Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 240: : Unaffordable battle

After watching the battle between Super Flash and Pentagon, Shishan Tu said speechless.

One circle, constantly using various attacks to attack the energy cover, the other propped energy cover perfectly resisted all attacks.

Shishantu knows that the energy of this energy hood is based on the resistance to the sun beam cannon, as long as it is not a special attack like Makichi can resist it.

He continued to fly towards the south, and after flying for a while, he saw the two men fighting.

It was Fa Li and Krue playing against each other, and it was also one offensive and one defense. The difference was that Shishan Tu saw some famous places and said lightly: "This stupid thing, you will definitely lose in this way."

Unlike the Pentagon side, don't think that Li is now on the side of the offense, but Fa Li consumes several times the opponent.

Crowe used the liquid property to weaken the opponent's physical attack, even without any loss. In contrast, Fa Li's continuous offensive also involved energy consumption, and felt that he could kill Crook.

Fa Li said: What the **** is this stuff!

Cruise can actually use his mental power to resist, but he doesn't want to do this, because he is poisoned, the opponent's toxin is accumulating a little bit, the more powerful the opponent's movement, the more the consumption will be.

Unconsciously, Fa Li has already fallen into the disadvantage.

Shishan Tu flew toward the south again, and saw two people standing in the distance from a distance.

Ye Yun and Yetong also saw the flying Shishan Tu, Yetong waved at him.

Shishan Tu was not afraid, and flew directly to Yetong and asked, "What do you two say?"

Ye Tong smiled and said: "Guess"

Lion Mountain Tu looked at Ye Yun with contempt and said: "It must be you who won, this battle armor is invincible."

Ye Tong smiled and said, "Old Lion, you guessed wrong this time. I didn't even push his full strength."

Lion Mountain Tu opened his eyes and said: "This is impossible, I have seen the power of this armor, and even Muji can't win you."

Ye Tong said with a bitter smile: "Don't mention Muji, please look over there and talk about it."

Lion Mountain Tu looked at the battlefield in the south with curiosity, his mouth widened and he was shocked.

He saw that Mu Ji was completely beaten by his opponents. It was the kind of slap. Mu Ji was not defeated, just blindly dodge, and every time he was scratched a little, but based on his strong demon body, these The injury will be healed back by him.

Shishan Tu surprised: "He is not, does he not have that kind of power, why can't he escape?"

Shishan Tu wanted to say that Muji had the power of a prophet, but Ye Yun was there. He could n’t explain it.

Ye Tong said: "This is what I want you to see. The opponent has completely seen through him. Only this one possibility, and the calculation power far exceeds him, and each hit counts to his avoidance position.

"This! This is too great, will he lose? Has he used that pair of gloves?"

Makiy nodded and said, "I used the amplification gloves and even drank the auxiliary medicine."

"What? Is this after drinking auxiliary medicine and booster gloves and still being beaten? Are you kidding me?"

Ye Tong said: "You just see it yourself."

Shishan Tu was completely shocked this time. He knew that the Amplifying Book Cover was actually a treasure, derived from York Star, also known as the Prophet ’s Star. ability.

According to Makichi, when he was fighting, he could only see what happened after 1 second. Wearing this pair of gloves, he could see what happened after 2 seconds, which doubled.

Two seconds seems to be very fast, but it seems very precious during the battle, allowing him to completely avoid the enemy's attack and be invincible, but look at the present, not to mention frequent injuries, it is a blessing to be alive .

Shishan Tu was shocked and looked at Muji's opponent, his eyes narrowed and said: "Mechanic Clan? No wonder, I did not expect that the Ohra Star Pirates had such a powerful mechanical clan."

Ye Tong nodded and thought so too. This robot clan was too perverted, not to mention a lot of weapons, not to mention the power, and it was worthy of the horror star robbery who had mastered the power of the black hole.

Muji is the most uncomfortable at the moment, but he doesn't want to admit defeat, he feels that he can find a state, he can definitely see a more distant future, and can definitely avoid these attacks!

Ye Yun stood in the sky, looking at the large number of energy cannons shot by Maru Star with emotion: "It is Maru Star, every blow is art."

Maru Star launches a large number of laser beams and focused beam guns to cooperate with the attack.

The laser beam is focused first. Hitting Muji will cause a penetration effect. The focused beam gun can suppress the action force. Finally, the dark particle cannon is killed.

As long as he is hit once, Muji will not die or remain disabled. Muji has been wiped once before, and now he dare not be close to Marshin within 100 meters.

He is also waiting, waiting for Maru Star to run out of energy. This crazy energy consumption cannot continue forever. Although his own demon power cannot be too long, he can still insist! He took the medicament, which can extend the time.

The two spent a quarter of an hour in consumption, Maru Sung suddenly withdrew into the sky after a super speed.

When everyone was in doubt, he quickly switched the energy compartment in his body, and switched a brand-new star core gem (pseudo).

The appearance does not seem to change much ~ ~ But in fact the internal energy has been replenished.

Maru Star said lightly: "After the energy cabin is switched, can I keep this attack for another hour, can I continue?"

Muji: "···"

Ye Yun: "···"

Night boy: "···"

Shishan Tu said lightly: "It's too shameless ... how can I fight this?"

Muji gasped, the wounds on his body healed a little bit. He has wings in the shape of a big demon. He can fly in the air after opening, and the speed is extremely fast, but his speed can only be used to avoid, attack? If it does not exist, he will be hit more intensively as he approaches Maru Star.

The body of the mechanical tribe is almost entirely covered with weapon hatches. The only way is to use the energy difference to consume the other party, but now ...

Makiji stared at Maru Star lightly and said: "I want to try the last move, and I'll take it!"

Maru Star heard that the energy began to condense in advance, Mu Ji was surprised, and said: This guy is really keen!

Maru Star never cares, since you want to zoom in, then I will gather energy first, waiting for you!

Muji had no choice but to say everything. The breastbone swelled and his throat swelled.

Ye Yun murmured: "Roar?"

Ye Tong said: "It's a magic roar! But the other party is a mechanical family!"

Ye Yun was surprised, what does this mean, wait, the other party is a mechanical family, can this attack be aimed at the soul? !

Maru Star saw Mu Ji's attack suddenly tremble, this is the second time since birth, this feeling, the first time when facing the core of the False Spirit, then he felt dangerous.

What is this time? Is it? A conclusion was drawn immediately after the calculation, Soul Attack!

Maru Star heart said: Fortunately equipped that!

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