Bai Ningbing had just recovered a little at this moment and couldn't hear clearly what Chen Bo said. She only saw the other person's mouth opening and closing, so she ignored it.

He was just laughing, "Interesting, so interesting, Chen Bo, you deserve me to kill you, and I have to kill Fang Yuan, that would be wonderful!"

Chen Bo frowned. His voice seemed to have an influence on persuading him to surrender. As soon as the sound wave went down, the other party's ears were dazzled and he couldn't hear his words to persuade him to surrender...

Bai Ningbing's figure rushed forward, her footsteps stomping, and frost spewed out around her body.

Mortal killer move - Ice Blade Storm.

This time, Bai Ningbing improved the ultimate move on the original basis, but the improvement was not big. One was that it was limited by the family's treasury reserves, and the other was that his Ice and Snow Dao realm was only a quasi-master.

It is already very good for a third-level Gu Master to reach the quasi-master level, and his talent is very high.

Rank 5 Gu Masters at the pinnacle of mortal world are generally only at the master level of a certain sect, except for special circumstances.

The ice blade storm instantly submerged the fire character, but the fire character was not extinguished and could still hold on for a while.

Chen Bo didn't want to tangle with him. If he had been on the other side, he would have killed him three times, five times and two times. But this Bai Ningbing, with his strength, not only couldn't he kill him in a short time, but even if he killed him, he would dig his own grave.

After his death, the Ten Jue Body will explode and there will be no way to escape. The entire Qingmao Mountain will be destroyed, and even the fifth-level Gu Master will be temporarily sealed.

Chen Bo looked at the time and sighed. He had just recalled that Fang Yuan should be escaping from the blood lake at this moment, and Tie Xue Leng was fighting against Gu Yue Yiyi.

What he has to do is to seize the opportunity, go to Guyue Village first, and then seize the time to see if he can still take Baijiazhai.

In terms of time, Xiongjiazhai and Baijiazhai can only choose one of the two.

Take it and run away!

His face instantly turned pale, he groaned, and voluntarily gave up writing the word "Xiao". The word "Xiao" was interrupted, causing him some backlash.

He wrote again.

Compared with the character "fire" and the character "xiao", this character is written more slowly.

Bai Ningbing activated her killing move and came towards him with extremely fast straight line speed.

At this time, the word "Xiao" made a roaring sound again, like thunder exploding.

Bai Ningbing's forward steps paused, and his ultimate move was suddenly a little unstable. It was about to be exploded by the sound wave, so he quickly maintained it.

Chen Bo, on his side, had taken the opportunity to slowly write out the words.

The ultimate divine move - step!

Although it has fewer strokes than the word Xiao, it is more difficult and slower to write than the word Xiao, and it is more sloppy and uglier. It is like a person writing for the first time. The person is illiterate and the word cannot be read.

This is a mobile killing move, with Xinbu Gu and Word Gu as the core, and Bamboo Paper Gu, Ink Gu, Wandering Word Gu and other Gu insects as assistance.

The urging step character can increase Chen Bo's movement speed, which is much faster than using Xinbu Gu alone.

The word "step" stuck to Chen Bo's leg, like a tattoo, emitting green light, and Chen Bo quickly left everyone's sight.

Xiao Zi was directly thrown away by him and used to stop Bai Ning Bing.

Bai Ningbing gritted her teeth. Just as she stabilized her killing move, Chen Bo had already left a dot in his field of vision.

It was difficult for him to catch up for a while, so he had to vent his anger on Xiao Zi.

In the stands, most of Gu Yuebo's attention was on Chen Bo. At this moment, seeing Chen Bo flying away quickly, he was at a loss.

[Chen Bo, what are you doing? Without you, how can our clan fight against Bai Ningbing? 】

He didn't think anyone else could stop Bai Ningbing.

The other two clan leaders were staring at him next to him.

They don't care what Chen Bo is going to do. Anyway, it's a good thing to stay away from the battlefield. Gu Yuebo, you don't want to interfere.

As soon as Chen Bo left, the Bai family clearly had the advantage. Bai Ningbing, who had reached the peak of rank three and had extraordinary qualifications, instantly became the dominant player in the field.

Gu Yue Qingshu immediately stood up and took over the command.

Bai Ningbing chopped Xiao Zi into pieces fiercely, and her killing moves gradually stopped. His anger did not dissipate at all, "Very good, since I can't kill Chen Bo, then I'll kill you all!"

He immediately rushed towards Gu Yue Qingshu.

Qingshu survived until now because of Chen Bo. He neither died at the hands of Bai Ningbing nor in the wolf tide.

At this moment, he took up the banner of fighting against Bai Ningbing.

"Damn it, what is Chen Bo doing? He is obviously more powerful than Bai Ningbing, but he ran away at this time!" Gu Yue Moyan looked angry.

Qing Shu didn't say anything. Bai Ningbing couldn't find Fang Yuan and couldn't catch up with Chen Bo, so she had no choice but to turn around and vent her anger on the rest of the Gu Yue clan. He became the first target.

Fortunately, he was strong and could resist Bai Ningbing's attack head-on.

Beside him, Chishan was also helping to resist. He was also sweating profusely. He tried his best and used his extraordinary strength to barely gain a foothold.

On the Xiong family side, there was action at this time.

They immediately rushed to the Bai family and attacked the Bai family together with the Gu Yue clan.

In a melee, the right solution is to deal with the strong and the weak first, and then make the next distribution.

Let's talk about Chen Bo. He relied on his steps to run through the mountains and forests at high speed, and he was able to turn quickly and soon he saw Gu Yue Village.

He came to the gate of the village.

"Old Chen Bo, why are you back?" At the gate of the village, a Level 1 Gu Master was guarding.

In the past, at least the second-level Gu Masters were in charge here. Nowadays, all the second-level Gu Masters are competing, so the first-level Gu Masters can only be used.

"The patriarch asked me to come back because there is an emergency!"

After Chen Bo said that, he went directly to the center of the village, the main pavilion.

No one stopped him, after all he lived here.

This is also the benefit of Chen Bo exposing his qualifications to Gu Yuebo. Now no one will stop him, but instead greet him respectfully.

Chen Bo's first target is the poison recipe in the secret room.

These poison recipes are in the hands of the secret hall master, and the secret room is in the hands of the secret hall master.

These two people have to be dealt with first.

The two men did not go to watch the fight, but continued to wait here.

They also know that the cottage is empty at this time, and they must take defensive measures to prevent others from taking advantage of the situation.

Chen Bo first found the Antang family elder. With an anxious and nervous look on his face, he vigorously pushed the door open. The door slammed shut due to the reaction force.

An Tangjia Lao instantly changed from a leisurely state to a state of tension and confusion.

"Antang family elder," Chen Bo got straight to the point, his tone was very fast, and he was racing against time, "The clan leader asked me to come back and mobilize manpower. As you know, this competition is allowed to join in midway. Fang Yuan didn't know where he went, which put us at a disadvantage. ”

"The Baijiazhai and the Xiongjiazhai have secretly formed an alliance. We can't stop them at all. I was the only one who broke out of the siege and came to mobilize manpower."

"The men in your secret hall are good at concealing their whereabouts and assassinating. Now is the time when you need to take action. Follow me back and kill him by surprise."

"Why didn't I receive the message?" The Antang family elder was a little confused. There were channel Gu insects between him and the clan leader that could communicate with each other.

"The patriarch is restrained by the heads of the other two clans. The three of them are on guard against each other. They don't allow each other to use Gu insects to communicate with the outside world without permission. They are also on guard against mobilizing family manpower to secretly lay traps. I have to use this stupid method."

"Old Antang family member, we can't hesitate any longer. Our people are still fighting bloody battles. Time is running out." Chen Bo urged.

After hearing this, the Antang family elder saw that he had always looked nervous and eager when he saw him again, and the doubts in his heart were relieved. He immediately nodded, "Okay, I will go and mobilize the good hands immediately."

After saying that, the Antang family elder immediately stood up and prepared to mobilize manpower himself.

However, when he walked to the door and was about to open the door, he felt a pain in his heart.

He lowered his head and saw in disbelief that a hand made of fine steel penetrated his chest, and there was bright red blood on the palm, dripping on the floor.

Chen Bo secretly used the Steel Gu and penetrated the opponent's chest with one palm.

Then, he punched hard with his other hand, directly blowing the head of the Antang family old man to prevent him from shouting before death, summoning outsiders, and exposing himself.

Chen Bo dragged the opponent's body back and pressed his hand on the opponent's orifice.

The Gu insects inside have all been destroyed.

No matter how fast Chen Bo moves, he can't move faster than the opponent's thoughts.

If he were a second-level Gu Master, he might still hesitate to self-destruct the Gu worm, but as the third-level elder of the Antang family, he was extremely decisive and left no advantage to Chen Bo.

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