Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 371: :Savior?

Half a day later, Marubeni completed the strategic calculation. He performed 300 billion simulations and calculations, and finally found a more correct route.

Maru said: "This road is very difficult, and my calculations also have failure rates and deviations."

Ye Yun said: "It doesn't matter, everything is not perfect. Say it, let's find a way together."

Maru Star looked around and said, "First of all, we should die first ..."


Platis galaxy.

This galaxy belongs to the Platis star, they have interstellar abilities, but the time to go to the interstellar is not very long.

In simple terms, they have the ability of interstellar navigation, and have a certain size of starships, but many weapons are still in the stage of energy gathering, the most powerful weapon is only the solar beam gun.

And such a planet, but it is rich in energy and mineral resources, so attracted the invaders.

Normally, the Federation will interfere with such events, but this is a remote galaxy, and the information is cut off, so what happened to the Platis star is not known to the Federation.

One light-year away from the Pradis star, a 10,000-meter space crack occurred, and a cone-shaped spiral star ship rushed out.

Surrounded by a circle of auxiliary ships, she slowly accelerated in flight, and the target seemed to be Pradis!

This is naturally the Flying Fire Meteor!

Ye Yun asked: "Crew, can't you remember the wrong thing, is there really a star robber group of sky bats?"

Kruth said: "Yes, and it is the star robbery of the royal family. Bat star is very loyal to the royal family. To put it bluntly, the bat star can be directly destroyed because the bat star people worship their king. They are born. Soldiers also like to kill, and there are very few innocent people. "

Ye Yun said: "I know that, it doesn't matter. If that's the case, I don't mind destroying a planet."

Ye Yun smiled a little cold, but everyone did not object.

Ding 18 hugged Xiao Udao: "Seeing that solar system, it looks very beautiful."

Liang Hongdao said: "It is said that the Platis star just walked out of the planet, hey, pitiful."

Mechanic Zhao Qingdao said: "They must be experiencing the disaster period of a planet."

Ding 18 smiled and said: "Then we are like saviors!"

Ye Yun smiled and said: "Let's be the savior once, everyone is full of power, destroy everything here about Bat Star!"


Entered the solar system, and the auxiliary ships began to gather energy, because they had detected the starship of the Sky Batman!

At the same time, the sky bat star also found the flying fire meteor, they did not care at first, because there is only one starship.

They thought they were just passing starships, but they only captured the picture and froze after comparing the data.

"It is the Flying Fire Meteor of the Ohra Star Pirates Group, and it will soon be reported."

"Asshole, can't report, can't let them get any information, delete, delete all, we are star robbers!"

"Understand Master!"

"Damn, why did you come here, where did they get the news!"

"Adult, found a high-energy weapon reaction."

"Fight back, give me back!"


"In the past, you ants, if you want to live, just do what our bat star people say, otherwise you will all be ashes!"

A bat star swells with a fiery red throat and emits a low roar, below which is the Platis star.

They have a pair of small eyes, mouth organs occupy half of the face, the head is sharp, with four feet and hands, the lower body is more like a reptile.

Pradis is also a natural warrior. Their sturdy appearance shows this. They are covered with armor and their body structure has evolved for combat.

Both hands and feet have spikes, and the mouthparts are extremely sharp.

However, in the face of the more violent sky bat star, they only have a defeated end.

But here, there are rebels!

As this celestial star turned around, several lasers shot at him!

"I knew ants were spying on Lao Tzu!"

However, these lasers were blocked by the protective cover!

During the talk, the condensed lava of the sky bat star roared out, towards the direction of the laser, there was a scream, and the Pradis star escaped in awkwardness.

"Hum, a group of unbearable ants, you, I am very angry now, who will eat first, um ..."


The head of this Batman was directly stepped on the ground, and then his entire head was exploded due to the huge energy pressure!

This amazing scene scared the surrounding Pradisians to curl up and wait for the dust to disperse. When they saw the creature that killed the Sky Batman, they could not believe it!

In their philosophy, only taller and stronger creatures can kill the Sky Batman, but this creature looks weaker than them, only their arm size!

Came from Liang Hong. She looked around and felt fear.

She swept the soles of the shoes on the ground to remove the dirty slime, and then opened the translator.

Said to the surrounding Pradis star: "You are free, we are here to kill the Sky Batman ~ ~ take care of the weak."

Finally, Liang Hong flew high and flew towards another nearby Batman.

Such a scene is staged on the whole Pradis star. Ding Eighteen driving the Meow is also invincible, even if it is roared by the Sky Batman.

"Hey, can you bear this? Look at me invincible meow meow!"

Meow Meow hit a straight fist, blasting a sky bat star against the roaring energy!

The body of the sky bat star bursts apart, and minced meat and internal organs are scattered everywhere.

"Ah, it's disgusting, but I have to adapt, I can't hold back, meow, turn on the cleaning mode, and turn those dirty things into cakes!"

Meow meow left a big sweat, the screen of the cab changed, and those minced meat and internal organs became cakes. From Ding 18's point of view, these things are no longer disgusting.

"Next, let's go let's go!"

Meow Meow launched a quick kill, the same is true in other places. Super Flash experimented with the body he had just evolved, and his body can already change!

A spiral of metal passed through the heart of the sky bat star, so that the sky bat star fell to the ground.

After passing through the body of the Sky Batman, Super Flash changed back to human form, and said lightly: "This new body is really easy to use, but the opponent is not strong. It seems that I will ask Grandma Ike about the weapon system."


In the distance, a black ball of energy rose into the sky, and the corner of Super Flash's mouth twitched wildly: "This is over, I forgot to turn off the communicator, **** ..."

There was Aike Naiduo fighting, and she heard the words "Grandma Ike", and she was in a bad mood.

"Since you want to make trouble, you should move a little bit bigger, and by the way, experiment with my new particle cannon!"

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