Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 32 Searching Chen Bo's Soul

Xiong Li looked unhappy, he lost.

[The mission given to me by the family seems to be difficult to complete. ]

Although this was not a proper battle between Gu Masters, his loss would ruin the family's reputation and ruin the family's plan.

This is not just about personal victory or defeat.

If the three major families want to form an alliance, they must negotiate. The foundation of negotiation is strength. Xiong Li must know Fang Yuan. His purpose is to challenge Fang Yuan, because Fang Yuan solved the River Swallowing Toad, which is a good bargaining chip for negotiation.

You see, we solved the River Swallowing Toad, but it solved the hidden dangers for the three major families of Qingmao Mountain.

Xiong Li's goal is to defeat Fang Yuan, so as to offset the weight of the bargaining chips brought to the Guyue clan by the River Swallowing Toad incident.

You see, my strength is greater than Fang Yuan, which means that I can also deal with the River Swallowing Toad. The River Swallowing Toad does not pose a threat to my clan.

This time, the fight between Xiong Li and Chen Bo was just a pure competition of strength. Xiong Li inevitably suffered a loss. He had already cultivated the strength of a bear through the brown bear's original strength Gu, and with the bear's howl Gu, he could increase the strength of another bear in a short time. The strength of the two bears would definitely beat Chen Bo.

But Chen Bo took the lead and put forward a preliminary requirement, not to use Gu worms.

Xiong Lin shouted angrily: "If you don't fight with Gu worms, what kind of Gu master are you? Come, I will fight you."

As a newcomer, Xiong Lin is a student of Xiongjiazhai who graduated at the same time as Chen Bo according to his age. At this moment, his cultivation level is only the first stage of the second turn.

Chen Bo sneered: "You? Only the first stage of the second turn, I don't want to bully the weak."

"It's not impossible to use Gu worms, but I have already won, why should I fight with you?"

"Unless you can come up with the capital to gamble!"

Xiong Lin was about to speak, but Xiong Li held him back.

"The title of the strongest man in Qingmao Mountain is yours. I am not as skilled as you, so I admit defeat."

"We came here with the sincerity of cooperation. We hope that the three mountain strongholds on Qingmao Mountain can work together to fight against the wolf tide. Now that the mission is completed, I will not stay any longer."

"Chishan, it seems that your younger generation of clansmen are very excellent."

Chishan's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard this.

Obviously, everyone is from the Guyue clan. Chen Bo's move is to make the family look good, so he should be happy.

But he lost, Chen Bo won, and Xiong Li said so at this moment, how can it not make people think about it.

The old man is not as good as the new man, and Chishan's words will be heard in the mountain stronghold, and his reputation will decline in the future.

I only heard Xiong Li continue to say:

"Brother Chen Bo, as for the fight, there is no rush. I believe we will meet again soon."

After saying this, Xiong Li turned around and left with his team members.

Chen Bo was a little surprised. According to other online novels, Xiong Li should have taken out the Gu worm, gambled boldly, and then won and obtained the Gu worm?

[Xiong Li is not a fool.] Chen Bo sighed, [No, the Gu Masters and Gu Immortals in this world are not fools.]

[That's not right, Fang Zheng is more stupid...]

Why did Xiong Li agree to Chen Bo's bet?

His target is Fang Yuan.

This is not the time for the two families to have a real alliance. They need to gamble with each other and compete to determine the winner.

Chen Bo is also a high-level second-level transformation. The victory or defeat is ambiguous. If he wins, it will be a big face.

But what if he loses?

Now, he has one win and one loss, and he has not ruined the reputation of his own village. Why take the risk?

Besides, he defeated Chishan and lost to Chen Bo. How will Chishan treat Chen Bo in the future?

He said that the newcomer is excellent, and his words are implicit.

The old man is not as good as the new man. How will Chishan deal with the heated discussion among the tribe members?

Will Chishan challenge Chen Bo for this?

Hehehe, not taking action is the best solution.

Chen Bo, you beat me, but you inadvertently provoked the hostility of Chishan. Behind Chishan is the Chiyi lineage. You, Chen Bo, will not like you in the family in the future, hahaha.

Watching Xiong Li lead people away, Chen Bo also turned around and prepared to buy some Gu materials.

He turned around and saw Chishan.

[Not good, Chishan is an old man, and I, a newcomer, stole his limelight...]

Chen Bo only reacted at this moment.

However, Chishan nodded to Chen Bo and did not show any hostility or jealousy.

In Chishan's heart, the family's face is more important than his personal life.

The people around him gradually dispersed, and Chen Bo also left the gate of the mountain village.

The next day, Hu Lai sent a message, asking for a gathering, and the family began to issue a large number of tasks to hunt wolves.

The family leaders have paid attention to the area around Qingmao Mountain. It is obvious that they have noticed the threat of the wolf pack, otherwise they would not have contacted the other two families and intended to form an alliance.

It is just that it is still autumn now, and the wolf tide has not yet erupted. Only a few old, weak, sick and disabled people have been squeezed out of the wolf pack, squeezing the living space of other wild animals, and directly or indirectly squeezing the living space of the human race.

The pressure is not great at this time. The three mountain strongholds have the intention to cooperate, but it cannot be finalized.

Cooperation and alliance will lead to conflicts of interests. Who has more and who has less must be made clear.

In particular, Baijia Village has a tendency to challenge Guyue Mountain Stronghold's position as the number one overlord of Qingmao Mountain.

However, in Fang Yuan's view, these are just pediatrics. Qingmao Mountain is a small place, and three mountain strongholds are competing for supremacy.

And the 100,000 mountains in the southern border are vast and boundless, larger than the earth, and have countless opportunities and inheritances.

In addition to the southern border, there are four regions and two days. This is the distance that Fang Yuan pursues.

Fang Yuan casually threw out a moon blade, killing a bunch of stone monkeys wherever he passed.

He was in a cave, where there was a group of stone monkeys.

The stone monkey died, leaving behind a pair of jade eyes, and the rest of the body parts disappeared with the wind.

Jade eyes, that is, jade, are the food of white pig Gu.

"The treasure of Flower Wine Walker should be almost gone, and my growth is about to reach a bottleneck."

Fang Yuan knew that it was impossible to break through the third turn with his qualifications.

Because breaking through the third turn requires a lot of true essence, and even if he absorbs the Yuan Stone while flushing the acupoint wall, he can't reach the minimum true essence requirement for sprinting to the third turn.

He is not like Chen Bo, who has the assistance of Shengyuan Dan and Huiyuan Dan, and even the foundation-building pill.

If Chen Bo gave him a Shengyuan Dan, Fang Yuan would have a chance to break through the third turn without taking a wrong path.

But in this way, Fang Yuan would remember Chen Bo. This person has such a treasure, he must take it down and master this method!

Fang Yuan killed some stone monkeys, then left the cave, and walked out after hiding.

He did not go straight back to the village, but took a roundabout way, making it difficult to follow.

On the way, he met a wild wolf and easily dealt with it.

Even if it was a wolf pack led by the King of Beasts, Fang Yuan was not afraid. Even if he could not kill it, he could easily retreat.

In the second-level level of Gu Yue Village, he was actually the real first combat power.

He was not invincible against the third-level Gu Master.

Only Gu Yue Qingshu, the second-level, could challenge him.

Chen Bo, who exposed the word pill, might be in his eyes.

Fang Yuan returned to the family with his spoils.

On the way, he heard the news that the three mountain villages were going to form an alliance.

[The family greatly underestimated the scale of this year's beast tide. Even if the three families formed an alliance, they suffered heavy losses in the end. ]

[And it's time for me to prepare to leave. ]

On the way, Fang Yuan heard that Xiong Li defeated Chi Shan, and then Chen Bo suddenly jumped out and defeated Xiong Li.

[Oh? 】Fang Yuan heard Chen Bo's name, [Chen Bo, your cultivation speed is not right, and now your strength is not bad, there must be some secret. ]

[At the beginning, he suddenly had the qualifications and entered the family school. Although he tried his best to cover it up, how could his behavior escape my eyes? ]

[Before leaving, maybe I can go to test his background. If possible, capture him and search for his secrets. ]

Fang Yuan has 500 years of Gu cultivation experience. He has traveled all over the five regions, but he has never seen anyone who said that he had no qualifications at the beginning and suddenly had them the next day.

Even if he doesn't pay attention to the strange thing of suddenly having qualifications, Fang Yuan has never seen anyone with C-level qualifications who can cultivate faster than A-level, and Chen Bo is the bottom of C-level qualifications.

Didn't you see that he had the help of the wine worm and rich experience, but he was only slightly better than Fang Zheng in the early stage?

And when he reached the second level, it was even more outrageous. First of all, he broke through the second level too quickly, which was really suspicious.

Secondly, his cultivation was not slow. Only half a year had passed, and he actually broke through the high level of the second level. How could it be possible without the help of the relic Gu?

Didn't you see Fang Zheng hasn't reached the high level of the second turn yet?

But everything proves that Chen Bo has never obtained the Relic Gu.

The family must be actively investigating Chen Bo, and sending him out to perform a large number of tasks is also a test.

I only reached the middle level of the second turn because I have the Relic Gu!

What makes Fang Yuan feel more interesting is that Chen Bo encouraged students to challenge him and send him Yuanshi in the academy. Is this something a serious young man can do?

Even after graduation, Chen Bo still sent Yuanshi in the name of challenging himself. How can Fang Yuan not be deeply suspicious of Chen Bo.

Is this the brain circuit of a serious person?

Chen Bo's weirdness has long been seen in Fang Yuan's mind. Fang Yuan has already decided to capture this man and torture him for his secrets.

If he gets the Soul Search Gu in the future, he will search his soul, search his soul a thousand times!

It's just that he didn't find an opportunity to do it at this moment.

When Chen Bo goes out, he usually follows the team to go out on missions.

It's too difficult to deal with five people by myself.

[Don't be afraid, there will be a chance under the wolf tide. ]

Fang Yuan went to the family's internal affairs hall to hand over the task.

Qingmao Mountain, in the wild.

Hu Lai led Chen Bo and others to run among the woods.

Behind them, a pack of wolves chased them.

Generally speaking, they were all old, weak, sick and disabled.

The wild wolves that appeared in this time period were eliminated from the wolf pack. They had nowhere to go, so they came to the human territory to survive.

In the eyes of wild wolves, there is no idea that this is human territory.

In their eyes, I am just looking for a place suitable for my survival. Guyue Mountain Village is also a place where wild beasts are entrenched, so let's talk about it with strength.

Hu Lai and others crossed an open space, landed on the ground, and turned to look at the wolf pack behind them.

Among the wolves, the shrewd old wolf looked at the open space in front of them, and they chose to stop chasing immediately because of their experience.

The other wild wolves plunged into the open space and fell into the trap in an instant, being stabbed to death by the sharp bamboo spears in the trap.

Hu Lai swung his hand and three moon blades flew out, killing the wild wolves that had survived the pit.

Chen Bo pushed with both palms, and a ball of fire was pushed out by him, flying towards the opposite wolf pack.

Jiang Bao appeared on one side of the wolf pack at this moment, and used his tricks one after another, and iron needles flew out from his back, killing the wolf pack.

Chen Wei appeared on the other side and killed the wolf pack.

Gu Yuepeng also took action.

While carrying the healing Gu worm, he also bought a stone skin Gu.

Because Hu Lai's team was given a lot of tasks some time ago, and received a lot of funds and contributions, he also had the capital to raise three poisonous insects.

A team of five people began to hunt wild wolves.

The wild wolves immediately retreated when they saw that the situation was not right.

If Hu Lai arranged someone to attack from behind the wild wolves, he might be able to capture more wild wolves, but this would undoubtedly increase the crisis.

The wolves were surrounded on all sides, and they might become more brutal and dangerous out of their survival instinct, which would increase the risk of injury or death.

This is a tactic of "surrounding three and missing one", which is a suggestion brought by Chen Bo.

We don't need to annihilate the wolf pack, and we don't need to take the risk of encircling them. On the contrary, this kind of chasing and fighting will expand the results of the battle and be safer.

This is the wisdom of our ancestors.

Not long after, several people stopped chasing. There were not many wild wolves escaping, so they could go back to collect the spoils.

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