Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 5271: : Offensive and defensive type

A Yue-level soul race with powerful soul power said calmly: "It's the Three Saints mecha of the Ohla Alliance!"

"What? This is impossible. According to our parasitic intelligence, their Three Holy Mechas only have combat power comparable to the Yue-Destroying Level, and do not have weapons that can target the soul power of our Soul Clan."

"Perhaps the previous energy-absorbing formation has been improved and turned into a chain formation that absorbs soul power."

"Damn it! How could this happen!"

"Will there be an improved screening system installed... that can identify our true identity?"

"Are you thinking this? How is it possible?"

"But why was that parasitic fleet completely wiped out, and almost no one on the strategic star survived?"

After hearing this, all the senior officials looked horrified.

"Now what?"

"We can only fight! Send back the enemy's intelligence as much as possible!"


The soul fleet immediately changed its combat strategy. After discovering that their weapons could not pose a threat to the Ohra Alliance, they turned to gathering intelligence.

And be ready to escape at any time.

"Evacuate a group of people in advance to test the waters! Don't be like the strategic star! You can't even bring back basic information."


Under such circumstances, Ye Yun had no good solution. Although he tried his best to contain it, the other party responded quickly. He only deployed less than half of the enemy starships before the other party opened the escape cabin.

"Are these guys so afraid of death?"

Maruboshi: "They guessed our strategy and responded in advance. The Soul Clan has a strong strategic awareness."

"It's difficult to deal with. I thought I could deal with them easily, but I didn't expect that some of them escaped."

Half a day passed.

Under Manafan's command, the soul fleet was almost completely annihilated. Most of the soul fleet fled the battlefield directly, and even failed to destroy their starship in time.

Because they discovered that the enemy was already attacking their escape cabin!

Some of them couldn't escape at all, so they had to immediately adjust the transmission method and try to use other escape channels. Naturally, everyone panicked, and there was no time to deal with Maruboshi and self-destruct the starship.

Manafan waved his hand: "To fully take over this fleet, be sure to scan and screen carefully. Don't let go of any enemy. Capture all biological units alive, even a small reptile! Let our special instruments screen whether they are souls or not." Clan!"


After this battle, Ye Yun and the others gained a lot, advancing the battle line into more than eighty star systems and seizing countless trophies and resources.

The most important thing is that this battle gave them confidence! The situation of being helpless against the soul fleet in the past has disappeared. From now on, the offense and defense will change!

At the same time, the Soul Clan’s second front strategic headquarters.

A group of commanders are checking the strategic intelligence on the front line.

"Is the enemy really so powerful? Has he developed a secret weapon against our soul clan? Or is it a universe-destroying mecha that can be mass-produced?"

"Yes, it's absolutely true. It was verified by Master Japlin himself. He had fought against that kind of mecha before, and he never had the upper hand one-on-one. Finally, when he saw the enemy's reinforcements coming, he had no choice but to escape."

"How could this be? This force is not the Holy Insect Alliance. How could it be so powerful...and I have never heard of their name before! It is not a race. The stragglers can actually achieve such a level. Their Who is the supreme leader?”

"This is his information, but it seems to be from a long time ago. It is said that it has disappeared for seven or eight years."

"Disappeared for seven or eight years? A power organization without a leader can actually beat us to disgrace? Damn it! I will never admit this! Immediately mobilize all the resources of the second front, prepare to apply for the Supreme Council's ruling, and define the main attack targets For this Okhla alliance!”


Ye Yun's side.

After the war ended, a small victory banquet was held to reward the entire army.

Ye Yun and others did not relax. After receiving the improved Three Saint Mecha, they made two strategic plans.

Ye Yun: "According to their memory information, the second front controls a starry sky station of the Saint Insect Alliance, and they also jumped here from another starry sky station."

"What do you mean, destroy this air jump station?"

"It's easy to destroy the air jump station. The difficult thing is how to use it."

Isabella: "Well, good, do you have any good ideas?"

"Two plans, one is a frontal feint attack, and the enemy is in the star area where their starry sky station is, and sending another fleet to sail from the Vapu starry sky station, it will take a little longer, and it will not be easy to hide along the way, but if If we can capture the Slarin Starry Sky on the other side, our front will advance directly to the inner circle of the Soul Clan.

Another strategy is to fight head-on!

The Soul Clan will definitely contain our attack. We can divide our forces to contain this starry sky station, plus the energy of other starry sky stations, to carry out a quick attack. After taking control, we can directly force our way through!

However, there will be certain risks in doing so! "

After hearing this, everyone started thinking.

Isabella: "Well, that's a good idea. Both can occupy a favorable situation. The second one is more radical, but I think it's more suitable for us now.

Our Three Saints' mechas are powerful Before, it was because all the mechas had not been improved yet, but now they are almost there. As long as the combat group army is in place, the enemy will not be able to stop our advancement in a short time. Yes, we should attack fiercely and use the time difference to gain a huge advantage!

At the same time, don’t be careless, Ye Yun, I’ll give you a task. "


"Absorb more high-level soul clans and master their various secret weapons! Report in time and make strategic adjustments."

"Don't worry, this is not a routine operation."

"That's no problem, let's push forward and win the battle quickly!"


Under Isabella's instructions, the fleet set sail again.

At the same time, other fleets were mobilized to return, such as the Star Thief fleet commanded by Ding Shiba.

"Wow! There's a big battle to be fought, and they didn't even call us!"

Dora Jin: "What should we do about things here? Does Ye Yun have any instructions?"

"Just leave the basic guard fleet here, wait for the news over there, and use the border jumper to go directly there!"

"Is it such a luxury? But can we use it? We are the Star Thief Group."

"Don't worry, I've been contacted by the above, you don't need to worry about anything."

"Awesome! As expected of Ye Yun!"

Ding Shiba geared up and said, "Hey, it's finally time for us to show off our power! Boys, assemble and set off!"


On the other side, Liang Hong and the others had just settled in with their group of friends, and they also received a notice of war.

Upon seeing this, he immediately planned to return to his homeland to fight.

"You want to leave?"

"Yes, something happened in the local star sector. We are fighting a powerful race. We must go back to help. You can rest here for the time being. Time has changed."

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