Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 87: Traveling through the mountains and forests to the village

Time flies, and half a month has passed.

Since then, after killing Chen Ru, Chen Bo only rested for one or two hours every day, and then ran away with dark circles under his eyes.

He was getting farther and farther away from Qingmao Mountain. He went west at first, but Shangjia City was on the east side of Qingmao Mountain.

When the map of Southern Xinjiang was unfolded, the most striking thing was the three major rivers, all of which ran through Southern Xinjiang.

The Huanglong River was shaped like a Chinese character "九" and ran through the east and west.

The Chilong River originated from the northwest and flowed to the southeast.

The Bilong River was in the west, running through Southern Xinjiang until the northeast end of Southern Xinjiang.

Chen Bo planned to go all the way west first, then gradually walk north, and after making a big turn around Qingmao Mountain, he would go east, with the goal of Shangjia City.

Now, he has completed this turn.

There is no way. He came out of Baijia Village. If he wants to go east, he has to go through Guyue Village in a straight line. He can't go back.

Under the ice and snow, he immediately went down the mountain. After going down the mountain, he could quickly go around to the east, but Chen Ru and four others appeared chasing him.

He was forced to continue to go west. In this way, in order not to meet Master Tianhe, he had to go far to the west, make a big detour, and return to the north.

Now, he has walked for half a month and officially approached the Bilong River.

He planned to walk along the river, first find a village to rest for a few days, and then head east. If there was a caravan going to the merchant city, it would be best for him to get a ride.

The mountain road was long and dangerous. In the past half month, he first killed Chen Ru and then encountered many waves of wild beasts. He worked hard every day and didn't rest well. He fought frequently, consumed a lot, and gained little.

However, he was interested in saving the word pills. After the battle with Chen Ru, the word pills were not used much, and he relied on a pair of Danqing hands to write words to fight the enemy.

This also led to his writing being smooth and fast, no longer clumsy and slow as before.

Chen Bo knew that it would be extremely difficult for him to walk to the Qingshang City alone.

During the journey, he also encountered some mountain villages where people gathered, but he did not approach them, but went around them from a distance.

Now, he finally found a village. This village was very small, and there was a Gu Master in it, who was the village chief.

It was not the mortal village where Fang Yuan settled.

Chen Bo resolutely decided to go in and rest for two days.

This village was not far from the Bilong River. On the hillside behind the village, the view was wide, and the Bilong River could be seen from afar, as far as the eye could see, and the other side could not be seen.

The village was built along the mountain, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, with houses scattered, and there were more than a hundred families.

Chen Bo did not restrain his breath, and after going around the village, he chose to enter.

The villagers could not feel his breath, but the village chief could feel it.

"So it's the Gu Master who has come to visit. I'm sorry for not welcoming you." The village chief said with a smile, not surprised at all by Chen Bo's arrival.

Chen Bo looked at him and saw that he was in his prime.

After some communication, Chen Bo learned that this village was a place where the merchant's caravan passed by, and he was specially advised to become a Gu Master and the merchant's agent here.

Logically speaking, this place belongs to half of the merchant's territory. If you want to move here, you have to consider the weight of the merchant.

So although this village has only one second-level village chief, the surroundings are peaceful and there are no magic Gu Masters harassing.

The wild beasts around will also be cleared out by the merchant caravan that comes once a year.

The magic Gu Masters who come here will also leave tactfully, or wait for the merchant caravan to arrive and trade.

The merchant is not like other families. As long as you do business with him, he will not refuse you whether you are a righteous or a magic person.

Shangjia is a super family in southern Xinjiang, and they open their doors to magic Gu Masters. Who wants to be on Shangjia's blacklist?

Some Gu Masters even choose to befriend this village to cater to Shangjia, giving him some resources to help clear the surrounding beasts.

So the village chief can reach the second level of cultivation, and these magic Gu Masters have made great contributions.

After Chen Bo learned about his background, he said that he had no ill intentions and was willing to pay five Yuanshi to stay here for a few nights.

Five Yuanshi, just for accommodation, is definitely enough.

The village chief agreed, but explained that if Chen Bo was avoiding his enemies, then he should not affect this place.

Chen Bo followed the village chief into the village. In the center of the village, there was a flag with a Shang character on it.

Chen Bo observed carefully and found that the flag was actually made by a consumable Gu worm. If the flag was destroyed, Shangjia would receive the message.

In the center of the village, near the top of the mountain, there were several stone brick houses that looked relatively new. They should be specially prepared for Shangjia caravans passing by.

On weekdays, there are often people cleaning.

The village chief took him to live in a smaller house, and after giving some instructions, he was ready to leave.

"Village chief, please stay," Chen Bo walked up and handed the village chief ten Yuan stones.

The village chief looked at the Yuan stones, then looked at Chen Bo, without reaching out to take them, and said with a smile, "I wonder what the master Gu Master wants?"

Chen Bo smiled and said, "I wonder when the merchant caravan will arrive. I want to follow the caravan to the merchant city."

The village chief smiled and said, "That's really a coincidence. The caravan is expected to arrive next week. There are many people like you who want to take the caravan to the merchant city. They will come here one after another in the next few days to wait."

"Don't have conflicts when the time comes, otherwise it will be hard to say when the merchant caravan arrives."

Chen Bo said he understood, and took out another forty Yuan stones and handed them to the village chief, "Village chief, thank you for your hard work."

The village chief then reached out to take it, and it seemed that he had given too little before!

In this way, Chen Bo finally found a temporary residence, and it seemed relatively safe, with the support of merchants behind him.

He immediately took out the Gu worms and began to refine them.

Before, his progress in refining Gu worms was very slow, and his main energy was on running away and guarding against attacks by wild beasts.

Now, he finally had time to refine all these Gu worms.

Unlike Fang Yuan, he could not refine Gu worms in an instant, so he had to slowly refine them through Zhen Yuan.

The second-level Gu worms were refined faster, after all, he could let his own third-level Gu worms show their aura and suppress the second-level Gu worms.

Those first-level stream Gu had already been refined by him.

For the next three days, Chen Bo did not go out, but honestly refined the Gu worms. During this period, all the food was provided by himself.

He naturally prepared Gu worms such as rice bags and grass Gu that could produce food, and water was provided by stream Gu.

In three days, he finally finished refining the Gu worms and put them all into the empty cavity.

His hollow cavity was full of Gu worms.

However, his hollow cavity of the third level of cultivation could hold it.

Although the external environment was relatively safe, he was not at ease, and his sleep was intermittent every day. Fortunately, after two days, his spirit and energy returned to the previous level, and he did not look overworked.

He was able to come here smoothly thanks to his strength and cultivation. On the other hand, Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing were trekking in the jungle at this moment.

Their raft had been destroyed long ago.

Now Fang Yuan's aptitude has improved, but his cultivation has fallen to the initial stage of the first level. All dangers depend on Bai Ningbing.

At night, Bai Ningbing was on guard.

Fang Yuan lay on the tree trunk, looking at a third-level silver relic Gu in his hollow cavity, and sighed.

This was extorted from Baijiazhai, and he was going to use it before leaving the village.

However, the Spring and Autumn Cicada revived too quickly, and he only improved a small realm, and could not delay the pressure brought by the Spring and Autumn Cicada, so he could only use the Stone Hole Gu.

Therefore, the silver relic Gu was kept until now.

I thought I could use it after I got the inheritance, but I didn't expect my cultivation to regress to the initial stage of the first turn, and he didn't have a bronze relic Gu of the first turn.

Looking at the silver relic Gu playing around in the empty cavity, Fang Yuan felt mixed emotions.

[I don't know when I can cultivate back to the third turn! ]

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