The hunchbacked old man immediately became nervous. He didn't have Flash Gu.

Among the nine monsters in Jingjiang, he was the only one left at the moment.

After waiting for a long time, Chen Bo didn't come to kill him.

He was extremely anxious in his heart. It was impossible for the other party to escape, and most likely he was recovering from his injuries secretly.

The hunchbacked old man was indeed thinking well. After Chen Bo took the Healing Light Pill, his injuries were stabilized, enough to support his movements.

Now, he took another light-healing pill to speed up his recovery from the injury.

Originally, he only needed to take one pill, or at most two pills, and his injuries would slowly recover.

But now, he has swallowed five of them, just to speed up the recovery of his injuries, quickly restore some combat power, and kill the opponent.

He doesn't need to fight hand-to-hand, he just needs to use divine words and word pills to kill the opponent like last time.

The hunchbacked old man waited for a long time, but saw no movement. He immediately took out the Yuan Stone, restored his true energy, and focused most of his attention on observing the surroundings.

[I really didn’t expect that I would be taken advantage of by a mere second-level shadow accompanying Gu. 】He recognized the Gu insect used by Chen Bo.

In this dark night, the shadow accompanying Gu played a huge role.

Gradually, the true energy in the hunchbacked old man's body has returned to its original state.

He put away the Yuan Stone and stood quietly.

Late at night, quiet.


The sudden sound scared the old man and turned around, thinking it was Chen Bo coming.

Looking around, there was nothing unusual.

It turned out to be the sound of crickets.

Under such a quiet night sky, long after the battle, the crickets finally found a sense of security and began to chirp.

However, the movement of the hunchbacked old man made the crickets become quiet again.

The old man didn't move and continued to wait.


The crickets started chirping again.

This time the old man did not disturb this humble life's joy of celebrating the rest of his life.

He activated the reconnaissance bug in his body to try to find Chen Bo's whereabouts, but still found nothing as before.

This is a protracted battle, and the two sides are locked in a mental battle to see who has the patience.

It's just that Chen Bo is hiding and the old man is hiding.

Finally, after burning the incense, the old man felt a little irritable and slowly backed away.

His feet moved on the ground, and the vibration caused by stepping on the ground immediately stopped the crickets' chirping again.

The old man continued to retreat.

Since you can't find your opponent, retreat.

Now that he is the only one left among the Nine Monsters in Jingjiang, he must shoulder this name, revive the prestige of the Nine Monsters, and continue the glory of the past.


The word "bear" came flying from a distance.

The hunchbacked old man immediately took action and hit Xiong Zi. Taking advantage of the situation, he took action again and shot a stone cone in the direction where Xiong Zi came from.

The character Xiong stopped abruptly in mid-air, braked quickly, and flew back instead of getting closer.

The old man's attack followed closely, hitting Xiong Zi's body, causing the Xiong Zi to stand dangling in mid-air.

The stone cone shot into the deep and dark forest, but there was no response.

Xiong Zi did not attack, and the old man stopped retreating.

He stared at the word "bear" and at the same time paid attention to his surroundings.

The scene fell silent again.


The crickets chirped again.

The other wild beasts on this battlefield had long been frightened away by the sound of the battle, and only humble, unintelligent little creatures like crickets were still here.

The old man held his breath and concentrated, waiting for the opponent to attack, but there was no movement, and Xiong Zi was motionless, as if staring at him and looking him up and down.

Slowly, the old man raised his legs and backed away again.


Another word flew towards the old man.

behind him.

The cricket suddenly stopped making noise, making it impossible to detect his voice.

The old man turned around instantly and shot out a stone cone.

The wolf character nimbly dodged the stone cone, stood still, and floated quietly in the air like the bear character.

The old man's eyes sunk, and he realized that something was wrong. The other party was trying to surround and kill him.

"Chen Bo, you can't kill me. Today I admit defeat. From now on, we will never offend the river!"

The old man responded with two words, one left and one right, floating towards him.

The character for pig is the character for horse.

"Hmph, do you think you're sure of me?" The old man sneered.

"I, Wan Dongqing, have been traveling around for decades, and have experienced hundreds of battles, big and small, and now I have reached the fourth level of cultivation. I inherited the magic way at a young age, and got a body of earth-path Gu insects, which has strong defense. Later, I gradually changed to improved Gu insect equipment, which is both offensive and defensive. Strong combat power."

"I have killed two rank four Gu masters in this life, and countless rank three and below. What do you think you can do to me with your mere rank three cultivation?"

No response.

"I know that you think that if you kill my subordinates, I won't let it go. However, if you die, you will die. There is nothing to say. There are many Gu masters in southern Xinjiang. I can form the Jingjiang Nine Monsters again and still restore the former glory. , Don’t worry, I won’t come to trouble you or try to trick you.”

"Today, you and I let each other go. From now on, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, and we each go our own way, how about that?"

"You and I will be hurt if we fight, and we will both benefit if we separate. You don't want to be plotted and attacked by others anymore, so it is better to retain your combat power to deal with future enemies."

After the hunchbacked old man, Wan Dongqing, finished speaking, he slowly backed away after seeing the four words.

[Hmph, you are wise, I have failed today, and I will come back to take revenge tomorrow! 】

He was alert to his surroundings, raised his legs and walked away.

Just after taking two steps, he saw four characters rushing towards him. At the same time, in his field of vision, more characters flew out from all around and rushed towards him.

His scalp immediately felt numb and cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Chen Bo, you are going to fight to the death today, right? OK, OK, OK, then I will stay with you until the end!"

He pulled open his coat, and a four-winged centipede as thick as an arm jumped out from his back.

This is a fourth-level Gu insect, similar to a toad on the back of a mountain. It is a Gu insect that can personally drive and fight.

The four-winged centipede flapped its wings, making a buzzing sound. It flapped its wings and rushed forward. It opened a road in an instant, and the words on the road were knocked away and smashed.

Wan Dongqing straightened up, "No one has been able to force me to use the four-winged centipede for a long time!"

There is also a four-winged centipede in Wandong Qingkong's orifice. Normally, he only uses that one to fight. This four-winged centipede is carried on his back, pretending to be hunchbacked, and usually sucks his blood. Feeding with flesh and blood.

The four-winged centipede opened a path for Wan Dongqing, who followed closely behind and used earth methods to condense two stone shields on his side, rotating around him for defense.


The thunderous sound wave penetrated instantly, hitting the four-winged centipede upright and shrouding it.

Wan Dongqing was also affected and quickly covered his ears and retreated.

The four-winged centipede kept twisting and rolling in the sound waves, and fell to the ground.

Oh oh oh——

The sound wave of the ape's cry then sounded, and the four-winged centipede rolled painfully on the ground, kicking up a large amount of soil.

Wan Dongqing put his hands together, and the ground instantly rose up, forming an earth wall that blocked most of the sound waves.

Under the control of Wan Dongqing, the four-winged centipede struggled to flap its four wings and flew again.

The two sound waves failed to kill the four-winged centipede, and even did little damage to it.

At this time, characters were rushing in from all directions, and Wan Dongqing once again activated the Gu worms in his body, causing walls of earth to rise from the ground, quickly rising to a height of more than ten meters.

Many words hit the earth wall and bounced back.

Some words broke through the earth wall and continued to move forward.

In the dark night, countless words, pig, horse, wolf, bear, are flying all over the sky, with only one target, and that is Wan Dongqing.

Wan Dongqing could only continue to use means to defend himself. Earth walls rose up one after another. After being smashed to pieces, stone walls condensed out.

For a moment, all that could be seen in the scene was:

Thousands of words rushed like a tornado, and the high walls undulated like a maze.

The four-winged centipede is invincible and has sound waves that penetrate the battlefield.

The only one among the Nine Monsters in Jingjiang, Gu Yue's clan has an orphan.

It is difficult to find the enemy if the defense is intact, and the offensive is like a tide hidden in the dark forest.

Just to compete for benefits, eight people were killed to establish their reputation.

Everyone has their own opportunities and talents. Only tonight do we know who is the devil.

Wan Dongqing's defense is strong, and there is a geographical advantage here. The four-winged centipede on the side of him rushes back and forth, leaving fragments of broken characters wherever it passes.

Chen Bo's offensive was like a tidal wave, and the pills in his heart had been consumed by 10%. The sound and sound of thunder and roaring apes continued, and the sound waves shrouded everything in ruins.

Both sides used their tactics freely on this battlefield, overtly and covertly, regardless of the consequences, and only concerned about life and death.

After all, it was Chen Bo's wave of words that gradually submerged Wan Dongqing.

Even though Wan Dongqing had deep defenses, he was gradually unable to do anything.

Suddenly, a phonetic word broke into his field of vision, and thunder roared suddenly.

He could hardly move, and together with the four-winged centipede beside him, he could only carry it.

The next second, another phonetic character came out from behind, the second phonetic character.

Thunder roar came out again, attacking from both sides.

Wan Dongqing was horrified, [How come there are two pronunciation words! 】

Without waiting for his reaction, the third sound word arrived instantly, and thunder roared again.

Three-phase attack, sonic hedging, Wan Dongqing was deeply trapped, and his defense was shattered visible to the naked eye.

In the end, he died under the sound wave. His body was penetrated by the sound wave and shattered on the spot. He died without a complete body.

But the four-winged centipede was actually still struggling and was not torn apart by the sound waves, nor was it destroyed by Wan Dongqing's thoughts.

The sound wave stopped, but the sea of ​​words still swept around, destroying the surroundings and spreading like a tsunami.

Secretly some Gu Masters retreated one after another.

After a long time, the battlefield gradually stopped, and each word began to disintegrate and dissipate.

The word "yin" slowly moved back and landed on Chen Bo.

He came to the four-winged centipede.

The four-winged centipede was dying and was caught in Chen Bo's hand, but it didn't even struggle.

After cleaning the battlefield, Chen Bo walked towards the caravan.

After this battle, no one should mess with him anymore.

As Chen Bo left, the battlefield became quiet, the surroundings were silent, and the chirping of crickets... no longer sounded.

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