xian heard this, his mind was spinning, and he already guessed that it must be from the inheritance of the Three Kings. Is it possible that you can refine it?

The silver relic Gu is useless to the two of them, but the point is that this Gu can actually be obtained from the Three Kings inheritance. Doesn't that mean that the fourth-level relic Gu can also be obtained?

"Haha, I guess you guessed it too." Chen Bo asked and answered himself, "Yes, this is obtained from the Three Kings inheritance. How about this news for free, as my gift to you."

Li Xian immediately stood up and bowed, "This kindness, I, Li Xian, have nothing to repay."

"It's okay, sit down and talk," Chen Bo said, "Look at this again?"

Chen Bo took out a lot of Gu worms in succession.

All are first-level Gu worms.

Dog Taming Gu, Paper Crane Gu, Exploding Egg Gu.

Although these three Gu worms are first-level and more common, they have become rare due to the Three Kings Mountain, and the price has been hyped up several times.

"Li Xian, to be honest, these are all bought by me in advance." Chen Bo said.

"Buy in advance?" Li Xian grasped the key point very well.

"Yes, I got a legacy before. Although the level is only the third turn, there is a little information in it, which is about the inheritance of the three kings." Chen Bo said.

Although I can't snatch Fang Yuan's great opportunity, I can snatch this information and sell it!

Of course, he won't reveal it all at once, but sell it bit by bit.

When Fang Yuan comes and takes a look, he will be dumbfounded again!

"Li Xian, I think you know what I'm going to do." Chen Bo continued, "The price of these Gu worms has increased several times now. You can make a profit if you sell them out."

"I don't care how high the price you can sell is. You just need to give me five times the normal price of these Gu worms now. You can make the extra money. I'm not suitable for business."

Li Xian smiled gently on his face, but he was slightly angry in his heart. You call this unsuitable for business?

Chen Bo continued, "The rest is this information..."

Chen Bo stretched out his voice.

Li Xian instantly cheered up, "Please speak."

"Haha, I don't want much, just two level 4 Gu worms, and I'll give them to you."

Li Xian frowned when he heard this, you must be kidding, you must be kidding.

You call this giving it to me?

So I'm also giving you two level 4 Gu worms?

You're a weird business man.

For people who cultivate Gu, it's not called buying, it's called giving, right?

However, after Li Xian read the information given by Chen Bo, and then looked at the Gu worms that Chen Bo wanted, he thought about it and it was not impossible!

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