Guard With a Knife

Eight hundred and thirty-three: [The end of the game is actually a giant planet! 】

KD's eyes were burning when facing the reporter.

He's trying to project a 'he can replace that' kind of ambition.

But in terms of image, he is more like a migrant worker in the shed who wants to move more trucks of bricks.

There is no way to say too much about temperament.

When the color dog walked to the center of the stage before the game, the audience cheered for him. That kind of handsome, unrestrained and unrestrained aura can be seen as a successful person.

And when TNT's camera cut to the group of duchess girls and managers clapping hard on the sidelines, there was a feeling of "a man should be like this".

Why did all good things happen to him.

Durant stood where the lights couldn't shine, thinking enviously and jealously.

If there should be a song playing beside him at this time, it must be: That eighteenth year, at the alma mater dance, standing like a minion, I swear with tears in my eyes, everyone... you must see me.

"The sex dog is really cool. He is handsome, talented, rich, good-natured, and there are a bunch of female stars who like him..."

Before James Harden could finish his emotion, Kevin Durant, nicknamed Death God, had already glared at him fiercely.

At that time, he kept his mouth shut. Turning around, I went to chat with my second brother.

Westbrook was also in an inexplicable mood at this time. He couldn't believe that the top student from the business school in the same dormitory won the NBA championship before him... This is so ridiculous. Moreover, he is actually stronger than me now? Life is really a box of chocolates, and no one knows what it tastes like before opening it. But...why should God favor Snoopy so much?

Master Wei was a little depressed.

But thinking about Darren Collison, who was the strongest and most famous back then, he felt a little better. At the beginning, he relied on his math scores, and Kevin Love, the second-generation ball player, was also unknown at that time. Only Collison was a five-star player, and he was very proud at the time. Now... the four people in the same dormitory, he has just started.


"...I am very happy to help the team win the championship last season, but anyway, this has become a thing of the past. Now, let us put away our joy and excitement and fight for the 2011-2012 season that has already started! !"

The little duke quickly finished his speech.

Amidst the loud cheers, the awards ceremony was also declared complete.

When the players put away their championship rings, a new challenge began.

Since the beginning of this season, the top two small forwards in active service have shown great progress. LeBron James has strengthened his offensive ability and shooting stability inside. Kevin Durant has increased his ball-holding ability and coping ability, and his already accurate shooting ability is even more incomprehensible.

At the same time, the Thunder Youth Army is also making rapid progress this season.

Westbrook, James Harden, and Ibaka's familiarity with the NBA has rapidly increased, and their strength has also grown to varying degrees during the offseason. Coupled with the successive introduction of Perkins and other strong helpers. As Kevin Durant said, they are ready to hit the championship.

But now, standing in front of them is the Bull Army led by Snoopy.

Before the game, Carlos Boozer put forward his opinion to Kevin Durant in an interview as an experienced person: "Actually, I have always wanted to say to Durant, I am sorry, boy. There is nothing wrong with you being very strong , but sometimes fate is like this. When you lose to someone from the beginning, you are likely to live in his shadow for the entire career. There is always only one protagonist, and you have to accept that like Charles Barkley fate. Come on!"

Obviously, these words irritated Durant very seriously.

Therefore, he stepped into the position of power forward and faced Carlos Boozer at the beginning of the game.

How could Boozer prevent him?

Lao Bu doesn't rely on playing basketball for a living now.

After several singles, Boozer rested, and the Bulls pushed Snoopy to the power forward position, and then matched with Derrick Rose, Richard Hamilton, Luol Deng and Joakim Noah who returned from injury.

When Snoopy came to position 4,

Kevin Durant quickly returned to his familiar three position.

He does not have a direct dialogue with Snoopy.

He started to set new points on Luol Deng.

This guy is indeed the number one scoring monster in the NBA now, and he is very efficient.

With Master West producing assists and rebounds, he performed like a fish in water. Coupled with the assistance of Sofoloza, Ibaka and Perkins, the overall offensive and defensive rhythm of the Thunder is extremely tight.

"There's even a Detroit Pistons vibe."

Richard Hamilton stressed during the intermission.

At this point, the Bulls had trailed by 5 points in the first quarter.

That's not a good thing for Chicago.

Kenny Smith even reiterated during the intermission: "I still have to say that the overall strength of the Chicago Bulls has declined this season. But the Oklahoma City Thunder has strengthened in an all-round way. Kevin Durant with a firm Determined to come here, he could very well ruin Snoopy's night of championships ... if Snoopy continues to shoot 2 for 6 in the first quarter."

After the game entered the second quarter.

Snoopy sat on the bench for the first time. When he was receiving the towel handed by the staff, two raised sand got into his eyes.

Boozer is blowing him as hard as he can.

The screen looks a little weird.

However, Derrick Rose played a good picture in the process. Under the lineup with him as the core, he played a fast offensive and defensive rhythm. Joakim Noah, Ty Gibson, Luol Deng, and Korver relaxed under his arrangement and gradually recovered the score.

After the sand in Snoopy's eyes was finally blown out, Derrick Rose led the team to tie the score.

At this time, Tom Thibodeau came over and asked Snoopy if he wanted to play.

Doug shook his head quickly.

Then, he sat on the bench for the entire second quarter.

Derrick Rose has done a great job, and he is a duck to water in Thibodeau's defensive counterattack tactics. This set of tactics that was originally tailor-made for him is still playing at a very strong level after returning to his hands.

This is indeed a very good thing for the Bulls.

Snoopy didn't feel any sense of loss about this, and he even suggested that after the start of the third quarter, Rose would still lead the team to play first.


As the Thunder adjusted their strategy, Rose was immediately targeted in the third quarter, and he was blocked by Westbrook and Sofoloza. Moreover, Ibaka also began to make trouble in the paint, plus Perkins.

The Bulls' defensive counterplay was deadlocked.

Subsequently, Snoopy came on and Derrick Rose went off for a short rest.

After the Duke came on the field, the Bulls' offense was revitalized again.

He also executed the previous tactics, but he played more delicately and advancedly than Rose. If Derrick Rose is like a fierce arrow in this lineup, the other four players are his wingmen when attacking and a strong foundation when defending. Then, in this lineup, Snoopy is the commanding master of the offensive end and the most important bottom line of the defensive end.

Although his breakthrough changes are not as many as Rose, the adhesion and variability he brings to the team is beyond Rose's reach.

As a result, the Bulls once again broke through the confinement of the Thunder's defensive lineup.

Meanwhile, James Harden and Kevin Durant found touch from beyond the arc at the same time.

The scores of the two sides increased alternately in hand-to-hand combat!

This situation continued until the end of the third quarter.


The Thunder led by 1 point entering the fourth quarter.

"It was a high-quality offensive and defensive game. Both teams played great performances, especially the Thunder, they are real talent basketball, Durant's scoring ability, James Harden's breakthrough, Westbrook Nor was there any tendency to go it alone tonight."

TNT commentator Earl Johnson said in the commentary booth: "However, the Bulls. I must emphasize that although their lineup is still strong, it has indeed declined compared to last season. Basketball' is hitting the ceiling. If they want to get bigger this season. That's right in front of them, trade!"

"They need trades, they need more aid. The overlap between Derrick Rose and Snoopidoo is still unresolved. They each led the team to play a quarter of the game, and they both performed very well. There is no effect where 1+1 equals 2."

"Actually, I think the Rose-Curry deal is pretty good. If Snoopy is paired with a shooting point guard who doesn't occupy the ball, he will be more at home! Not to mention, Derrick Rose can It’s not just Steph Curry, it’s okay to add Klay Thompson.”

Earl Johnson had a tirade during the intermission.

He thinks his suggestion is the best choice for the current Bulls.

However, Charles Barkley on the side said: "Based on what I know about Snoopy, he would never make the decision to let the team trade Derrick Rose. Remember, he is a Chinese. If you remember Yao I don’t think you will have difficulty understanding the matter of refusing a better contract from the Lakers back then.”

"Besides, the current problems of the Bulls are actually very easy to solve. As long as Snoopy's offensive ability is improved, the Bulls' strength will be stronger than last season. There is no need for any trade."

Barkley emphasized.


The whistle sounded and the game continued in the fourth quarter.

The two teams that had been anxious in the previous three quarters both replaced their strongest lineups at this time.

Oklahoma put on four less plus Perkins.

The Bulls at home used Derrick Rose, Richard Hamilton, Luol Deng, Snoopidoo and Joakim Noah.

"In comparison, I think the Thunder's chances of winning should be higher. Their three new-generation stars are more aggressive. At the end of the game, they are actually superstars!"

Kenny Smith predicted: "The Bulls' two cores didn't feel very good tonight."



[There are many votes in the top five. Guys, if you have a monthly ticket, hurry up and vote for the color dog! 】

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