Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 327: : Medical Testing

Bei Jiaxing is on high alert this day.

They used to be nervous about star robbers, but never had such an alarm.

"That's the power of a black hole ..."

"And there are star-shock weapons and soul guns, this is terrible, what should I do?"

"Why not let them list the medical assistance they need?"

"Or contact them and ask them what type of medical assistance they need?"

"Will they irritate them? After all, star robbers are terrible."

For ordinary star robbers, they are not afraid, and the weak even dare to let them directly use the medical starship to transfer to land, but Ohra ...

Soon, the Flying Fire Meteor again received a communication request, this time a high-level medical star directly facing the Ohra Star Pirates.

Liang Hong has a dialogue with him as a representative.

"Hello, Ohra Adventure Group, I am the medical officer of Bejastar, Noirwa, may I ask you, star, what medical assistance is needed by the adventure group?"

Liang Hongdao said: "Nutritional fluids, in addition to the need for regenerative medical assistance, I can use the auxiliary ship without a weapon system to land on Pegastar."

When I heard the contact of Bejastar, I immediately felt relieved and the rulers immediately nodded and agreed to come down.

"Well, please use the auxiliary ship to re-enter the registration."


Flying Meteor flew away from the interstellar gate of the level, and then transferred Ye Yun to an auxiliary ship without weapons, and also removed the self-explosive device.

Liang Hongdao: "Who will follow me?"


Everyone responded in unison.

Zhao Qingdao said: "If you want to stay, just stay, you can go wherever you want."

Ling'er said: "I will maintain communication with you. Once the communication is interrupted, I will take compulsory measures."

Maru Star nodded and said: "Then I will enter, keep in touch with you."

Eknaido did not go, the Octopus went, he had to check the medical cabin, to coordinate with the transformation, Tamba went with him.

Other people, including Xiaowu and Ding Shiba also went.

Ji Zuo also brought a lot of ingredients, she knew that Ye Yun definitely needed a lot of food the first time after recovery.

The auxiliary ship scanned and registered again, and this time it passed smoothly.

And because Iknaido didn't go, he didn't scan heavy destruction weapons.

An immigration storm came to an end, Ohra Adventure Group, immigrated to the Bega Star Solar System.

An hour later, the cylindrical auxiliary ship landed slowly on the high-end interstellar port of Pegatron.

They are not star thieves, and because they are too strong, Pegatron has opened the highest-level interstellar port to them, and a large number of medical personnel have been waiting there.

And the other starships that landed at the same time were curious. This is who has come to Begastar, and there will be a medical team of this size waiting here.

The number of medical personnel exceeds 300, involving all aspects, as well as large medical flight cabins and advanced ambulance robots.

This specification, I am afraid that it is not the ruler of a certain senior race, and I have not heard of any important person injured.

When an ordinary auxiliary ship landed, their doubts became bigger and more curious.

"this is?"

"How come there is no starship logo."

"Look at it, come down."

The auxiliary ship opened, and a medical officer stepped forward to make a conversation, but he saw Liang Hong with a serious face.

Liang Hong also saw the medical officer and turned out to be a human.

"Hello, my name is Fang Yan, are you from the Ohra Adventure Group?"

"Yes, my name is Liang Hong, hello."

"Dare to ask who was injured?"

"Our captain needs advanced nutrient solution, is there?"

"Yes, there are many people here, let's go to the medical center."

"it is good"

Liang Hong turned around and gestured, and Wolf Race and Crewe pushed out a suspended life-sustaining capsule and walked out.

Others guarding their side are always alert to their surroundings.

While the anti-scanning process was done, it was impossible to see who was immersed in it.

"who is this?"

"I don't know, wait, that slime seems special, this kind of creature is rare in the galaxy."

"Well, most of them are humanoid, and there are cat-eared stars, strange."

"Cat ear star people? Can cat ear star people travel so far? Isn't that a group of pet races that can't go far?"

"That's not necessarily, it's not that there is one in the Star Pirate Group, one by one, I, I will go!"

"No way!"

All the viewers who watched the situation of Interstellar Harbor immediately searched and found the wanted order of Ohra Star Pirates on Interstellar!

Of course, this wanted order has been cancelled, the following shows: The word has been cancelled!

But their image is vivid!

Wolf Race: Strange Wolf Race, Reward: 80 Million Star Coins

Kru: Unknown creature, reward: 320 million star coins

Ye Yun: Ten billion energy coins

Eknaido: 50 billion energy coins


A series of rewards, seeing people's blood surge, that is energy coins, tens of billions of energy coins, hello, what money is not money, it is Ohra Star Pirates! !

A series of disturbances quickly occurred in Starport, and even a starship who came to medical treatment immediately chose to leave.

This situation has long been expected, and they have also made an explanation. Believe it or not, it depends on their own.

Meanwhile, Liang Hong and others ignored these people ~ ~ They were led to the medical center.

This is a huge hospital with a total of 3,000 floors, spanning more than 3,000 races and covering an area of ​​300 kilometers.

And divided into three areas of high school and low, Ye Yun naturally came to the highest floating upper medical center.

Just entered and found that it was very empty.

Fang Yan, who is responsible for leading: "Here generally only nobles are received, and the medical expenses are very high."

Liang Hong nodded, and soon the medical staff were in place, Fang Yan asked: "Can we see the wounded?"


Liang Hong signaled that Dan Bo clicked on the life-sustaining channel: "You check it first, this is my medical judgment."

A group of doctors saw the situation of Ye Yun in the survival capsule.

To tell the truth, they were not surprised to see Ye Yun like this. They were so badly injured that they saw much more, but they soon discovered strange places.

A ball touch star physician said: "Hey, he seems to be constantly regenerating and at the same time being constantly destroyed by cells, the self-evolution of organic life?"

"The speed is very fast, this is the performance of energy hedging, what has he suffered?"

Liang Hongdao: "Close-up explosion"

"This does not seem to be a simple explosion, the energy contained in it is too large, I need to re-detect this test result."

Tambo: "Yes, please help us prepare the most advanced medical cabin, the cost is not a problem."

A special type of medical cabin was pushed out. It was ten meters in height and was cylindrical. After opening, the vitamin solution inside kept a cylindrical state and did not slip.

"Just put him in."

Tanbo operated for a while, and the two medical cabins were directly docked and delivered.

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