The song "Bamboo and Stone" was originally given to Yu Shaoyuan

by Shen Ming, since the last time the secondary space was parted, Shen Ming has always missed this handsome man who is like a brother and a brother

, but he also knows that the other party's identity is extremely special, he should have been secretly arrested by the imperial court, and I don't know if there is a chance to see him again.

But I didn't want to, but the other party took the initiative to find the door today.

The man outside the door chuckled at Shen Ming, showing elegance and calmness, and his demeanor was graceful.

Shen Ming got up, welcomed him into the side hall, and told the old servant that he didn't want people to come and disturb him, so he closed the door himself.

Turning his head, he looked at Yu Shaoyuan, who was easy to face, and bowed deeply:

"Yu Shuai, Shen Ming misses you so much!"

At the beginning of Shen Ming's crossing, there were not many people who really treated him well, Wu Feng counted one, He Hao counted one, and Yu Shuai in front of him was also one.

Yu Shaoyuan looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes were also full of joy

, he stepped forward and patted Shen Ming on the shoulder, his voice was low and hoarse

: "Last time, more than a year has passed, I saw that you have extraordinary qualifications and a pure heart, so I knew that in the future, there will be a time when you will be famous and move the world!"

Yu Shaoyuan said to himself, and there was infinite feeling in his eyes:

"But I don't want to, this day will come so quickly!".

Shen Ming scratched his head, but his face showed a bit of sadness:

"The handsome man has won the award, Shen Ming asked himself that he is still far from being famous in the world, but he has the expectation of the handsome."

Yu Shaoyuan looked at the young man in front of him, the smile on his face became worse, and he raised his hand to gently wipe off the disfigurement on his face, revealing an elegant and handsome face.

The former marshal of the border army, after getting rid of the stand-in identity, has a more free and easy temperament, and the gloomy color hidden in his eyes has long been swept away.

Shen Ming was puzzled by Shaoyuan's release of his disguise, and was about to ask a question, but Yu Shaoyuan sat down calmly first, and was not polite, lifted a jar of wine on the table, patted the wine seal, and felt that the wine was fragrant.

"When I see you, I should use my true face, otherwise, how can I be worthy of the affection between you and me, and your chivalrous deeds!"

"In this world, how many people are moving, but there are a few people like you, who have the dawn of life in their hearts, and don't care about the gains and losses! In my opinion, there are so many famous people in this world, but few are comparable to you!".

Yu Shaoyuan said with emotion, and unconsciously remembered that he was a slave back then, and he couldn't help himself, but he also did a lot of things that betrayed his loyalty, and couldn't help but show some self-deprecation and wry smiles

, looking at the young man who had already grown up in front of him, he was inexplicably comforted, and

all he thought in his heart was "I'm not as good as you." "

Come, after a long absence, I will borrow flowers to offer Buddha, with your wine, toast you chivalrous!"

Yu Shaoyuan lifted the altar by himself, Shen Ming took off the gourd on his waist, collided with the wine altar in Yu Shaoyuan's hand, and drank together.

Countless past events have surfaced in the hearts of the two, although they have been separated for a year, but now they have infinite emotion!

After drinking, Shen Ming asked himself:

"Yu Shuai, did you come to look for me this time? He Hao was rescued by you?"

Yu Shaoyuan nodded, sat at the table, and had his own style, this handsome man who has been in charge of the border army for nearly ten years, his bearing is really extraordinary.

"The last time I parted, I actually had been hiding in the Daoxia Ridge to investigate some things. This time I came to Shuangzhou, the original intention was to inform the local government of some information that I had accidentally discovered, so that the imperial court could be prepared, but I didn't want to, what I saw along the road, there were beast disasters, and the people were uprooted from their hometowns, and

they were miserable!"

Yu Shaoyuan said calmly, but there was some evil anger between his eyebrows and eyes for no reason, which showed majesty.

"Before I saw you, I secretly explored the military camp, and inspected the headquarters of the Zhucha Division, but I felt that no one was worthy of me to entrust the information obtained in the Daoxia Ridge, but I inadvertently knew the filth of Tang Yunfeng, your friend He Hao had already been imprisoned by him under the pretext of murder, and sent someone to escort them outside the city to do it, I followed them all the way and rescued them, and now they are settled in a safe place, you don't have to worry.

When Shen Ming heard this, he was also afraid for a while

, and a murderous aura surged up, and even Yu Shaoyuan on the side was slightly surprised.

Yu Shaoyuan attached great importance to Shen Ming, Shen Ming regarded him as a person like a teacher and a brother, so why didn't he regard Shen Ming as his closest junior?

He knew that Shen Ming was a little anxious for quick success and quick profit in his cultivation, and now that he was gathering such a murderous intent, he was worried that he would go astray, and was about to give a warning, but he heard Shen Ming ask:

" Dashuai, what did you find in the Daoxia Ridge?But the conspiracy involving the Nanyu Kingdom?"

Yu Shaoyuan was stunned when he heard this, and was surprised that Shen Ming actually knew about it, so he nodded to himself:

"Exactly, I left the secondary space at that time, and I was originally aware of the beast chaos in the northern realm, and it was a little strange, so I explored in the ridge freely, and I also happened to avoid the pursuit of the imperial court, and during this period, I found a lot of shocking news.

Shen Ming was curious about the shocking news in Shaoyuan's mouth, but he knew that his strength was still too weak to help the other party.

He also figured out the other party's words, saying that there was no one

in this Shuangzhou who was worthy of entrusting him with the news obtained in the Daoxia Ridge, this was not worth entrusting, it should be that Yu Shaoyuan thought that the officials of this Shuangzhou had neither the strength to win his eyes, nor the character worthy of his trust.

Or, it must be a combination of both, so that it is worthy of his trust.

Shen Ming faintly felt that there must be great changes in the Daoxia Ridge, the imperial court and the Ye family must have freaks in their hearts, if Yu Shaoyuan really learned the core secret, it would be right to be so cautious

, after all, his current identity is not visible, this time he went to Shuangzhou to entrust information, he was already at great risk, and he was also loyal in his heart.

Yu Shaoyuan is finally no longer a puppet of the Yu family, he can follow his heart, and Shen Ming is also happy for him.

After thinking for a moment, he said tentatively: "If Yu Shuai really has a huge discovery in Daoxia Ridge, and wants to remind the imperial court to prepare early, there is one person in the next place, who is willing to recommend it to Dashuai." "

Oh, isn't the person in your mouth Tang Zhiqi, the governor of Shuangzhou?" Yu Shaoyuan chuckled, with some ambiguity.

The relationship between Tang Mengling and Shen Ming is really not a secret in Shuangzhou City, although it is not known to everyone, but it can be known with a little inquiry.

After all, these two people have no scruples about showing affection, and they are too high-profile, and they have done it more than once.

Shen Ming saw the ridicule in Yu Shaoyuan's eyes, and coughed lightly, thinking that the former border marshal was also quite gossipy.

However, the person he wants to recommend is not Tang Zhiqi, Lord Zhizhou's character and ability are all trustworthy, but Shen Ming also understands the matter in the Daoxia Ridge, and Tang Zhiqi can't solve this matter! After all

, the conspiracy in the ridge not only involves Nanyu Kingdom, but also the shadow of the Daxin Ye family, and even the royal court is behind it.

In this chess game, only the gate valve family can participate, and it must be a gate valve family that can compete with the Ye family.

As long as he finds a way to muddy the waters, Shen Ming may find a chance to break the situation.

This conspiracy involves Nan Yu, the Ye family, and the Daxin royal family

, and Shen Ming believes that other families should also be interested in participating, such as...

Shen Ming thought for a while, and then said in a straight voice:

"Dashuai, the person I recommend this time is not Tang Zhizhou.

Yu Shaoyuan became interested: "Who is that?".

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