Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 4: Selecting Gu in the Gu Room

In the Gu room, the four walls were made into partitions, storing Gu worms one by one.

Chen Bo was selecting them one by one.

His time was limited, and his choices were even more limited.

Although there were many Gu worms, in fact, only Moonlight Gu was available.

Moonlight Gu was the standard equipment for every Gu Master of the Ancient Moon Clan in the early stage.

The function of Moonlight Gu was to emit a moonlight for long-range attack after infusing true essence to activate it. Its damage was in the upper middle level among the first-level Gu worms.

He had no choice but to choose a Moonlight Gu that looked quite healthy, put it in his pocket, and walked out of the Gu room.

There were still many people queuing outside.

Fang Yuan had already chosen and left.

It can be predicted that Fang Yuan would focus on finding the remains of Flower Wine Walker and the wine worm in the next few days.

Chen Bo didn't want to care, nor could he care, and he had no ability to help Fang Yuan.

His energy was all on himself.

Through these days of thinking, he roughly understood his own advantages:

The first one was the realm, double master, five quasi-master, standing proudly at the top of the mundane world.

The second one is Yan Bing Danqing Body. This aptitude can practice both the channel and the alchemy at the same time. It has many advantages for the practice of these two paths, and can balance the two paths very well. There will be no mutual repulsion of Dao marks. His practice can also slightly touch the five schools such as the esophagus and the sound path.

Dao marks repel each other, just like the principle that water and fire cannot coexist.

The biggest function of Yan Bing Danqing Body is that the body will absorb external energy and Dao marks to make pills autonomously, without Chen Bo's operation, and his heart has been transformed into Danxin. Every once in a while, the pill will condense at the Danxin and be automatically stored in the Danxin.

This is to make pills with the human body.

The formation of the pill has a lot to do with Dao marks. After all, in this world, the Gu Master practices by using the Dao marks on the Gu worm.

From this point of view, Chen Bo can absorb Gu worms and Gu materials through his body to make Gu Dan!

To make pills with Gu is actually to make pills with Dao marks.

However, Chen Bo does not know how to use his body to absorb Gu worms, so there is only a stupid way, eating it!

Dan is a consumable, and Gu Dan must not be reused.

Swallowing Gu to refine pills can undoubtedly speed up the process of refining pills and interfere with the results of the refined pills.

For example, if he swallows a black pig Gu, or swallows some pork, pig skin, pig bones and other Gu materials needed to refine black pig Gu, it is very likely that what he refines is the Black Pig Power Pill!

Absorbing and consuming a Moonlight Gu can refine a Moon Blade Pill!

So what is the difference between a pill and a Gu?

Chen Bo recalled the original text a little and had a little guess.

The original text said that Gu Masters or Gu Immortals would make and drink tea. This tea has various magical effects, big or small, that can act on the drinker himself. Therefore, the steps of making tea can be regarded as an incomplete Gu recipe. When the tea is made perfect, the final result is a tea Gu!

Similarly, the refining of each pill can also be regarded as an incomplete Gu recipe. If the deficiencies can be found and supplemented, the Gu that is refined is a pill recipe!

However, to perfect the Gu recipe, it is a bit difficult for Chen Bo to reach his current level of Dao and Dan Dao, and the time required needs to be estimated.

But why do we need to perfect it?

After perfection, the Dan Dao Gu worms that are refined need to be fed.

The cultivation and refining of Gu worms runs through the life of Gu Masters and Gu Immortals.

But if it is not perfect and forms a pill, it does not need to be fed, and it can be eaten when needed.

From this point of view, Dan Dao contains the mystery of the esophagus, and the original intention of the esophagus is to solve the problem of feeding Gu worms.

Chen Bo's intuition at the Dan Dao master level told him so.

The intuition generated when the realm reaches a certain height is not wrong.


Let's talk about the third one, it is Yan Bing's Danqing body aptitude. After a week, Chen Bo has already started practicing under the guidance of his father.

He found that his true essence recovery speed is too fast.

Chen Bo doesn't know what the recovery speed of the Ten Absolute Body is, but he has asked Fang Zheng, the naive, about Fang Zheng's recovery speed of the first-class aptitude.

Fang Zheng told him directly without any doubt. Chen Bo secretly compared and found that his true essence recovery speed was a little faster than Fang Zheng's top-level A-level qualifications.

You should know that Fang Zheng's true essence sea level is 98%, which is very top-level.

Based on this inference, Chen Bo asserted that except that his true essence sea is not as high as that of the Ten Absolute Body and is still at the bottom of the C-level, his potential in other aspects should be second only to the Ten Absolute Body.

This has a very good future, that is, after ascending to immortality, he will have a strong foundation, a powerful immortal body (the reason is that there are many Dao marks and strong popularity.), and a wide range of immortal orifices!

The Ten Absolute Body who have survived after ascending to immortality are all top in the same level!

Chen Bo, undoubtedly, also has a slightly better prospect than this.

In this way, in fact, at this moment, Chen Bo already has Dao marks of the channel and the Dan Dao on his body, which makes him very happy.

But when he thought about Wuji Demon Lord, he was no longer proud. Before Wuji Demon Lord became an immortal, the scale of his Dao Marks on his body was already larger than that of ordinary Gu Immortals. After becoming a Gu Immortal, his Dao Marks were comparable to those of an Eighth Turn Gu Immortal, which was extremely abnormal.

Chen Bo returned home with the Moonlight Gu.

His father was not at home, and he went out to contribute to the family.

His father was a Class C aptitude, and his cultivation level was capped at the Second Turn in this life.

Chen Bo's opinion of his original father was that the Gu world was cruel, and he should obey the arrangement of fate.

And I, the demon from the outside world, naturally obey the arrangement of fate.

Fate is a fixed number, and luck is a variable.

What Chen Bo wants is the variable, and the variable comes from his thoughts.

Back in his room, Chen Bo began to refine the Moonlight Gu.

He could choose to swallow and digest the Moonlight Gu, so that he could use himself to refine the Moon Blade Pill in his Danxin, but he didn't do that.

Because at this stage, the school elders would definitely check whether his Moonlight Gu was refined. If it was refined into a pill, it would be strange.

You don't have the Moonlight Gu, where is it?

This is a Gu worm that is more valuable than a mortal's life!

Wait, how can you emit moonlight without the Moonlight Gu?

It's okay that you suddenly opened your mind to practice, and you can accept this sudden change, but you don't use the Gu worm to emit moonlight, how do you explain it?

To explain, it involves Dao Mark, just like the Ghost Demon Lord can still use some soul Dao methods without the Gu worm.

Putting aside the gossip, Chen Bo began to infuse the true essence into the Moonlight Gu.

The Moonlight Gu is full of wild will and is resisting Chen Bo's refining.

Chen Bo can only refine it successfully if he continues to infuse the true essence.

During this period, you cannot rest for too long, otherwise if you stop refining, the Gu will expel the will you instilled into it, and it has the instinct to survive.

When Chen Bo's will fills the entire Gu, he succeeds in refining.

After a round of will battle, Chen Bo's forehead is sweating.

His true essence recovers very quickly, but the amount is small, and he can't stand a protracted battle, so he is more durable than Fang Yuan. Overall, he may be comparable to Mo Bei, a second-class talent, and currently cannot compare to Fang Zheng's durability, so after a while, his true essence will be low.

At this time, you have to wait for the true essence to recover by itself.

Or you can absorb the true essence from the Yuan Stone to recover.

But Chen Bo has no Yuan Stone, his father is poor, and he is also poor.

Chen Bo looked at the Moonlight Gu in his hand and estimated that this refining is about one twentieth.

He wants to refine this Gu, and it will take several days.

"Well, just refine it into a pill, and eat it directly, saving time and effort."

This is also the advantage of refining pills. There is no need to use willpower to refine the poisonous insects, and you can directly use your body to refine it into pills, and eat it.

"Hmm? Another Peiyuan Pill has been condensed." Chen Bo's heart moved, and he found that another Peiyuan Pill was naturally refined.

Why is it naturally refined? Because Chen Bo found that he could consume the true essence to speed up the speed of refining pills through continuous efforts.

He did not take it, nor did he take it out, but put it in the heart of the pill.

The heart of the pill can naturally store pills.

This week, he refined a total of four Peiyuan Pills.

But he only took the first one, and kept the other three.

It's not that he didn't want to take it, but the family checked his empty acupoints and the sea of ​​true essence, and kept records.

When he was in the academy, he had to accept the inspection of the academy's old master Gu Yue. He refined the Moonlight Gu, so he had to check it. He had a breakthrough in his cultivation, so he had to check it. But on weekdays, who knows if Gu Yue will suddenly check his orifices?

After checking, how did the True Essence Sea rise? His aptitude actually improved?

How could such a thing not surprise people and make people suspicious of him?

Therefore, his True Essence Sea was still at a height of 40%.

"Now, I either consume my True Essence to speed up the refining of the Pei Yuan Pill, or consume my True Essence to refine the Moonlight Gu."

"Well, I'd better refine the Moonlight Gu." Chen Bo gave up the act of speeding up the refining of the Pei Yuan Pill and let it be done naturally.

If outsiders knew about his Pei Yuan Pill that improved his aptitude, they would definitely study him thoroughly.

You have to know that the Gu worms that can improve aptitude in the outside world are too rare and too precious. For a Gu worm, you have to fight to the death.

But Chen Bo sat at home, the pills came from himself, and his aptitude continued to improve, which was easy and carefree.

After his true essence was used up and the progress of refining the Gu worm was put on hold, Chen Bo had nothing to do and had no choice but to rest.

He didn't want to go out and hang around.

"It would be great if there were Gu materials to absorb and use for making pills, but I don't have the money to buy them, and I don't have the fighting power to get them in the wild."

Before, Chen Bo went to the grove to find some leaves, bark, soil, etc., but found that he couldn't use these things to make pills.

He had diarrhea after eating them.

These things were ordinary, with very little trace of Tao on them.

Like Fang Yuan, he had a difficult start.

It was night.

Chen Bo's father came back. His father was called Gu Yue Chen Wei. He was a second-level Gu Master in the family. He had an average identity, status, conditions, and everything else.

As for his mother, she was lying on the hill outside the village, and the grass on her grave was as high as Chen Bo's knees.

"Bo'er, did you go to the academy today?" The first thing Gu Yue Chen Wei asked when he entered the house was Chen Bo, "I managed a lot of relationships to get you out of the family investigation and into the academy as soon as possible."

"Dad, I went and picked a Gu worm." Chen Bo acted happy, and then took out the Gu worm and showed it to Chen Wei.

Chen Wei nodded with satisfaction when he saw the Gu worm, and was stunned for a moment, as if he had made up his mind, and took out five Yuan stones from his pocket.

"Son, take these five Yuan stones, don't save them, use them to practice, and refine the Moonlight Gu as soon as possible."

Chen Bo was naturally not polite, and reached out to take them. He needed Yuan stones, "Thank you, Dad, I will definitely work hard."

"Okay, I'll go get some food, and you go to practice as soon as possible."

Chen Bo followed his words and took the Yuan stones back to the room.

His mind probed into the empty cavity, and the true essence inside was 10% and 30%.

His true essence recovered very quickly. Normally, it should have been fully recovered in about an hour since it was used up in the moonlight refining at noon.

How come it was only 13% at night?

It turned out that after his true essence was restored, he would consume it to speed up the alchemy.

He still subconsciously wanted to consume true essence to speed up the alchemy. Now that he didn't need it, he could save it...

It takes a lot of true essence to refine a Peiyuan Pill, so it takes almost two days. The true essence was used and restored, and then used again. After accumulating, it was possible to refine a Peiyuan Pill.

His first-level true essence refined a first-level Peiyuan Pill.

Perhaps the Peiyuan Pill refined with the second-level true essence would have a better effect, but he couldn't go to his father and say: Dad, give me your true essence.

He couldn't explain what he was going to do with it.

It's just because of the common sense in the Gu world: You can't use other people's true essence.

So you can only rely on yourself.

And with these five raw stones, it will undoubtedly speed up the recovery of true essence, and then speed up the alchemy.

He still didn't choose to convert these five Yuan stones into true essence to refine the Moonlight Gu, but to refine the pill, because he felt that since he recovered so quickly, he would rely on himself to refine the Moonlight Gu.

As for the Yuanshi, he would use it for alchemy experiments to deepen his understanding of Yan Bing's Danqing body.

Sure enough, after a few hours after dinner, the five Yuanshi were consumed, and Chen Bo had an extra Peiyuan Pill in his hand.

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