Bai Chongshui is white and plump. If she were in the Tang Dynasty in Chen Bo's previous life, she would not have had trouble finding a husband.

She slowly stepped onto the stage and challenged Chen Bo.

Both sides stood still, and Chen Bo took the lead, attacking with a classic fireball.

Bai Chongshui snorted coldly, and the capybara Gu in her air cavity was activated, and her body immediately became flexible, which was out of tune with her body.

Although the fireball did not seem to do much damage, it did not sound very good either.

But in fact, the surface temperature of the fireball was very high. Just getting close to it would make people feel hot on the skin. If they were in contact for a while, their skin would be burned.

However, most of the Gu masters in Baijiazhai walked on waterways, and Bai Chongshui was no exception.

She first relied on the body enhancement brought to her by the capybara Gu to quickly dodge to the side, and then she activated the stream Gu.

A drop of water spit out from her mouth, and in mid-air, it gradually turned into a small stream, wrapping the flying fireball.

The fireball was getting smaller, and the stream was evaporating.

This was a battle between water and fire.

Su Nan's fireball was more of a test. At this moment, he was already running towards Bai Chongshui.

Bai Chongshui was naturally not afraid of close combat when facing other people. His capybara Gu also increased her strength.

But facing Chen Bo, she didn't dare to fight. Chen Bo's strength was too great. If she was hit, her bones would be broken in an instant.

Bai Chongshui dodged quickly.

Chen Bo followed closely behind, chasing and killing endlessly, and occasionally urging a fireball.

When the fireball attacked, Bai Chongshui could dodge, but don't forget that Chen Bo has the swimming fire Gu, which can make the fireball turn in the air according to his thoughts.

In order to avoid more fireballs behind and besiege her, Bai Chongshui had to use the stream Gu to urge the stream to offset the fireball.

They are all abilities induced by the second-level Gu worms, and no one can do anything to anyone.

At this time, it depends on who has stronger endurance.

In other words, it is the true essence. Whoever has more true essence has the advantage.

In addition to the true essence, it is speed. If Bai Chongshui is fast, she can always escape Chen Bo's fist.

Chen Bo was fast, so when he caught up with Bai Chongshui, he would have won.

Bai Chongshui had her own plan, she just wanted to consume the opponent.

She was of Class B aptitude, Chen Bo was of Class C, and they had already fought a battle before.

In terms of true essence, she had a great advantage.

But she didn't know that Chen Bo's true essence recovery speed exceeded that of Class A. Even if his true essence was insufficient, his recovery speed was fast enough to make him comparable to Class B aptitude.

Bai Chongshui swam for more than ten minutes, frowning slightly. Why hasn't the opponent's true essence run out yet?

Chen Bo was gradually approaching her.

If it weren't for the agility increase brought by the capybara Gu, she would have been caught long ago.

In less than two minutes, she would have been caught.

[Impossible, he still has true essence? ] Bai Chongshui was extremely puzzled.

[Compared to this person, I only have two second-level Gu worms, which are far inferior to his. He has used many Gu worms to increase his strength, which costs money, and I heard that he has at least four Gu worms in his body. ]

[Knowing how to refine Gu is really popular! 】

Bai Chongshui was in a complicated mood. Compared with Chen Bo, she felt so poor.

Although Chen Bo was only a C-class, his cultivation was not low in the second turn. Baijiazhai had collected information about him when Chen Bo was still a high-level second-turn cultivator.

It's just that the information is outdated now.

When the three families met, everyone naturally had to collect information from each other and understand the enemy in order to defeat the enemy.

But now, Bai Chongshui didn't delay enough time, and the true essence fight was not better than Chen Bo.

Chen Bo finally caught the opponent and punched him in the face.

Bai Chongshui raised her hand to block, but couldn't stop it.

One arm was broken by Chen Bo, the bridge of the nose was broken by Chen Bo, and the eye socket was also sunken.

Chen Bo had already retracted his strength, otherwise it would not be a problem to make the opponent's head open with one punch.

Such a small injury can be treated quickly, and there is no need to lie down for too long. Maybe Bai Chongshui will recover in the afternoon.

Chen Bo won two games in a row.

He didn't have much true essence left.

The people of the Baijiazhai all used water channel Gu worms, which were too restraining to his flame channel Gu worms.

If it was the Xiong family, he would have easily burned several of them to death.

At this moment, Chen Bo's true energy was running out, and he did not choose to stay on the stage any longer.

The Gu Yue clan had won two games in a row at the beginning, and had already firmly grasped their position.

With Chen Bo's high-profile performance, Fang Yuan was directly ignored.

Fang Yuan quietly retreated to the edge.

If the family had not forced the younger generation of Gu Masters to come, he would not have bothered to waste time.

After Chen Bo left the stage, Bai Bing from the Baijiazhai immediately went up to challenge the Gu Yue clan Gu Master.

Chen Bo was in the limelight, winning consecutive victories over the Bai and Xiong families, so the two families naturally joined forces temporarily to overthrow the winning streak established by the Gu Yue clan.

This involves the distribution of interests.

Fang Yuan watched two more games from the back, lacking interest. In his eyes, the fights of these people were unremarkable.

Seeing that most of the attention was on the ring, he sneaked away.

Instead of wasting time here, it is better to go back to the cave and kill a few more stone monkeys to capture the treasure of Huajiu Xingzhe as soon as possible.

Chen Bo had been paying attention to Fang Yuan's movements secretly, and when he saw him leave, he stopped caring.

Such a good training opportunity is rare.

He rested for half an hour and jumped onto the stage again.

"Bai Bingyi, come on, you were quite arrogant just now." Chen Bo shouted.

Bai Bingyi frowned, in fact, he didn't want to go on stage again.

But at this moment, the other party named him by name, if he didn't go up, the face of Baijiazhai would be lost by him.

When Chen Bo saw him on stage, he threw a fireball.

Bai Bing immediately raised his hand and used the Water Drill Gu.

A ball of water formed a vortex, spun at high speed, and went towards the fireball, drilling through it directly.

Chen Bo's experience was actually not high, and his strength was not strong.

If it were Fang Yuan, he would be able to immediately determine the opponent's attack direction and speed, react in advance, and control the fireball to avoid the Water Drill Gu.

However, Chen Bo could not do this.

He could only fight hard.

His fireball was more restrained by the Water Drill Gu than Bai Chongshui's stream Gu before.

Fortunately, he still had a pair of powerful fists and white jade Gu defense.

This was the key to his victory.

In the past, he wanted to follow the path of the Thunder King, but because of his shallow combat attainments, he returned to the original close combat.

A qualified Gu Master must take into account all aspects and adapt to all external conditions.

Chen Bo is only good at close combat, which is a big disadvantage. If he is caught by someone with ulterior motives, he will lose his life.

So he must practice more. In addition to practicing, he must practice the use of Gu worms and practice boxing and kicking.

Secondly, he must fight with more people, fight with Gu masters of different schools, and adapt to different fighting styles.

He is not a person like Lu Bu, who is born good at fighting and has been in the army since he was a child.

As the saying goes, practice more if you are not good at it!

This time is a good opportunity to practice. Others may fight a battle and then stop and watch, but he will not. He wants to improve too much and wants to survive in this world too much.

To survive in this world, IQ and strength are indispensable.

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