Fang Yuan walked out of the academy. More than two days had passed since the graduation examination.

Although he had been sprinting for the second turn a few days ago, it still took him more than two days to complete the sprint.

The moment he stepped out of the academy, it meant that he could never go back.

Even if he stepped back, the academy could not control him or protect him.

He had graduated and was no longer a student. Now he was a Gu Master of the Gu Yue clan.

The sick snake quartet was waiting for Fang Yuan.

"Fang Yuan, you really kept us waiting for a long time." Gu Yue Jiao San said.

Fang Yuan touched his nose, lowered his head slightly, and said: "Let's enjoy the time in the academy for the last time. Team leader, you won't blame me, right?"

"Of course not, come, I'll get the family's Gu Master uniform for you, change it quickly, and I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the family's tasks."

Fang Yuan took over the uniform. It was a dark blue martial arts uniform and a navy blue belt. There was a copper plate inlaid on the front, and a "one" was engraved on the copper plate.

It means that this is a first-turn Gu Master.

Fang Yuan took out the belt and said lightly: "What a coincidence, team leader, this belt doesn't seem to fit me."

"Hmm?" Gu Yuejiao frowned slightly.

Then Fang Yuan continued: "Team leader, I accidentally broke through the second level last night."

"This belt, maybe I need you to change it for me."

"What...what?" The other members of the sick snake team were originally looking at Fang Yuan leisurely, but now they all looked sideways and stared at Fang Yuan intently.

Fang Yuan smiled slightly, revealing the aura of the second level of cultivation.

[Now, what are you going to do? ]

Fang Yuan sneered in his heart.

This sick snake team suddenly asked to recruit him, seemingly to save himself, and seemingly because he ranked first in the graduation assessment.

Haha, in fact, someone secretly instructed.

Fang Yuan didn't figure out who would do this at first, but after a night, the answer was about to come out.

Besides his uncle, who else?

His uncle wanted to swallow up the inheritance left by his deceased parents.

So he had to send someone to watch him, suppress him, and make him unable to turn over and take back the property.

Taking back the property has certain procedures and tasks. If he is always led by Gu Yue Jiao San, how can he have time to accept the property task?

When he is in the first turn, he must let it go.

In order to prevent Fang Yuan from taking the property task, Gu Yue Jiao San will not simply accept the task and take Fang Yuan with him.

But the second turn, hehe, is on an equal footing. He can give up a task once a year, so he can turn around and take the property task.

Gu Yue Kong Jing looked at Fang Yuan and was shocked beyond words.

Is he really a third-class?

Why did he break through to the second turn after only two days of not seeing him.

Impossible, impossible! ! !


Chen Bo shuttled through the snow.

On his side was his father, in front of him was Gu Yue Hu Lai.

Behind him was Gu Yue Ji Ji.

Gu Yue Jiang Bao was investigating from a farther distance.

This was Chen Bo's first mission.

Before he graduated, he was valued by the Refining Hall and had to join the Refining Hall after graduation.

But the family still needed Gu Masters to form a team to go out on missions, collect cultivation resources, or clear out beasts, so Chen Bo had to join the team and become a tool of the family in addition to reporting to the Refining Hall.

Chen Bo had no choice but to become a tool.

On the other hand, Fang Yuan used the wave to successfully harm his teammates and became the team leader. He did not recruit anyone and still went alone.

Chen Bo could not do this because he did not have this awareness yet and could not do it. He had never killed anyone...

"Chen Bo, this is your first mission. You will be responsible for watching from the outside later." Gu Yue Chen Wei said.

At this time, there is no father-son relationship.

"Okay." Chen Bo responded.

Not long after, Jiang Bao in front raised his hand to signal to stop moving forward.

"There are wolves ahead." Gu Yue Hu Lai said, "As many as 27!"

Jiang Bao was still a long distance away from Hu Lai and the others. He didn't speak, but only made a gesture. Obviously, he couldn't transmit information so accurately.

This means that Jiang Bao has a Gu worm in his hand, which can transmit silently over a long distance.

To investigate Gu Masters, we have to take the passage.

"Too many, avoid them." Chen Wei said.

Ji Ji agreed.

Among the five people in their team, only Chen Wei and Hu Lai have stronger combat power, and Jiang Bao has some combat power.

Ji Ji is at the peak of his first turn, treating Gu Masters. He has no combat Gu worms on his body, so his combat power is weak.

Chen Bo has just joined. He looks good in the graduation arena competition, but this is in the wild, so he can't be compared. It's not suitable to take him on an adventure.

More than ten wolves can be tried, but more than twenty is a bit too much.

Hu Lai nodded and led the team to turn.

The task they accepted this time was to eliminate 100 wild wolves.

It's enough to add up the number, and there is no need to kill them all at once.

For the wolf pack in front of them, without Chen Bo, they could try to set traps and kill them. After all, wild animals have low intelligence, and with Chen Bo, it would be a flaw.

What if the wolf pack came to attack Chen Bo, what should Chen Bo do in a panic, and he would have to distract himself to protect Chen Bo.

After a while, they encountered a small wolf pack with seven wolves.

This time they could take action.

Gu Yue Hu Lai took the lead and rushed into the wolf pack, attracted some hatred, and immediately retreated.

The wolf pack immediately chased him.

After running a few meters and turning around a hill, Hu Lai jumped five meters forward.

The wolves followed closely behind, but they lost strength under their feet and fell into a trap.

Only the three wolves at the back stopped and did not fall into the trap.

At this time, Gu Yue, Chen Wei and Jiang Bao came out together.

Hu Lai also returned to fight.

Chen Bo revealed his figure and dealt damage to the four wolves in the trap.

When they took him to deal with the four wolves, Hu Lai and the others had also killed three wolves in an instant.

Gu Yue Jiji then stepped forward and began to collect the wolf corpses.

He has a storage voodoo.

The task is to kill a hundred wolves, and the wolf corpses are the team's own trophies.

This task has high risks, high rewards, and a long duration.

If you're not lucky, you may not be able to complete this task in a month.

If you encounter a large pack of wolves, you don't dare to kill them. If you don't encounter a pack of wolves, it's a waste of time.

Fortunately, there are many wolves this winter.

A few people packed up and moved on.

In fact, these seven wolves do not need traps and can fight directly.

Just take Chen Bo, this newcomer, and teach him how to use wisdom to fight, so that he doesn't become reckless all day long.

Several people continued to move forward.

Qingmao Mountain is very big, and they only met one family team during their whole day's walking. They saw each other from a distance and parted ways with each other.

This is only the territory of their Gu Yue clan. You should know that there are two cottages in Qingmao Mountain.

Qingmao Mountain is so big, it’s hard to imagine how big Southern Xinjiang is. Anyway, it’s bigger than the earth!

Southern Xinjiang is so big, it’s hard to imagine how big the Five Domains are, and it would be impossible for Chen Bo to complete it in his lifetime.

As night fell, several people began to retreat.

In the mountain forest, wolves roared constantly.

The mountain forest at night is very dangerous, the visibility is not good, and this is also when wolves are active.

Even if they don't go home to rest, they still have to rest near their families.

In the past, Chen Wei said that he had to go home to see his son every day, so their work cycle was short.

Now, they estimate that they will not return home once every ten days and a half.

At night, several people took turns keeping vigil.

Before falling asleep, Chen Wei was transmitting experience of survival in the wild to Chen Bo.

At dawn the next day, Hu Lai led the team and set off.

After walking a few steps, I saw a team coming from the direction of the family.

Chen Bo took a look and saw that it was actually the Sick Snake Group.

Fang Yuan!

Fang Yuan was obviously in the team.

When Gu Yue Jiao San saw Gu Yue Hu Lai, he immediately prepared to step forward to say hello.

Hu Lai also stopped. He was not familiar with Jiao San, but saw Fang Yuan and felt that Chen Bo should catch up with Fang Yuan. After all, they were in the same class.

However, Fang Yuan glanced at Chen Bo but did not speak.

Chen Bo looked at the word "二" on Fang Yuan's belt and praised: "Fang Yuan, I didn't expect you to have broken through the second level."

Fang Yuan just nodded without saying anything. In his mind, he was thinking about how to get rid of these people and collect the family property.

He has the conditions, but he still needs a chance.

[It seems that my sponsorship of Fang Yuan’s Yuanshi has made him grow faster. ] Chen Bo secretly said.

Seeing that Chen Bo and Fang Yuan didn't start chatting, Hu Lai said goodbye to Jiao San Group and continued to hunt wild wolves.

Gu Yue Jiao San watched Hu Lai's group leave and then looked at Chen Bo.

[It’s all this guy. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He challenges Fang Yuan every now and then, using Yuan Stone as a bet, but he never wins. 】

[If he hadn't done this, how could Fang Yuan have accumulated so many multi-dimensional stones and practiced so quickly? 】

Jiao San feels very uncomfortable now. He is under too much pressure. He has to keep an eye on Fang Yuan all the time. If he is not careful, Fang Yuan will catch the opportunity to receive the family property task.

In this way, the matter assigned to him by Fang Yuan's uncle Gu Yue Dongtu was ruined. He had received thousands of yuan stones in advance!

Chen Bo continued to follow the team. After a few days, he gradually adapted, took more and more shots, and showed his style.

"I didn't expect you to be so good, son." Chen Wei praised, "Originally, I thought it would take you a long time to adapt. After all, things in school are not as bad as in the wild."

"Even if you often go to the mountains and forests around the village, the level of danger in these places is very different."

"Brother Chen Weiwei, you don't understand," Gu Yue Jiji said: "Chen Bo worked very hard when he was in the school. Didn't he often go to Fang Yuan to learn from each other?"

"That boy Fang Yuan, I also watched him in the arena competition. He is simply amazing. He is born to fight."

Previously, Gu Yuejiji treated Chen Bo for injuries caused by the backlash of refining Gu, with a cold tone and even charged a fee.

Now, I want to praise Chen Bo and greet him with a smile.

Just because Chen Bo was at the first level before, but now, Chen Bo is at the second level.

Gu Yue Ji Musi is the peak of the first rank. He still needs to accumulate enough Yuanshi before he can hope to try to break through the second rank for the third time.

It is not that he has never tried to break through the second rank before, but for him with a C-level qualification, his own true energy is not enough to break through the second rank. He needs to absorb the true essence in the essence stone.

This requires him to do two things at once, absorbing the Yuan Stone while urging the True Yuan to wash away the crystal membrane.

In the previous few times, he made a mistake, resulting in a failed breakthrough. Not only was he injured, but his Yuanshi was also wasted, and he had to save up again.

If Fang Zheng were to break through, hehe, there would be no need to absorb the Yuan Stone, it would only take a little more time to break through.

His true energy is completely sufficient, and he recovers quickly!

With good qualifications, it is easy to achieve big breakthroughs.

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