Guard With a Knife

Eight Hundred and Seventy-Nine: [Trade Rumors from Black Mamba]


In fact, Charles dialed the phone to Tracy in front of the national audience with 18 seconds left in the game, and he also put the phone on speakerphone.

However, just when he was about to describe the final result of this game to him in a long and brilliant sentence, a woman's voice came from the other side: "He doesn't have time to answer the phone!!"

The voice was urgent, impatient, and slightly breathy.

Beep beep beep!

Charles Barkley smiled as he listened to the sound of the phone hanging up.

He didn't think much about it. He just joked on the camera: "Hey, see? This guy doesn't even dare to answer the phone now."

However, three minutes later.

Tracy McGrady sat up in his bedroom. The emptiness in his body made his brain suddenly wake up.

He clapped his hands: That's right! That’s right! ! It must have been that way, Snoopy must have been that night.

He quickly sent the woman named Diana away with five hundred dollars. Then he started to check the video of that night. He identified it carefully. The more he listened, the more he felt that his judgment was correct. The noise on the other end of the phone may not be about volleyball, but...

Under intense repeated listening, he even clearly heard who the speaker was: Emma Stone!

Yes, he watched her movie "Scandal Project" with his children in the theater at home some time ago: it is a romantic comedy film starring Emma Stone and Amanda Bynes. This movie tells the story of a little beauty, Olive, who was not taken seriously in school until one day at a party, she and another little boy performed a sensational "break-up scene" and became famous in one fell swoop.

He clearly remembered her voice and even warned his children not to do anything like this when they go to high school.

Then, he checked the entertainment news of the day. He discovered that on that day, the MTV channel reported the news of eight duchess in Miami. This quickly activated his mind, and he began to realize that he was touching an astonishing truth.

Is such that!

That must be the case.

This perverted dog must have done something shameful.

Tracy McGrady thought angrily, and he planned to find an opportunity to make it public.

I can't fight with a donkey in vain.

While McGrady seemed to grasp at straws, Spoelstra sat at the post-game press conference and sadly announced the end of the Heat's season.

He said that he would take full responsibility for this failure because he failed to take advantage of the advantages of the Big Three, especially LeBron.

During the conversation, he already had the idea of ​​​​retiring.

In the early hours of that day, insider information pointed out that LeBron was furious in the locker room. He accused Spoelstra of not giving himself enough tactical freedom. At the same time, he also criticized the management for not bringing enough help to the Big Three.

When news like this comes out, public opinion intensifies its efforts to add insult to injury.

"At least LeBron will now say 'I didn't give enough help to the Big Three' instead of saying 'I didn't give enough help to LeBron.' This is a great improvement." Cavaliers owner Albert said in front of the media. Said: "I have never heard a bad word from Snoop about his teammates not being good. He is always silently helping his teammates become better."

Such comparisons are endless.

What humans are most passionate about doing is to praise others and suppress others. The only difference is that before, it was Snoop who was stepping on LeBron.

When the world was making fun of LeBron's moment when he pointed his fingers backwards and said, 'Not one, not two, not three, not four...' when he joined the Heat, Snoop got a call from Los Angeles.

Kobe Bryant congratulated Snoop for defeating LeBron again and wished Snoop another championship.

For the Black Mamba, he can accept Snoopy wearing a yellow robe, but he cannot accept LeBron James soaring into the sky. Because when he was at his peak, LeBron's emergence gave him too much of a threat. At that time, some people even ranked LeBron above him. This feeling is very bad.

He has a share of the credit for Snoopy's rise. Whether emotionally or intellectually, he hopes that Snoopy will firmly occupy the throne of the league's number one player.

And, he... really really wants Snoopy to come to Los Angeles! !

"Hey, Snoopy. You're about to win two championships. What's the point of being in the East? With Chicago's lineup, there's no way Miami will make it any harder for you. Pat Riley doesn't. There may be no reinforcements in the summer, and there is simply no strong reinforcements they can introduce in the free market. Even the old players who aim to win the championship are more willing to join the Bulls than the Heat. "

"Actually, after Chicago trades Derrick Rose and acquires a bunch of shooters and draft picks, your dominance in the Eastern Conference will be more solid. For a basketball player, losing competition and challenge is too..."

Before Kobe Bryant could finish his words, Snoop asked: "Who said they want to trade Derrick?"

"I heard some rumors. You know, there are no secrets in the NBA."

Black Mamba replied.

As soon as he finished saying this, Snoopy hung up the phone.

Then he dialed the phone into the busy office of Gary Foreman.

When Foreman saw Snoopy's name on his phone, he had to stop the conversation and get through to Snoopy's signal.

"Hey, dear Snoopy. Aren't you taking a break? This is a rare holiday in the playoffs..."

Before Forman even finished speaking, the little Duke quickly asked: "Are you going to trade Derek? When will this happen?"

Snoopy's voice sounded angry and aggressive.

This put Foreman under great pressure.

He knew that Snoop would never agree to trade Derrick Rose. He didn't want Snoop's anger to spread further. Moreover, he was now in the most critical period of the playoffs and was about to hit the championship, so he A very wrong example was set.

He subconsciously chose to evade and delay: "No. Where did you get the news? What reason do we have to break up a defending champion? Dear Snoopy, put your heart back in your belly, we are very likely to We will face the Oklahomans in the next round. They are a bunch of restless boys, and it takes calmness to defeat them."

Gary Foreman used his excellent negotiating skills to convince Snoopy.

Snoop also quickly went to Derrick Rose and engaged in active training.

After all, the Thunder are not a fuel-efficient team!



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