Shen Ming saw Yan Ping's big body from a distance, and the bears were rumbling towards him, very enthusiastic

, with snow on his fluffy beard, more like Santa Claus, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face

, and as he ran, he trembled and trembled, full of elasticity.

When Shen Ming saw this scene, he subconsciously slowed down, for fear that the other party would fall into his arms

, our arms are exclusive to Ling'er, but we can't be cheap Yan Ping! Yan Ping

was also too anxious to wait for Shen Ming to wait, and when he saw that the other party finally arrived, he was happy for a while,

and he was embarrassed, scratching his head:

"Shen Gongzi, I just came out to relax, and I met you, what a coincidence, what a coincidence!"

Jing Lianlian quietly leaned into Shen Ming's ear, and the shaft was angry:

"Childe, what he said is a lie, he must be afraid that we will not come back, and he waits at the entrance of the village every day." "

It's not a small sound.

Hearing this, Yan Ping was embarrassed, Shen Ming was also embarrassed

, the atmosphere was silent for a while, and it was terrifyingly quiet, only the north wind was whining, and the pine needle trees were making

a noise... Only Jing Lian has a serious appearance, no matter what:

"It was Gongzi who asked me to observe the facial expressions of Leader Yan more, and if I feel that something is wrong, I must inform him in time."

"I'm doing what I'm told.

Jing Lian Lian thought in his heart

, he was quite proud, since he didn't have to worry about emotional intelligence, the whole person was relaxed, as long as he was not embarrassed, it was others who were embarrassed.

Yan Ping finally became old and sophisticated, and hurriedly changed the topic to ease the atmosphere:

"Now that the meal is approaching, Shen Gongzi, you should be hungry all the way, and go back to the village with the old man to eat something!"

The day before yesterday, the people in the village hunted a large bear-like demon beast, and after cleaning it, they marinated it all day with the special spices of my Dunta clan, and steamed it over low heat in the morning, and after a while, I ordered my subordinates to roast it over a slow fire, and the taste should be good!"

Yan Ping seemed to have a lot of research on eating, and said endlessly, but his old face was red, obviously not recovering from the embarrassment.

Jing Lianlian followed behind, but he was greedy, swallowing saliva, his stomach was not angry, and he gurgled softly.

This voice, he couldn't hide Shen Ming, who was pregnant with [Six Senses], and hated this girl for talking nonsense, so he glanced back at her playfully, and said politely to Yan Yanping:

"Leader Yan is polite, don't be in a hurry about eating first." "

I encountered some things this time, and I delayed it for a day, but it made Leader Yan wait for a long time, and now that the materials that are missing from the teleportation array, I have prepared it, so it's important to do the right thing first!"

Jing Lianlian heard this, his mouth was deflated, he looked aggrieved, and his whole person wilted.

"What Shen Gongzi said, one meal effort, don't delay things!" Yan

Ping's head shook like a rattle, and his fluffy beard flicked and almost shook Shen Ming's face.

Jing Lianlian's eyes showed a look of hope again, and the little stars flashed wildly.

"We ate before we came, and now we are not hungry, so we will not bother first. The

smile on the corner of Shen Ming's mouth became thicker.

"That's... Okay!"

Yan Ping also agreed with half a push.

"Gollum... There

was a sound behind them, but they both pretended not to hear it, and walked quickly towards the village.

Jing Lian practiced grievances, took out a piece of dry dried meat, and bit it as he walked.

"I haven't eaten anything today," she murmured.

Yan Ping is really anxious

, it stands to reason that there is a problem with the big array on his side, and he just

can't go back, and the secondary space should be able to teleport over, but now nearly twenty days have passed, but there is no movement, so he can't help but think about it.

It's also rare that this Shen Gongzi is so hot that he doesn't even eat, so he is in a hurry to help them start the teleportation array first

, otherwise, he really can't pull off his old face, and he doesn't care about the food, so he lets his benefactor work.

A group of three people quickly entered the village and came to the big array building

, Shen Ming Lisuo arranged all kinds of materials neatly according to the way of the formation, and left the book for the sealer who died in the tiger's mouth, and carefully reviewed it to avoid mistakes

, after a long time, it was confirmed that it was correct, and then asked

Yan Ping: "Leader Yan, I can try to activate the teleportation array right now, do you have anything else to explain?"

Yan Ping shook his head

"I'm tired of Shen Gongzi!" Shen

Ming stopped talking and began to meditate on the [Gate] character Divine Seal.

After a while, he saw a small golden door the size of a palm faintly figuring out above

his head, and Yan Ping on the side saw the golden door on

Shen Ming's head, but his heart was sudden! He had seen his own sealer cast the [Door] character divine seal, but it was different from the image that Shen Ming had concretely produced!

Jing Lian Lian observed quietly on the side, and recorded Yan Ping's expression.

As Shen Ming continued to deepen his meditation, the small door in his consciousness gradually solidified, and the golden light flickered!

It moved slowly, gradually coinciding with the center of the formation.

Slowly blend together.

After a long time, the formation finally reacted

, and the four corners of the burning runes flashed with blue light, spreading towards the center of the formation, like a ditch entering water, filling in the dry space

! When the entire formation was filled with blue light marks, the small door that came out of the image trembled and slowly opened!

In the center of the formation, an elliptical black hole of more than one foot was projected out of thin air!

Far away, deep, like a night sky without stars.

"It's done! it's done!" Yan

Ping was in tears for a while

! He was entrusted with a heavy task by the Donta clan, and took the young men of the clan to the main world to settle down first, waiting for the next order from the elders of the clan

, but his dearest family members stayed in that secondary

space, and there was an inexplicable problem with the teleportation array, causing him to cut off contact with the secondary space, I really don't know what to do!

Both public and private made him suffer in his heart, like a fire

, and he was helpless! Tian was fortunate to meet Shen Ming and restart the big

array, Yan Ping was really eager to immediately go through the teleportation big array and return to the Donta clan to find out!

But after all, he was old and did not act rashly, and he was ready to wait for the passage to be completely stabilized, and then organize the clansmen and make a plan.

At this time, Shen Ming's heart was extremely frightened, and his body couldn't even move

! He placed the materials, urged the [Door] character divine seal, and activated the teleportation array, all of which were very smooth and silky

, but when the elliptical teleportation door appeared, an unexpected situation happened!

A sharp itch was born from behind him, as if thousands of insects and ants were gnawing

But Shen Ming only dared to be weak, and he couldn't even move a finger

!"What's the situation?, how can the tattoo on my back suddenly change!"

Shen Ming said bitterly, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Shen Gongzi, you are the benefactor of our clan! This kindness is like a mountain and a sea, and the old man will definitely repay it in the future!" Yan

Ping didn't know that Shen Ming was abnormal, and said excitedly, so he looked at Shen Ming, but saw that the young man's face was pale, standing motionless in place!

Although Jing Lian Lian was also interested in the Space Array, his attention had been focused on Shen Ming, and he was one step ahead of him to discover the abnormality of his son!

Now that the giant axe was taken out, he looked at Yan Ping vigilantly, his eyes were full of cold meaning, waiting for the other party to give an explanation.

"It's... This girl, what is the current situation of Shen Gongzi

!" "Don't misunderstand, the current situation, the old man really doesn't know anything!" Jing

Lian Lian didn't say much, and protected Shen Ming's body:

"Childe, what's wrong with you?"

she asked with concern, but she didn't get an answer, and with a twist in her heart, she swung a giant axe to destroy the teleportation array!

Since the current abnormal state of his own son is caused by this big array, it is destroyed, and there is a high probability that the son will be able to recover.

And all this was just a moment later, just

as Jing Lian Lian no longer hesitated, and was about to slash towards the big array with his axe, he heard a "buzzing" sound

! Blue light gathered on the big array, and it exploded violently

! It was radiant, and it flew away in all directions! It was really dazzling, and it flashed so brightly that people couldn't open their eyes

! Jing Lian Lian was even more anxious in his heart, trying his best to block the light, and wanted to pull Shen Ming away!

After taking a few steps, he felt that the light was scattered

The building returned to normal, only the torches flickered, and the large array returned to its previous appearance, and there was a dead silence.

The blue light

is gone, the elliptical portal is gone

, Shen Ming, it's gone!

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