"You... What do you call me?"

Yu Yangluo's voice was a little choked, her bare feet were pale, and she stepped on the ground helplessly, she couldn't feel the cold of this wax moon

, her face was pale, her lips were pale, her injuries had not been effectively contained, she was

weak and helpless.

The purple dress was blood-red and dotted.

She looked at the person in front of the door, and couldn't tell for a while, whether it was a dream or reality, if it was a dream, then never wake up again, okay

?" "You call me a lady again, okay?"

Yu Yangluo's voice trembled, moaning, as if pleading,

but he felt a pair of hands, gently hugged her by the waist, and a gentle complaint sounded in her ears:

"Why are you barefoot, you will catch a cold like this!".

"I... I'm afraid you'll wait a long time and be impatient to leave... , It's so cold outside, and I'm afraid of you..."Yu Yang whispered, his lips were blocked by Shen Ming, this kiss was haunting and dreamy, warm, and illusory.

She closed her eyes slightly, feeling the kiss, and the tears in the corners of her eyes were not dry.

Unconsciously, his hands wrapped around Shen Ming's neck, and his lips returned a more passionate kiss, without temptation, the tongues of the two were entangled with each other.

Then he heard a noise, and he was shut up.

Yu Yangluo was afraid that this was a dream, and he didn't dare to open his eyes, afraid that after opening them, he would

wake up, wake up in this strange village, wake up in this night without people, and wake up in this cold bed.

Feeling that she was being lightly placed on the bed

, she suddenly felt so scared, she suddenly woke up but still didn't dare to open her eyes, hugged Shen Ming tighter, and didn't let go.

"You hold me a little longer, hold me a little longer, and don't let go.

She murmured, full of tears:

"I am afraid, afraid that as soon as you let go I will wake up, and when I see you again, you will not remember me again."

Shen Ming looked at the sun falling in front of him, his heart hurt so much, where was he willing to let go?

turned around and sat on the bed, hugged the person in his arms, and coaxed softly:

"I won't forget you again, nine mountains and eight seas, three thousand worlds, fortunately, I have found my memory about you and found my wife."

Yu Yangluo's whole person shrank into Shen Ming's arms, so warm.

When she heard this, she mustered up her courage and opened her eyes, her eyelashes tangled and wet with tears.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

Yu Yangluo finally confirmed that this was really not a dream, with a dignified and luxurious face, his brows gradually stretched, but he couldn't stop his tears, he stretched out his hand, held Shen Ming's face, touched and touched, looked and looked.

"Husband... Do you really remember me? How did you do it? Dream Shattering Pill..."

She muttered, mentioning Dream Shattering Pill, she didn't speak again, and she didn't even look at Shen Ming's gaze unconsciously

, Shen Ming felt funny, and also held the face of the person in her arms:

"If I don't remember it anymore, my lady will really become a resentful woman."

Shen Ming gently smoothed Yu Yang's falling hair, and continued softly:

"You don't know how to take care of yourself when you are injured, you won't take care of yourself, let me feel distressed when I look at it, you see, the wound is still bleeding, and the clothes are soaked."

Yu Yangluo looked at Shen Ming and frowned, and quickly shook his head:

"The injury is not serious, don't worry." I

felt that Shen Ming was going to let go of the hands holding him, his mouth was deflated, and Yu Dutong's face was full of the aggrieved appearance of a little woman who should never belong to her:

"You hold me, don't let go, hold it for a little longer!"

Shen Ming smiled bitterly, and the person in his arms wrapped him tighter, like a vine, and never let go.

The blood stains are becoming more and more obvious, and they are probably caused by the wound being pulled again.

Persuaded softly: "I'll re-medicate you first, bandage the wound, and then continue to hold you, and slowly tell you how I recovered my memory, okay?"

Yu Yangluo obediently nodded, but still hugged Shen Ming tightly:

"Then I want to sleep with you tonight, you have to hug me all night!"


is completely the same general temperament as in the dream realm of the past life, and it should also be the true temperament of Yu Yangluo.

"Okay, listen to your lady. "Shen Ming said doting.

Yu Yangluo let go of his hand and stood up obediently:

"You help me undress." His

voice was like a mosquito, and his face was red.

It is said that the two old husbands and wives, what three years of pain, seven years of itching, and ten years of death have already passed, and the love is still there.

Twelve years and nights, the love is strong, what is the need to say more?

But in reality, but nothing has been done, until yesterday, the two have not even held hands, this feeling is strange

, it is really familiar, and strange, the feelings are real, the love is real, and the shyness is also true.

Shen Ming didn't think about it so much, his attention was attracted by the blood stains that soaked through his clothes, his brows were furrowed, this injury was too serious!

"Husband, with this medicine, there will be no scars in the future.

Yu Yangluo blushed, stroked the fingertip ring out of thin air, took out the bottle of wound medicine, turned around, and handed it to Shen Ming

, the front was majestic, spectacular and amazing, and the two clusters of Qiongzhi were greasy and straight.

Shen Ming knew that his wife was doing it on purpose: "You are too seriously injured, don't think about what you don't have, wait until the injury is completely healed."

Yu Yangluo showed a disappointed expression on her face, "Oh", but it was beautiful, she also knew that she was seriously injured and couldn't do those embarrassing things

, Fang Cai also deliberately teased Shen Ming

, she was in such a good figure, of course she had to show her husband, is it good?

Let her husband be full of eyes first, and the injury will be stabilized and then...

The more she thought about it, the more she blushed, obviously she had done any posture in her dreams in the past life, and she didn't know what she was still blushing

about, in short, she had to completely cut off her husband's thoughts about Tang Mengling, and what had to happen to her husband in the real world, lest that little girl come out and scratch her head and make a gesture to tempt

her husband! "I want to heal my injuries quickly! Before Tang Mengling's Nizi comes back, she and her husband will cook raw rice first, and she should know the difficulty and retreat!"

Yu Yangluo smiled brightly and laughed out loud.

Unconsciously, he has been thinking about it for a long time.

"What are you laughing at?

Shen Ming expressed his incomprehension of Yu Yangluo's behavior of smirking all the time and laughing out loud, and took out a loose and soft dress from the [River Sun and Moon] wine gourd:

"Put it on! It's so badly injured, and you're still wearing a slim dress, I don't know what you think!"

He handed the wine gourd to Yu Yangluo, which contained the wine from Xianju Pavilion, one of which had a miraculous effect on treating injuries and eliminating xenogeneous energy in the body, and Yu Yangluo

was not short of injury medicine, but Mei Zizi took the wine gourd handed by Shen Ming, and opened his mouth to drink

, "This is the wine gourd I deceived for my husband!" she thought happily, her eyebrows and eyes were smug.

"The sword used by the husband was also given by me!" laughed even more, and his small mouth was cocked.

But the ghost sent the god and asked: "Husband, haven't you given this wine gourd to others?"

Shen Ming's face froze, this is a proposition!

Don't look at Yu Yangluo's posture as a little woman, she is also the daughter of the princely family, the capital of the five prefectures of the Zhenlong Division, and the commander of more than 100,000 soldiers in the border army, if she lies, she can't

deceive her at all.

"Don't worry, I haven't given it to any man, you think I'm dirty and give it back to me, and you won't lack medicine anyway.

Shen Mingsheng struck the west, his words were vague, he took the lead and beat a rake, at least he didn't lie, and he wanted to take back the wine gourd.

When Yu Yangluo heard this, he was in a hurry, afraid that Shen Ming would misunderstand what he meant and thought that he disliked him, so Zhu Li hurriedly put on the gourd mouth, wanting to prove with his actions that he did not dislike his husband.

What kind of character is she? Immediately found that something was wrong, her eyebrows widened, and she glanced at Shen Ming:

"Haven't you ever drunk it for a man?" "That's for a


!" "Say! Who have you drunk it to!"

At this moment, Yu Dutong is still Yu Dutong, and Yu Dutong of Longwangshu has to be Longwangshu.

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