Ten minutes later, the lawyer from the group's legal department also arrived

, and not surprisingly, Liu Yan did not chew on the root of her tongue and did anything to argue.


is not a fool, she is a small clerk, and if she offends the eldest lady of the group, she can imagine the consequences.

If she can't complain about others, she is all self-inflicted, and she can only blame herself for being unlucky!

Just like Bai Yuan said, it is the most correct decision to bow your head and suffer honestly.

Don't try to go head-to-head with capital, because you can't withstand that terrible counterattack at all, and you don't know how much energy Shen Xinghai has in Qingzhou City

! In fact, to be honest, she hasn't done anything wrong except for her bad mouth!

The intermediary industry is like this, no one is clean in his hands, and what he pursues is performance, which is a list.

Do you say that what Liu Yan has done is sorry for the Xinghai Group?

On the contrary, everything she has done is entirely for the interests of the group.

A murderous house like Jinjiang Yipin No. 13 Villa, if you don't hide the truth, you will not be able to sell it for the rest of your life, so you can only smash it.

Moreover, there is really no way to define such a thing as a murderous

house! Do you say that a house can really determine a person's life

and death? Anyway, excluding the theory of strange forces and gods, there is no scientific evidence to prove it!

What about blaming feng shui and the house for a person's accidental death?

This is unreasonable.

It's just that the people of the Long Kingdom believe this, what tricks can you have?

After the lawyer from the legal department and Liu Yan left.

Shen Sining pulled Jiang Cheng to introduce Shen Xinghai with a playful face.

How good Jiang Cheng is, how to pit a liar for 100,000 yuan, how to choose five rough stones to rise by five yuan, and help her earn more than 3 million yuan in one night, the sky is blowing.

Listening to Shen Sining's little girl's rainbow fart, Jiang Cheng himself doubted that he was really that good?

After listening to his daughter's description, Shen Xinghai instantly had a good impression of the young man in front of him.

Jiang Cheng didn't forget to make money by himself, and even helped his daughter earn money.

You know, that's more than 3 million, Jiang Cheng can earn it by himself!

There is no need to cheapen his own daughter.

Shen Xinghai said with a smile: "Brother Jiang also does the jade rough business?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, even if he was a novice, he would just play around.

"Brother Jiang is humble, you can bet on every piece, this is not something that a novice can do!"

"It's just lucky! To be honest, before I gambled on stones, I worked as a driver in the calcite factory for five years, and I have dealt with the original stone for five years, so I should have a little clue!"

Jiang Cheng smiled, not knowing how to explain the fact that the luck was too good.

"Oh, is that so?" Shen Xinghai thought for a moment and suddenly said, "That's no wonder!" In

addition to gambling on luck, gambling stones look at eyesight and experience the most.

In addition to talent and luck, Jiang Cheng also has five years of experience in jadeite rough and the eyesight he has honed as a result.

That's the most important thing.

I have to say that this Jiang Cheng is a talent.

The character is also not bad.

If he hadn't focused on the real estate industry, he would have planned to partner with Jiang Cheng in the jadeite rough business.

It's just the Qingzhou jadeite rough business, and the Huang family accounts for the majority.

Jewelry, jade, gold, antiques and the like are the world of the Murong family.

It was unwise for him to rush into it.

It's just a waste of a talent like Jiang Cheng, Shen Xinghai feels more and more pity

! Shen Xinghai smiled: "Brother Jiang, I'm a little curious, you can make money yourself, why did you give the three million to the little girl?"

"To be honest, I still borrowed money to buy my own piece of raw stone! I also wanted to buy something else, but my strength didn't allow it at that time!"

As for helping Si Ning, it's actually because Si Ning helped me before, I owe Si Ning a favor, Si Ning also wants to gamble on stones, I can't pit her!"

Shen Xinghai nodded with satisfaction, it can be seen that Jiang Cheng's character really has nothing to say.

At this time, Jiang Cheng's mobile phone rang suddenly.

At first glance, it turned out to be the phone call from the master Liu Ruiming.

He Shen Xinghai nodded, then walked to the side and answered the phone.

"Hey, master, what's the matter

?" "Stinky boy, what time is it? Didn't you say that you would come over in the morning to learn how to paint? You won't be entertaining my old man, right?" Liu Ruiming's

tone was obviously a little complaining.

Jiang Cheng smiled bitterly, there were too many things yesterday, and he actually forgot about this stubble!

Hurriedly explained: "Master, I'm really sorry, there were too many things yesterday, I forgot, in the afternoon, I must go in the afternoon!"

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Cheng scratched the back of his head, looking embarrassed!

"Brother Orange, whose phone is it? How did I hear you calling Master?"

Shen Sining quietly approached Jiang Cheng's side, blinking and looking curiously with big eyes.


Liu Lao!" Shen Xinghai raised his eyebrows and said suspiciously: "Liu Lao, which Liu Lao?" "

It's Liu Ruiming Liu Lao from Furuixuan!" Jiang Cheng replied truthfully with a smile.

Shen Xinghai's eyes lit up instantly.

"Brother Jiang, I heard you call Liu Lao as a master just now?"

"Oh! It was Liu Lao who took me as an apprentice to learn Chinese

painting!" "Oh, Liu Lao's painting level can definitely be called a master's level, and Brother Jiang can worship Liu Lao as a teacher, and the future is immeasurable!" "

Liu Lao can take a fancy to me, which is a blessing for me!"

"Hahaha! Brother Jiang doesn't need to be modest, I am optimistic about you!".

To be honest, Shen Xinghai is not satisfied with the real estate industry, and has always wanted to lay a foundation in other fields.

But his Shen family has always been pressed by the Huang family and the Murong family.

Everyone in the family is holding their breath! They

want to enter the antique jewelry industry, but the Shen family does not have a master like Liu Ruiming, and it is impossible to shake the status of the Murong family.

He also thought about starting with the jadeite industry, but the Huang family, the largest jadeite rough merchant in Qingzhou, has always supported the Murong family, and it is difficult for him to even drink the soup.

In recent years, the real estate industry has gradually become saturated, the bubble economy has become more and more empty, and many large real estate groups have gone bankrupt and closed down!

Hengtai is an example.

The Shen family is not large, and he is really afraid that Xinghai Group will follow in the footsteps of Hengtai again.

If that's the case, he, Shen Xinghai, won't have the face to face the ancestors of the Shen family!

Therefore, Xinghai Group urgently needs to open up the market.

But there is no way.

Now, Jiang Cheng's appearance seems to have ignited Shen Xinghai's hope all of a sudden.

You must know that the Murong family was able to make a fortune and occupy a place in the antique jewelry industry, and Liu Ruiming made great contributions.

And coincidentally, this Jiang Cheng turned out to be Liu Ruiming's apprentice, and with Jiang Cheng's talent in jade rough stones

, he definitely has unlimited potential! Judging from Shen Xinghai's eyes in business for so many years, this Jiang Cheng is definitely a dark horse.

And as long as he is given room to grow, he is definitely a super dark horse that can shake the Murong family and the Huang family.

Such a person, he Xinghai Group must befriend in advance, and must not be evil.

Whether the Shen family can rise again and surpass the Murong family and the Huang family depends on this time!

"Dad, why are you talking so much today!Brother Orange and I still

have to sign a house purchase contract!" Shen Sining, who was left aside, pouted, a little unhappy

!"Brother Jiang wants to buy a house

?" "Yes! I have taken a fancy to this No. 13 villa!"

"What?" Shen Xinghai looked confused, " Brother Jiang, we are not outsiders, I can't lie to you, this No. 13 villa is a murderous house, if Brother Jiang wants to buy a house, I recommend something else to you, my Xinghai Group lacks everything, but there is no shortage of houses

!"If it were someone else

, it would be a pit, but Jiang Cheng would definitely not be able to pit it! Jiang Cheng smiled: "No need, Uncle Shen, I plan to take pictures to place the ashes of my parents and set up a filial piety hall! So, I don't care about those!"

"Is that so?" In that case, this villa is a gift from Shen Xinghai

to Brother Jiang!" "How can this work?"

"Nothing can't be done!" To be honest, Brother Jiang, this villa is also in my hands, and you know that no one buys it at all, instead of putting it there to eat ashes, it is better to give it to Brother Jiang and place the ashes of your parents and set up a filial piety hall!" "But after all, this is

also money? How can I not pay a penny? That's too unauthentic!"

"Alas, to tell the truth, Brother Jiang, this villa is worth more than one million now, you helped Si Ning earn more than three million, and I will return you more than one million, speaking of which, I can be regarded as taking advantage of

you!" Shen Sining on the side also helped: "Yes! Brother Orange, you can take it!"

Jiang Cheng bit his lip and nodded.

After that, he and Shen Sining returned to the sales department to sign the purchase contract!

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