Gu Yue Mo Chen and Chi Lian finally arrived near the mountain stronghold.

They were immediately shocked by the flock of cranes.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. There has been no news from the clan leader for a long time."

Gu Yue Bo, along with the other two clan leaders, had died at the hands of Master Tianhe.

Fang Yuan had escaped from the Blood Lake Cemetery, Tie Xue Leng was dead, and Gu Yue Yi Dai had awakened and started his millennium plan.

Master Tianhe had appeared, and these cranes were driven by Master Tianhe.

They came specifically to cause trouble for Gu Yue Yi Dai.

"How could it be, when did the Bai family raise such a group of cranes?"

Gu Yue Mo Chen thought that these cranes were raised by the Bai family stronghold and were prepared to destroy his Gu Yue mountain stronghold.

He thought too highly of the Bai family.

"Quick, these cranes are flying towards the mountain stronghold, let's go back and support them immediately." Chi Lian woke Mo Chen from his shock.

The two of them immediately ran forward, and soon they saw a team.

Mo Chen was very good at investigation and immediately said, "Yes... those who participated in the three-clan competition, Fang Zheng, Mo Yan... Why are there people from the Bai family and the Xiong family?"

According to their understanding, Chen Bo was the Bai family's accomplice. At this time, these cranes and the people of the Baijiazhai were already attacking the mountain village.

However, the current situation seemed different from what they had guessed.

"Quick, go and ask about the situation. Something is wrong. It's different from what we imagined." Gu Yue Chi Lian reacted quickly.

When the two of them joined the remnants of the three villages, the two sides quickly communicated.

"What?" Gu Yue Mo Chen was extremely surprised, "The clan leader has died in the battle. Before his death, he clearly ordered all of us to protect Fang Yuan?"

"Absolutely true, two elders."

Mo Chen's mouth twitched and he looked at Fang Yuan.

"Are these cranes not from the Baijiazhai?" Chi Lian was surprised.

"Yes, Chi Lian, look at the sky. There is a strong man chasing us. We must hurry back to the village."

"How could he be from my clan? We are also being attacked by the cranes. More than half of us have been killed or injured." Bai Chongshui snorted coldly.

Chi Lian and Mo Chen looked at each other and did not speak again.

Under the siege of the cranes, the crowd entered Gu Yue Village...

"Who are you? Why are you attacking my clan?" In Baijia Village, a third-level elder was dying.

"He, he is Gu Yue Chen Bo!" Someone recognized Chen Bo's identity.

Chen Bo ignored these dying people. He whistled to open the way and rushed to the center of Baijia Village.

Wherever he passed, there was a bloody storm, and no one could resist him.

It was because the elite Gu Masters and most of the elders had rushed to Gu Yue Village.

There were only a few left here. The only elder who stayed behind had been seriously injured by Chen Bo, and he was breathing less and breathing more.

Chen Bo rushed all the way, seizing the time to plunder the Bai Family Village.

[The Bai Family Gu Master who was captured before did not lie. ]

Chen Bo had secretly captured a Bai Family Gu Master before and tortured him.

The other party knew the location of the family's treasured Gu recipes and Gu worms, but did not know the traps inside.

But now, Chen Bo rushed hard, and these traps were not a big threat to him.

He had used the Jade Word Pill to add several layers of defense to himself.

In addition, the fine steel Gu, so the defense was thick, and he was rampant in the Bai Family Village, and no one could stop him.

Finally, Chen Bo broke into the Bai Family Village's storage area and began to plunder.

"Damn it, Chen Bo, give me your life!" A guarding Gu Master immediately appeared and began to attack Chen Bo regardless of everything.

Chen Bo looked back and saw that it was a second-level Gu Master. With a thought, he quickly rushed towards the other party with a cry.

The opponent couldn't resist the sound waves of the monkey's cry. Instantly, blood flowed from all seven orifices, the body was severely damaged, and the skin on the surface of the body cracked and died.

[This sound wave attack destroyed both the inside and the outside, and also had the effect of penetrating armor. ]

Chen Bo summarized and continued to plunder the Baijiazhai's treasury.

Here, the recipe of the Gu collected by the Zhaoying Gu was also used. Chen Bo put these Gu insects into his pocket.

Chen Bo went in and out here several times and harvested some more Gu insects and a large amount of Gu materials.

It's too late to refine it for the time being, and it can't be collected into the empty cavity, so it's on the body.

At this time, it depends on luck. The opponent can't destroy the Zhaoying Gu for a while, but these Gu insects that have been snatched are under the jurisdiction of the Baijiazhai clan leader and the elders after all. They have a thought, and these Gu insects must be destroyed.

The head of the Bai family is dead, and the Gu insects that he refined and stored here can naturally fall into Chen Bo's hands safely. As for the other elders, it depends on whether they are dead or not.

Not long after, Chen Bo has packed up here.

[It's time to leave! 】 Chen Bo felt that time was running out, and immediately ran outside.

He left Baijiazhai, selected a direction, wrote the word "step", and started running.

Everything went smoothly.

Chen Bo ran between the mountains and forests, feeling so happy.

He sorted out his harvest while running.

He had no less than thirty third-level Gu worms and hundreds of second-level Gu worms on his body.

These were all snatched in a hurry.

However, when he checked, some Gu worms began to die and be destroyed, and the second-level Gu worms died the most.

It seems that the owner of these Gu worms ordered the destruction of the Gu worms.

However, the Zhaoying Gu was all intact.

These Gu prescriptions are more valuable than Gu worms.

Suddenly, Chen Bo felt something, and looked behind him. On Qingmao Mountain, ice and snow were raging in an instant.

The ice and snow danced wildly and spread outward at a high speed.

Chen Bo was shocked and ran hard, not caring about how much he had gained.

The ice and snow came much faster than his speed.

Chen Bo immediately activated his killing move, a piece of bamboo paper appeared, and began to write quickly.

His fingers moved smoothly, and he wrote a word "fire".

He wrote another word "step".

He abandoned the words "whistle" and "cry", unable to control them.

Chen Bo instantly turned into a fire man, with a word "step" on each foot. The temperature around him increased sharply, resisting the blizzard that was invading, and the speed was faster, but it did not achieve double the effect.

[I didn't expect the wind and snow of Bai Ningbing's self-explosion to be so powerful. ]

Chen Bo felt that this was more powerful than Gu Yuebo's full-strength attack, no wonder he could freeze Master Tianhe.

[The battle of Qingmao Mountain is over, Gu Yue's generation is dead, Master Tianhe is temporarily frozen, Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing should enter the Huanglong River and escape down the river. 】

【This time, I finally got rid of him, although I became a homeless person. 】

【It's time to see the scenery of the Gu world. 】

Chen Bo's mind was full of thoughts. He had lived in the place for two years, so he still had some feelings for it.

But there was no way. He couldn't protect this place. How could he fight against the will of heaven with a mere third-level cultivation?

Looking down from the sky, at the edge of Qingmao Mountain, a ball of fire quickly ran outward, followed by frost, as if it was determined to freeze it.

Chen Bo ran hard, and suddenly, his eyes moved and he saw something different.

His Danfeng eyes were very observant.

【Someone! 】 Chen Bo immediately realized that there was a trap ahead.

With his mind racing, Chen Bo chose to bypass it.

He immediately looked around.

【Is there a magic Gu master? 】 Chen Bo guessed in his heart, 【These people should not have come because of the battle in Qingmao Mountain. 】

【Qingmao Mountain was attacked by a huge wolf tide. These people should have valued this point and came to see if there was any loophole to be picked up. Now they saw such a strange phenomenon erupting in Qingmao Mountain. They dared not go in, so I ran out of Qingmao Mountain and would enter their sight! 】

【There should be only one or two people. It’s okay if they are three turns, but it will be difficult to fight if they are four turns. 】

There are not many magic Gu masters near Qingmao Mountain. Chen Bo has a rough intelligence.

Chen Bo is confident that he can’t beat the four turns, but he can still run away.

Thinking of this, he took out a Shengyuan Pill and swallowed it, and then used a Mazi Pill and Mali Pill, and his speed increased again.

The ability to escape is maximized, and with the help of Danfeng Eyes, he can detect the changes in the terrain in advance, so as not to hit the tree or fall.

It is best to run away directly without fighting.

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