In the glacier city of Shuangzhou, the treasury of the

Shen Shi Commercial Bank was opened, and countless materials were transported out with the cooperation of the government officials and the city defense army.

The number of porridge stalls has increased sharply from the original 10 to more than 100, and the construction is still ongoing. Although the victims were hard, they were finally able to barely drink a mouthful of gruel.

Outside the city, shantytowns began to be built to house the refugees, and at night the government would send people to distribute coarse charcoal to each shantytown to keep them warm, so that the victims would finally have a place to rest and not freeze to death at night.

The Shen firm also allocated a large amount of money and hired doctors in the city to be stationed outside the city to treat the victims, and the medicinal materials were also provided by the firm, so that the sick victims did not have to despair and wait for death, and had the hope of living.

During this period, there were also many troubles

, for example, the doctors in the medical hall initially refused to be stationed outside the city on a regular basis, and the environment outside the city was in chaos, and although the money given by the trading houses was a lot, it was not comparable to the income they gave to the dignitaries and nobles in the city.

With this kind of effort, wouldn't it be good to prescribe a few pairs of aphrodisiac drugs to Master Zhang and the richest man

Li? Wouldn't it be good to prescribe a few pairs of beauty prescriptions for Mrs. Li and Miss Liu

? Who would want to get those taels of silver from the Shen family's firm? Not to mention the bitterness and tiredness, they still have to endure the group of stinking victims outside!

The doctors in Glacier City do not all have such ideas, and there are also some doctors who are willing to go out of the city to save the world, but after all, they are only a very small part.

Shen Ming also has a way, first through Tang Zhiqi's background, forcibly recruited, this is one of them.

But it's not okay to be blindly strong, those persecuted doctors have grievances in their hearts, they don't treat the victims well, they slack off their work, you can't do anything about them

, now it's a disaster year, the refugees are flooding, it's impossible to return the refugees who died of illness to the autopsy, to see if they were deliberately killed by those doctors who slacked work, right?

Trauma is a problem, but the ability is sufficient.

The money hired is also divided into two parts, the doctor of the medical hall gets one point, the doctor of the medical hall gets one point, and the doctor who sends the most apprentices naturally gets the most money.

In this way, the doctors do not have to go out of the city often, and they have money to get, and their apprentices can also take advantage of this to get the opportunity to practice their mobile phones, so why not? They don't have to fall out with the government, which is simply wonderful!

The apprentices of the medical hall are even more happy, they have no income during their apprenticeship, and now they can not only earn a considerable amount of money, but also treat patients personally, this is a rare opportunity

, you must know that ordinary apprentices, in addition to memorizing medical books and following the master to the hall, also have to do miscellaneous work. Run errands.

It took many years before I had the opportunity to sit in the clinic, which was very difficult, but

now it is a good thing that the process has been accelerated a lot!

Therefore, the doctor of the medical center was happy, and he was willing to send more apprentices out, and the apprentices

were also happy. In terms of treating typhoid fever and trauma, the difference between the treatment level of doctors and apprentices is really not a miracle

, and under the catastrophe, it is enough for the victims to save their lives, as for whether the wound will leave a scar, and whether there will be sequelae after the wind and cold, they don't care at all.

So far, in the eyes of the dignitaries, those refugees who are as cheap as ants have barely a mouthful of porridge to drink, no need to sleep in the ice and snow, a warm charcoal will rise in the shantyhouse at night, and you can line up to get medicine when you are sick

, this is the hope of living, although it is still difficult, but as long as the people have hope, they will not give up, and they will live tenaciously.

Tang Zhiqi has been very busy recently, and there are too many things that he needs to solve, scheduling.

But Tang Zhiqi is also very happy, he is honest and honest as an official, chivalrous

, for the country and the people, to ensure that the land and rivers are safe, and to govern the people to live and work in peace and contentment, this is his ambition to be an official

Tang Zhiqi himself does not value his reputation, but he is not stingy to make a name for Shen Ming, intentionally or unintentionally, when the government officials rescued the victims, they advocated Shen Ming and Shen's firm and said a lot of good things.

The victims also learned that it was Shen Ming who saved them, although they had seen him, their hearts were grateful but they could not be overstated

, and for a time, Shen Ming and Shen's firm were there, and their reputation was great!

There are many folk praises that Shen Gongzi is a bodhisattva who has descended to earth, and he is merciful and merciful to save the people in the sea of suffering.

Even the old otaku monk Shide was in the courtyard of the Shen family, and he was stunned for a long time when he heard the propaganda of the servants in the house.

What happened? The name of Shen Shizhu's Buddha also spread in Daxin?

He returned to Shuangzhou with Shen Ming from the border fortress, and the disaster he saw along the way also gave rise to a lot of emotion

, but the Huangxi Buddhism Gate is not Mahayana Buddhism, which pays attention to self-cultivation and self-cultivation, rather than universal sentient beings, and also pays attention to the fate of sentient beings, and they want to enter the six realms of reincarnation, suffering in this life, and cultivating the blessings of the next life.

Therefore, although there is emotion in my heart, it is only emotion. He didn't know about Shen Ming's disaster relief, and he wasn't interested in knowing

, if he really cared, it was to influence Shen Ming, let him go back to Huangxi with him, escape into the empty door, and practice Huangxi Buddhism

! But recently, the servants in the Shen Mansion have been talking about

Shen Ming more and more, and what they said is becoming more and more exaggerated, at first they said that Shen Ming was a good person, and then became a Bodhisattva, today is good, Shen Ming in the mouths of these servants is really more merciful and compassionate than the gods and Buddhas!

Shi De became more and more puzzled in his heart

, if Shen Ming's identity as a Buddha spread, the people of Huangxi would have great respect for him, but Daxin would not be like this.

Daxin is not Huangxi, it is not a country of Buddhism, how can the people here worship him so much? In the hearts of the people of Daxin, do they really think that the gods and Buddhas in the sky are not as good as

Shen Ming? Shi De was born wooden, except for Shen Ming and Jin Jue's juniors, he hardly speaks and communicates with others, and his sense of existence is extremely low, and today he finally can't sit still anymore!

He got up and walked out of the Shen Mansion, outside the mansion was a harsh winter, and the north wind was howling.

Monk Shide was born thin and thin, like a dead branch, and it seemed that it would break if it was slightly broken.

He was still wearing a Huangxi monk's robe that was barely recognizable in its original color, and half of his arms and shoulders were exposed.

His face was covered in dirt and he never cleaned it up.

The Shen Villa is located in the wealthy area of the city

, and Shi De walks slowly, keeping an eye out for pedestrians along the street, few and occasionally a few people walk through, richly dressed, and slaves follow.

He continued to walk, and when he came to the market, the flow of people soared and seemed noisy, and no one mentioned Shen Ming.

He thought about it, because he thought too much, Shen Shizhu's reputation in Daxin was not so great, Shen Shizhu was the son of the Buddha, and the Buddha should go to Huangxi!

He continued to walk, and came to the civilian area, the people were numb

, the clothes were thin, a little girl, wearing two pigtails, holding her father's hand, and her immature childish voice was crisp: "Dad, Shen Bodhisattva is giving porridge again, when are we going to get the porridge?"

The middle-aged man was not tall and had rough hands and feet, so he touched his daughter's head dotingly:

"Those porridges were distributed to the victims outside the city, and we couldn't receive them.

"We can't drink porridge, so why do the neighbors call him Shen Bodhisattva?"

"Because Shen Gongzi is kind-hearted and willing to help me and other poor people, the world is so chaotic, maybe one day we will..." The middle-aged man said, and retracted his words, he didn't want his daughter to hear this.

"In short, if we get bad one day, the government may not take care of us, and those rich businessmen will not take care of us, but Shen Gongzi will be willing to help us. So we call him a Bodhisattva, isn't the Bodhisattva the one who saves the suffering?"

The middle-aged man muttered: "Ask the Bodhisattva for blessing, and pay the incense money, but Shen Gongzi not only did not collect a penny, but also smashed out the money to help the refugees regardless of the cost, this is a disaster year, food, medicinal materials, charcoal, which is not the same as gold, Shen Gongzi not only did not take the opportunity to raise the price, but donated all, isn't this more kind than the Bodhisattva!".

The man's words were so small that he couldn't even hear the daughter beside him clearly, but the monk Shide could hear them clearly and didn't say a word.

Leaving the father and daughter, the monk continued to walk through the city, where

the snow was trampled and dirty, and the mud turned into slurry and ice.

Countless porridge stalls, interspersed with small sheds, sit young infirmary apprentices who are taking the pulse and prescribing medicine to the long queues of refugees outside, with great care.

There is no money for medicine, and refugees can receive it directly with their houses.

At this time, it was not early, and the charcoal fire was lit in the shanty, and many victims were crowded inside, sitting on their knees around the charcoal fire, and the look on their faces was no longer hopeless, but was replaced by a thirst for life and a vision for the future.

Zhitong's face was dirty, he sipped hot porridge one bite at a time, and when he had food, he had the possibility of living.

The mother held the child, blew the medicine in the bowl to treat typhoid fever, and fed it gently, with the medicine, her child had a chance to recover.

The old man was dressed in a distributed winter coat, his hands were covered with frostbite, and his face was so badly red that he thought that he would not survive this winter, maybe he would freeze to death tomorrow, and there would be no one to collect the body. I never thought I could wear such a warm robe.

From time to time, these people will always recite a sentence, or tell their children, or tell their partners, or tell their brothers, or tell people they don't know at all, or tell themselves

, "We have to thank Shen Gongzi, he is a living Bodhisattva, and he gave us the opportunity to live!"

Those believers have worship in their eyes, fanaticism, and the determination to sacrifice everything for the Buddhas.

However, the eyes of these refugees in front of them have a different look, and what flashes in their eyes is hope, gratitude, and devotion without fanaticism,

and faith that has not been baptized by doctrine.

Monk Shide was a little distracted and stood in place in a daze.

There was a government official who walked towards him viciously, and his words were full of impatience

: "You old man, you are so stupid, why haven't you received your winter coat yet

!" As he spoke, he took off a robe from the wheelbarrow behind him, draped it on

Monk Shide's shoulder, and taught himself: "There will be a round of porridge pie later, remember to line up! Don't freeze to death!" Monk

Shide was still stunned, but he draped the robe on himself.

He has entered Buddhism since he was a child, his understanding is very high, and he chooses to improve Buddhism in the way of asceticism

, he has been wooden since he was a child, he is not good at communicating, and he has seen few people and things, except for the monks and fanatical believers in the temple, this red vast red dust, he has never had deep friendships.

The older he gets, the more confused he becomes, and he doesn't know how to practice in order to understand the Dharma.

What exactly is the Dharma? There are a hundred ways to explain it.

He read through the scriptures and comprehended extraordinary, but because of this, he also felt more and more that the Dharma mentioned in the book was not the Dharma!

Buddha, does the world need to worship it?

But why do people in the world worship the Buddha? Is it because the Buddha is powerful? Or is it because the Buddha satisfies the selfish desires

of the world? Why are the believers in the western kingdom of Huangxi willing to donate all their wealth to Wanlun Jinguo Temple? Why are they so fanatical? Fanatical as demons instead of Buddhas!

Shakti's Buddha mind has long been confused, and he has even doubted that the Dharma he has learned is not correct.

So, he got the permission of his master and came to Daxin to seek his Buddha fate.

Shen Ming's previous performance was very good, but it did not solve Shi De's doubts.

But today, at this moment, outside the city of Shuangzhou, in the refugee camp

, Shi De seemed to have grasped something

, and he suddenly remembered that Shen Ming was in the Mobing State Temple, explaining the law.

Dharma is the red dust and all things, nothingness, existence, love, hate, life and death, wind, frost, rain and dew, the sun, the moon and the morning light, and the mountains and rivers.

The Fa is the good thoughts that we can always keep after going through all things in

the world and seeing through the separation of life and death! The Fa is the vast number of sentient beings and the people of the world!

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