
So awesome.

The feeling of the fist hitting the wolf and the feedback made Chen Bo excited.

Chen Bo's whole body was covered with flames. This kind of punch-to-flesh fighting style made his blood boil.

Before, he controlled the fire character, which was a long-range attack, testing his micro-control ability.

Now, he fought in close combat, with great strength, crushing the crazy lightning wolf, and he was unrivaled.

Especially his pair of Danqing hands, at this moment, his fists and palms alternated, changing cleverly, and from time to time, he poked and clasped his hands, tearing the flesh of the crazy lightning wolf.

The defensive Gu worm on the body of this crazy lightning wolf had already been blown up by Chen Bo.

The two elders next to him secretly felt sorry.

Chen Bo didn't care. His target was the Thunder Roar Gu. Although this defensive Gu was not bad, it was at the third level, but it was not a big deal to destroy it.

While fighting, Chen Bo's eyes turned, looking for flaws, trying to seize the opponent's Thunder Roar Gu.

He knew that the Thunder Roar Gu was in the opponent's mouth.

He was determined to get this insect.

He had a hunch that if he got this insect, he would be able to write the word "howl" and make a howl with thunder and lightning.

Finally, Chen Bo knocked the Crazy Lightning Wolf to the ground, rushed forward, and grabbed the other's mouth with a pair of jade hands, bursting with strength.

"Get its Thunder Howl Gu!" Chen Bo shouted.

The two elders had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, and they quickly caught up without Chen Bo saying anything.

The Crazy Lightning Wolf still struggled with its remaining strength.

Chen Bo directly hit the other side with a headbutt, knocking the other side unconscious.

He was not seriously injured.

The next moment, the two elders succeeded.

Chen Bo finally felt relieved at this time, and punched the wolf's head and hit the eyeballs.

If he said that he would break the jaw of the Crazy Lightning Wolf directly like King Kong, it would be a bit unrealistic.

The bite force of the Crazy Lightning Wolf is very strong, and its mouth is also very big. Chen Bo does not have the strength, arm span and body size.

However, he can learn Hulk's fighting style.

The next moment, a scene that makes people's eyelids tremble appeared.

Chen Bo wrapped his hands around one of the front paws of the Crazy Lightning Wolf and swung it back and forth.

The two Crazy Lightning Wolves who came to support paused.

Are you a beast, or are we?

Fang Yuan looked at this scene and frowned deeply. This Chen Bo has great strength and a strong body.

[What method can be used to take him down? ]

Fang Yuan had broken through the third level and was very confident that he could capture Chen Bo. At this moment, he was afraid.

[It still needs to be considered in the long run. Perhaps, we can give up. ]

He also had the idea of ​​giving up.

If something cannot be done, then don't do it.

Why bother hanging on a tree? The vast Gu world has countless inheritances. As long as you follow the inheritance in your memory and follow the previously planned route, you can return to the peak.

As for Chen Bo, as long as Bai Ningbing died, he would also be dead. Even if he didn't die, he was just a mortal, at most the fifth turn, and he couldn't make any waves.


In the distant forest, a figure as big as a hill loomed.

Accompanied by his howl, many wolves turned around and ran towards the forest.

The two mad lightning wolves looked at the mad lightning wolf that was dying after being hit by Chen Bo, kicked their hind legs and ran towards the forest.

The remaining wolves also ran away in a hurry.

Chen Bo was powerless to pursue the victory at this moment.

Guyue Village was also unable to pursue the victory, and they didn't dare to.

That figure, anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance, was a ten thousand wolf king - the thunder crown wolf!

Unless the tribe leader led the team to charge, no one dared to go up.

Chen Bo watched the wolf pack retreat, turned back and glanced around, and saw Fang Yuan who was looking at him.

Fang Yuan's eyes were dark, like a deep pool of ink. He looked at him unscrupulously. They were cold, domineering, and full of murderous intent. Coupled with his demonic power accumulated over five hundred years, it was simply too much to look at him.

His eyes revealed that he was looking at a captive, a dead man.

Facing such a gaze, Chen Bo couldn't help but shudder, even though he was surrounded by high temperature.

The more you know about this person, the more frightening it is, and at the same time, exciting.

It's more interesting to fight with this demon in the same world, isn't it?

Although Chen Bo had experience in his previous life, he was still a little inferior in front of Fang Yuan, so he was instantly defeated.

[Fang Yuan, I am not something you can eat at this stage. Today, I felt the fear from you. One day, I will definitely let you feel the fear from me. ]

Unconsciously, Chen Bo changed from Feng Tianyu to himself. (Feng Tianyu, Fang Yuan's most loyal fan.)

Chen Bo was wrapped in flames at this moment, and others could not see a trace of fear on his face.

He immediately adjusted himself and looked at Fang Yuan without any scruples.

If you want to take advantage of me, then I will accompany you to the end, so that you will also know that the pot is made of iron, and my bones are no longer soft.

[I remember the original text, Fang Yuan at this time will be successfully promoted to the third level with the help of Gu Yue Yao Le a few days later. ]

[But at this moment, he has been promoted to the third level for many days, and there are several third-level Gu insects on his body, and his strength has greatly increased. ]

[If I was too naive before, I didn’t feel the horror of Fang Yuan, and naively helped him, which led to his accelerated growth. ]

[Then since Fang Yuan tested me last time, I have decided to stay away from Fang Yuan, and don’t interfere with each other. It’s just that by accident, I encountered Bai Ningbing. Is there any destiny behind this? ]

[God’s will influenced Bai Ningbing, allowing him to meet me, and Fang Yuan followed me secretly, which eventually led to Fang Yuan becoming the biggest winner. ]

You were the one who wanted to jump in front of Fang Yuan, but now you are being targeted by Fang Yuan. Who can you blame? You can only blame yourself for being too naive. You thought you were still reading a book in your previous life, Fang Yuan was in the book, and you were outside the book, and you were very safe.

No matter how cruel Fang Yuan was, he could not affect him.

However, now that Fang Yuan’s eyes were on him, Chen Bo realized that he was really living here, and he had to stay away from Fang Yuan for his own survival.

He had to improve his combat power so that Fang Yuan could not do anything to him.

So, he burst out with output, and with the help of the two elders, he killed the Crazy Lightning Wolf and seized a Thunder Howl Gu.

The Crazy Lightning Wolf had been killed by Chen Bo.

“Did I kill this Crazy Lightning Wolf?” Chen Bo removed the flames on his body and put away the White Jade Gu.

The two elders in front of him looked at each other, then looked at Chen Bo, nodded, and agreed.

"Then, give me this Thunder Roar Gu!"

"This wolf corpse can be given to you."

Chen Bo's words were full of unquestionable.

The two elders couldn't help but frown. This kid, you just got promoted to the third level, don't be too arrogant in front of us.

The wolf tide has just passed, and you are fighting for spoils here?

The third level Thunder Roar Gu and the body of the crazy lightning wolf, of course, the former is more valuable.

Seeing that the two elders did not react, two fire characters flew forward beside Chen Bo.

[Huh? Is this Chen Bo crazy? Does he dare to do it? ] The two elders came up with the same idea at the same time.

"Here you go!" They finally took out the Thunder Roar Gu.

Chen Bo took it immediately.

Although the Thunder Roar Gu was a little damaged at this moment, it was not a big problem. It struggled in Chen Bo's palm and tried to escape.

"Thank you." Chen Bo said.

"Chen Bo, we'll have to see how the clan leader distributes it!" an elder said.

"I believe he will give it to me." Chen Bo replied calmly and walked away.

Fang Yuan witnessed everything, and he glanced at the wolf corpses scattered all over the ground.

These are all spoils of war. Although the wolf tide was fierce and caused huge casualties, once we crossed it, there would be wealth all over the ground.

[Chen Bo is very strong. I'm afraid I can't take him down by myself. I need the help of others. ] Fang Yuan thought secretly.

[After the wolf tide passes and the area around Qingmao Mountain stabilizes, I will take the Tianyuan Baolian and leave here. ]

[Of course, before leaving, I can make a fortune. With my status as an elder, I can still take away a lot of good things. ]

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