But seeing that in the center of this room, a formation was outlined in a complicated manner,

and it was actually a large-scale spatial teleportation array

! Just like the formation that Shen Ming had arranged in the secondary space at the beginning, the return to the main world!

However, the formation in

front of him was countless times larger and more complicated than the one he had arranged back then.

"Here, why is there a large spatial teleportation array!" In

an instant, there are a lot of fragments of information, connected in series!

This so-called village, all the people are warriors

, and those exotic costumes, architectural styles, and meat with unique flavors are also something he has never seen before, and they do not belong to any national capital he knows

A group of young warriors in the qi stage, without any common sense, dared to form a team to hunt the extremely famous steel-scaled iron-spine tiger in the north;

Yan Ping, as the big leader, inexplicably always wanted to talk from himself, and between the words, it seemed that he didn't know that there was a big new thing, and he didn't know what the Punishment Division was!

"Could it be that the people in this village were actually teleported from the secondary space!" As

soon as Shen Ming thought about this, he felt that all the information was connected together, and all

the unreasonable points found before were also perfectly explained at this time.

Looking at Yan Ping again, his gaze became complicated.

Yan Ping, as the big leader of these people, is also a human spirit

, and he has never spoken

in the house, observing Shen Ming, watching him change color, more like knowing the center of the building, the appearance of the teleportation array

, and he is happy in his heart, only to feel that this time is the favor of God, so that he can meet Shen Ming with such extraordinary knowledge, and a high probability, a person in an official position

, and even more, he noticed that Shen Ming is heroic, and his mind seems pure, not like a treacherous person

The burden that has been pressed in my heart for a long time has been lightened, and a lot of pressure has found an outlet

, and my emotions are like a swollen and swollen pus, which has been picked out

, and in an instant, I am much more relaxed, but I am even more excited! I actually knelt on the ground:

"Shen Gongzi! Please also lend a hand, save our tribe, save me and other clansmen who are in the heat of the water!"

As soon as the words fell, this mighty and majestic man couldn't hold back anymore and shed two lines of tears!

Shen Ming was shocked by this sudden scene, and hurriedly helped each other

, but Yan Ping was lying on the ground in front of him, unwilling to get up, kowtowing fiercely, smashing the ground with a muffled sound!

"Leader Yan, you get up, don't be like this

!" Shen Ming had a guess in his heart about what Yan Ping wanted, but there were many details, but he didn't analyze

it, and persuaded him loudly: "You need to help in the next place, and say it slowly, if you can do it, I won't shirk!"

Yan Ping heard this, raised his head, a burly man burst into tears, even snot flowed out, there was no image at all,

if he was not forced to be anxious, why would he be like this?

The Donta people have always inhabited a secondary

space, and that secondary space, roughly estimated, is also the size of half a mansion, with a mild climate, full of jungles, and rich products, similar to the geography and climate of the Nanyu Kingdom.

However, a year ago, something changed!

That world, for some reason, showed signs of collapse and destruction, and the marginal areas were eaten away by inexplicable energy and fell into nothingness.

With the passage of time, the speed of the space being eroded is getting faster and faster, according to the speculation of the great elders in the group, if they don't find a solution

, that space will last for half a year at most, and then it will all fall into the endless void and be completely annihilated!

In order to preserve the clansmen and retain the tribal bloodline, the tribe leaders finally made a decision to establish a teleportation channel and send the clansmen to the Overworld in batches.

Forty days ago, the space channel was successfully established, and a group of more than 200 elite teams of about 200 people were given priority to be sent as pathfinders

And the location where the Overworld teleported to is actually a hidden plain, although the climate is cold, it is extremely suitable for the development of the tribe, and it is not afraid of being discovered by the forces of the Overworld prematurely, which is very suitable.

Everything went smoothly, but

it happened thirteen days ago.

Shen Ming heard this, and was suspicious to

himself, what Yan Ping said was somewhat beyond what he had learned

, you must know, Shen Ming himself is also a half-hung sealer, and he worships Luo Wen as his teacher, and he has read a lot of books related to sealing, but he is not a novice.

And what Yan Ping said, there are two points that are not in line with what he learned before:

first, the introduction of the seal master's cultivation requires the original carrier of the [Gate] character divine seal, and this original carrier is in the hands of the Great New Imperial Court of the main world, and the original carrier of the divine seal

cannot be reproduced.

The inhabitants of this world, without the original carrier, have inherited this [door] character divine seal for thousands of years

? Could it be that they all rely on the elders of the clan to forcibly burn it into the minds of the younger generations at the cost of consuming cultivation?

It is also the reason why the original carrier of the Divine Seal is incomparably precious and belongs to the national strategic treasure! The

Donta people do not have the original carrier of the [Gate] character Divine Seal, and they have lived in the secondary space for thousands of years, so it is impossible for them to rely on the elders to forcibly burn and inherit the Divine Seal, so how did they teleport it?

Second, in the secondary space, human beings only need to cultivate the [Gate] character Divine Seal, cultivate to reach the second order, and know the coordinates of the main world, and when the relevant materials are sufficient, it is not difficult to return to the main world.

But if you want to go from the main world to the secondary world, it is almost impossible, there are too many variables, and it is impossible to control it at all

, Shen Ming fell into the ice field sub-world that day, it was also because of the appearance of the demon clan's crack, which caused the space to be unstable, and there was an eighth-order space system Splitting Sky Rock Dragon to stir up the situation, so that under various coincidences, the crossing conditions were reached.

According to what Yan Ping said, the space passage built by their clan is actually a two-way passage, and they can come over and go back!

This is really incredible.

As soon as he thought of this, a trace of expectation rose in Shen Ming's heart

! If there was really a way to regularly travel to the secondary space, the value of it would be immeasurable! If

he could learn this method, he would be able to travel to the secondary space on his own, and

those imperial courts and hidden forces that coveted the Shen family's secrets would no longer be able to find themselves!

In this way, Shen Ming can not only freely hunt talent points in the secondary space, but also return to the main world on his own, calmly find talented humans and demon beasts to copy.

You can develop calmly, and you don't have to worry about anything else

! With Yu Yangluo's mouth, the ability to escape from the world without being discovered by any force!

In my heart, unconsciously, a fire rose up

, and I didn't interrupt Yan Ping's words, and continued to listen to him.

Yan Ping was now only concerned about telling Shen Ming about the changes in the clan, not knowing that the other party's heart was already overturned, and continued:

"In the team that came to the main world with us, there is an elder who is proficient in the science of sealing, Shen Gongzi, the formation you see right now is arranged by that elder.

"However, after that elder came to this world, he was also curious about this main world, so under the protection of the clan masters, he went out to investigate, but he didn't know that he was gone and never returned! When he found it again, he was already a broken corpse

!" "Later, according to the news brought by the surviving clansmen, we learned that it was the elder who went out and encountered a strange demon beast with extremely fierce strength, so he was poisoned!"

And the demon beast that killed our clan's sealer is the one you hunted today, Shen Gongzi!"

"Our clan's sealer, there are not many, and I lost one for no reason, I don't know what to do, but I never thought that a bigger disaster happened next!".

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