Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 373: : I like contraband

"Hey, Captain, I found some very powerful weapons."

Linger controlled the Chao Nian generation who was searching for resources and found those special types of weapons on the battlefield just now.

It's just that the star thieves are recycling. When they saw the Super Nian generation, they were stunned. What should they do?

"Quickly report to the leader."

"Is that cute robot a scout of Ohra?"

"Cute ass!"

"Ohra is a star thief, they should not arrest us."

"The ghost knows that it is estimated that this batch of weapons cannot be kept."

The Karpa Star Pirates Group was able to persevere thanks to these weapons. The leader Karpa panicked when he heard the news.

"Don't act rashly first, if the Ohra Star Pirates want these weapons, then give them, in addition ... the source of the weapons tells the truth, then we evacuate this galaxy."

"Is the leader!"

Karpa is not timid, but too sensible, he knows the strength of the Ohra Star Pirates.

Less than ten minutes passed before they knew it. The powerful Bat Star Fleet was destroyed and destroyed. No matter the Star Ship or the Star Civil War Corps, they were all slaughtered, and no Batman could leave this galaxy.

On the other side, Ye Yun saw the weapons, and Linger scanned and shared the information with Maru Star, Ikonedo, Octopus, and Ye Yun.

Ye Yun only looked at the effects of weapons. Octopus and Ikonedo were analyzing the structure and principle, Maru Star was calculating its power.

The four of them watched it and said, "Nice weapon."

Ye Yun continued: "I think the effect is quite good, what do you say?"

Eight claws said: "It seems to be a new technology, the way of energy transmission is very interesting, it is worth studying."

Eknaido said: "Indeed, it is incremental energy transfer, and then released at once, and the energy gathering time is very short, the product of the Federation."

Maru Star said: "The power is comparable to the particle gun, but the effect is not the same, the penetration is full, and it can even pose a threat to the star core metal!"

Ye Yun said: "Oh? So what are these weapons?"

The three of them said, "Illegal goods!"

Ye Yun smiled and said: "Osala! I like contraband! It belongs to us!"

The Chao Nian generation took the initiative to step forward and approached the members of the Karpa Star Pirates Group, making an electronic sound.

"Hey, we want these weapons, as a spoil to rescue you, of course, we are good people, leave one for you, don't be caught by the Federation, put it in this box."

Said that the Chao Nian generation pressed the capsule switch and turned out a metal box.

The members of various races around the Karpa Star Pirates met in person, some were angry and some were helpless.

If you do n’t give it, just wait for you to die.

So several members obediently put these weapons into metal boxes, and only one was left.

"Thank you for your cooperation, leave as soon as possible. The Federation seems to be trailing us."

After speaking, the Chao Nian generation took off with a capsule and flew towards a cross.

Karpa received the report from his subordinates. When he heard the news, he immediately ordered: "Bring all the resources and evacuate immediately."

"But our starship is running out."

"Squeeze, there are spares, go according to Zhinao's instructions, immediately act, and bring that weapon, that is the hope of the rise of our Star Thieves!"

Some people disagree, and the only remaining weapon, they feel more like a life-saver!

Three hours later, a federal starship arrived in this galaxy.

A group of federal warriors entered this half-broken planet to detect the residual energy.

Warrior reported: "Captain, found residual energy of particle gun."

"Special energy was found, and what remains in the interstellar is the special energy of the leaf cloud."

The captain said lightly: "It's needless to say, we just followed them, and reported to them, the whole of the Zomera Star Pirates was overthrown, Ohra Star, the adventure group did."


"Captain, we found something special."


"Please look at this!"

It was a few photos. Ye Yun and others collected all the dead bat-star corpses, because Tambo needed them.

But the energy trace left by the weapon is still there, as are the effects of penetrating the metal.

"I haven't seen the effect of this weapon yet. Investigate it and compare the energy trajectory immediately."


Ye Yun and others don't care who these weapons belong to, they only know that they were seized from the Star Robbery.

Although they knew that this batch of items should be federally contraband, they took it. Of course, they took it for research only. Three of them have been disassembled into parts ...

Eight-clawed monster, Aike Naiduo and Maru Star are studying these weapons.

At the same time, Krue is absorbing new memories, and the Flying Fire Meteor is moving towards the next bat star robbery! !

With the continuous attack, information on the Ohra Adventure Group gradually appeared on the StarCraft.

"Wow, I know, Ohra Adventure Team is awesome!"

"I originally thought that they would have no brains, and they would kill Batstar directly, and then use the power of the black hole to destroy Batstar, and even spread to the poor. The result is that they are attacking the star robber group of Sky Batman.

"Come on, there are people from the mechanical family, how can you do things like you have no brains."

With the spread of the news, everyone in Batstar ’s other star robbers is in danger. They do n’t know if the next one will be themselves. They have contacted the royal family of Batstar to prepare to return to Batstar.

However, if they return, this allows Ohra to find an excuse to attack Batstar, so the royal family will not allow them to return to their parent star.

This is tantamount to giving up these star thieves ~ ~ But the royal family also came up with a way, that is to gather all the forces of the star thieves and gather together to resist the attack of the Ohra star robbers! !

"Together? Are you going to let Ohra explode with a black hole?"

"Is there any other way, they are persecuting the fools, they even plan to return to the mother star."

"Then plan to abandon them? Who will play for our royal family in the future!"

"Father, if you let them come back."

"It's okay, I've prepared everything, and our fighting strength is over."

"Father, are you going to fight?"

"Yes, let them come back, we will fight for death, let the tribes see the determination of our royal family!"


"Wait, tell them, they want to come back."

"I understand the father"

Wait for the prince to leave, Glaris Heavenly Sickness radiates, and mutters to himself: "Come on, destruction is waiting for you, Ohra!"

Three days later, Ye Yun and others had just wiped out a star robber group, and Krue got a new message.

Kruth said: "They are gathering forces, and at the same time ordering all the star robbers to return to their parent star."

Ye Yun was surprised for a moment, Maru said: "It's started, my calculation is correct."

Ye Yun asked: "Ling'er, is that thing okay? Tamba, how is the clone?"

"about there"

Ye Yun continued to ask: "Octopus, what about energy storage?"

"Please call him super core, it's done!"

"That means you are all ready?"


Ye Yun said coldly: "According to the plan!"

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