
It's boiling his beast's blood.

Although he also wanted to, he didn't need to be so straightforward, right?

ε٩(๑> ₃ <)۶з

hung up the phone, and Jiang Cheng smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth.

faintly looked forward to this wonderful night.

Thoughts come back to reality.

Jiang Cheng suddenly pondered about Chu Yanran again.

I can't help but have a small doubt in my heart.

Is he too sensitive and thinks too much

? Has it become a

conspiracy theory? Just from Chu Yanran's indifference to her refusal, can he really conclude that Chu Yanran has a conspiracy?

This is obviously too arbitrary.

Moreover, does it be normal for people to cry and beg for themselves, or to show that they care very much

? Perhaps

, Chu Yanran is just casually mentioning it? He is not the protagonist of the novel, is he too self-centered

? Besides, if Chu Yanran is plotting against himself, he must also ask for something, right?

His own 700 million yuan was only obtained because of Chu Yanran.

Money, this item can be ruled out.

Chu Yanran can't plot against her own body, right?

This is even more nonsense.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, Jiang Cheng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

I think I should have encountered too many strange things recently, and the whole person is a little stunned!

I went to the sink and washed my face, and then calmed down a little and stopped thinking about it.

Jiang Cheng shrugged his shoulders, and when he returned to the private room, his sister Jiang Ling was half-lying on the chair, her little belly was already bulging, she couldn't stop burping, and she had a speechless little expression.

Jiang Cheng couldn't cry or laugh a little, walked behind Jiang Ling, and patted her back gently: "You, you, can't you eat less?"

"Hiccup~ Brother, you don't know, learn ...... School cafeteria...... I'm almost throwing up that food...... Hiccup......

"Okay, don't sit still, it's okay to take two steps, digest and digest, make a good stomach, there will be a big battle at night!" Jiang Cheng smiled.

Jiang Ling's head was full of question marks in an instant.

Blinked his big eyes: "Brother...... Belch...... What do you mean? What...... What kind of big battle?"

Jiang Cheng pretended to be serious: "Ah, didn't I tell you before? There is also a big banquet at night! My friend's third uncle and grandfather have a big birthday, and the scene is much better than this!"

"Damn! brother...... Belch...... Why didn't you say it earlier?" Jiang

Ling instantly wanted to cry without tears!


"You didn't ask

!" ❛‿˂̵✧

Jiang Ling's temple instantly appeared with the word "well", and the corners of his mouth twitched

! Jiang Cheng looked at his sister's remorseful little appearance, and smiled back and forth

! "Hahaha, you should be the legendary regret that your intestines are green! You can be regarded as alive!"

After fighting for a while, the two of them left the Baishan Garden.

Jiang Cheng walked with Jiang Ling by the river for a while, until Jiang Ling stopped hiccuping, and then returned to the car.

As soon as Big G walked around and around the ancient street, Jiang Ling pursed his lips and said: "Brother, you will send it to the mall later, I still want to buy a few clothes! The old man has a big birthday, I always have to dress decently!"

Jiang Cheng smiled: "Don't you say it's all the same now?" "

Oh, brother, if you don't scare me, you're not comfortable, right?"

Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I have something to do in the afternoon, you can go by yourself, take a taxi home after shopping, and I'll pick you up later, okay? Okay, why don't you call a friend or classmate or something?"

"Oh! Okay, okay, how old am I, just buy a dress, I can do it myself!"

Jiang Cheng nodded.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Cheng put his sister Jiang Ling at the door of a large shopping mall near the Chenguang community.

"Brother, the old man has a big birthday, shouldn't you prepare a birthday gift

?" "Huh?" Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, "Yes, yes, how did I forget!"

Although Shen Xinghai said not to bring gifts, he couldn't be stunned, yes, he really didn't bring anything, right

? Maybe people would just

be polite and polite? When the time came, other relatives and friends were carrying things, and he was empty-handed and brought two mouths?

That's too embarrassing, isn't it?


"Haha!Ling'er, this time I'll take credit for you, okay, finish shopping, go home early, and give me a WeChat message when I get home

!" Jiang Ling rolled his eyes: "Brother, didn't you find that you were really verbose

?" Jiang Cheng touched his nose and smiled embarrassedly: "Is there it?"

"There is too much nonsense!"

After speaking, he turned around and left.

"Alas, this little girl!" Jiang Cheng sighed, "Do I really talk a lot of nonsense?"

scratched his head, smiled bitterly, kicked the accelerator, and went straight to Nancheng Ancient Street.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Cheng parked his car in a public parking space not far from the ancient bridge, crossed the ancient bridge, and headed towards Fu Rui Xuan.

Although I have just had lunch, the antique street is still hot.

Jiang Cheng walked by one stall after another, and he only glanced at the value.

Pick up the leaks, all the time.

However, it is not surprising that the objects on the stalls are basically modern imitations, or deliberately old handicrafts.

It's basically worth three melons and two dates.

And, don't underestimate the owners of these stalls.

Eyesight, experience, and knowledge, but not much worse than opening a store.

One by one, like a monkey, will never do a loss-making business.

It's almost impossible to pick up a leak from them.

Unless you meet the kind of big stick and mallet stall owners who don't understand anything, otherwise, only they will pit you and want to pick up big leaks, and there is no door.

After a moment's delay, Jiang Cheng walked directly into Furui Xuan.

The inside of Furuixuan is not the same as the outside.

There are only a few sporadic people looking at antiques inside.

A few clerks are patiently introducing customers.

That's normal.

Those who can buy antiques are either pure antique dealers, who specialize in picking up leaked antiques and selling them to make a living.

Either they are real collectors who are not bad at all, and they buy antiques for appreciation, for collection.

It's just that those who can enter Furuixuan have basically been eliminated from the leakage.

Because after all, the price is there, and the objects in the store are basically Liu Ruiming's palms.

Unless Liu Ruiming has an eye, basically no one can pick up the leak from Liu Ruiming's hands.

As soon as Jiang Cheng entered the door, Zhou Ying's eyes lit up, and she stepped forward with a smile, and excitedly pulled Jiang Cheng's arm and walked to the bench on the side.

"Brother Jiang, are you here? Come on, come on, sit down, I'll pour you a glass of water!" Do you want to eat oranges

......?" Just have a glass of water!" Looking

at Zhou Ying's enthusiastic little appearance, Jiang Cheng was still a little confused for a while.

I can't help but be a little funny, this young lady, is she too enthusiastic?

Many customers on the side saw this scene, and their faces instantly became strange.

Their eyes have become complicated

! As if to say, they are all customers, how can there be such a big gap in service?

What they don't know is that Jiang Cheng is now a treasure to

Zhou Ying! Because of the "Phoenix Pride Intent" painted by Jiang Cheng casually, and the small video of Zhou Ying's pox print, the number of views directly exceeded 3.3 million, and the number of fans skyrocketed by 300,000.

Relying on the number of broadcasts alone, the backstage revenue directly exceeded the 10,000 mark.

For a small clerk like her, who earns three or four thousand a month, it's a lot of money!

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