By the time Shen Ming opened his eyes again, it was already past the time of his son.

The tent was brightly lit, and there was a copper basin in the center, which was burning with animal charcoal, and the heat was steaming.

"Where is this?" Shen Ming was at a loss, and he didn't know when he was covered with a white robe, faintly emitting a faint fragrance.

Tang Mengling curled up in the main seat at this time, already asleep.

The thick eyelashes are twisted and curled, the face is red, and he sleeps peacefully.

Like a sleeping cat, it makes a steady and even breathing sound intermittently.

"I fell asleep in the Tang Capital Unified Tent?" Shen Ming felt a little embarrassed when he saw this.

Quietly got up and was about to leave. I accidentally bumped into the chair and made a slight noise.

Tang Mengling opened his eyes suddenly, looked around vigilantly, and vaguely felt that the corners of his mouth were slightly cold, and when he wiped it, he slept peacefully, and drooled.

Seeing Shen Ming standing awkwardly looking at him, he couldn't help but blush his cheeks, and rarely showed a girlish shy appearance.

"You... Woke up. The voice was tactful and clear.

"Nice royal sister voice. Shen Ming sighed in his heart.

"It is rude that I fell asleep in the tent of Lord Totong. Shen Ming apologized, the white robe in his hand was soft and felt very good.

He took it in his hand, forgot to put it down for a moment, and hurried towards the tent.

"I have taken down Tang Minglong, and I will give you an explanation after this matter. Tang Mengling said a little anxiously, as if he was afraid that Shen Ming would not be able to hear it when he walked out of the big tent.

Shen Ming's figure was stunned, and he looked at Tang Mengling's face.

The girl's pink neck and phoenix cheeks are so beautiful that they are incredibly beautiful. When he met Shen Ming's eyes, he avoided them in a panic.

"Xie Tang will administer justice for me!" Shen Ming saluted, no longer stayed, and walked out of the big tent.

Only then did I realize that the white robe was still in my hand...

Shen Ming is not there these days, and the camp has been repeatedly hit by demon beasts. Most of the traps were arranged by the hunting team organized by Jiang Laohan, but they were far less powerful than those arranged by Shen Ming himself.

Many of the people who hunted were killed or wounded, and even the Zhucha Siduwei also suffered casualties, and the number of people was reduced by two.

"When did you leave the Tang Capital Tent yesterday?" He Hao didn't know when he rubbed to Shen Ming's side and gritted his teeth.

"I woke up and came out. Shen Ming was arranging a trap, and when he was asked by He Hao, he remembered that Tang Mengling was asleep last night, and his heart throbbed.

"So you slept in it all night?" He Hao's face turned pale, and he felt that his chest was empty when he spoke.

Tang Minglong was shackled, except for being slapped by Tang Mengling before, he didn't suffer much.

He is a child of the big clan, and his behavior this time has aroused the anger of the public, but it is inevitable that he will be fine when he returns to Shuangzhou.

It's just a thief with an army, and no one will really care about him.

It's just that I didn't expect that Shen Ming would have such prestige in the hunting team, and even his cousin was a little biased towards him.

The shackles are made of special monster bones, and even force rank warriors can't break free.

The ground was a little icy, which made him feel uncomfortable. Tang Minglong moved his butt and changed his sitting position.

The camp was so big, and he finally knew the news that Shen Ming was not dead.

Through the early morning mist, the little thief standing side by side with He Hao was not Shen Ming, who was it?

Tang Minglong's face became more and more fierce, and the murderous aura in his eyes almost overflowed.

"Shen Ming, don't think that if you survive this time, you will be fine, after I go back, there will be thousands of ways to kill you!" Shen Ming

felt that someone was staring at him with bad intentions, and when he looked back, the two looked at each other from a distance.

"I have to find a way to kill Tang Minglong in this Daoxia Ridge, otherwise he will be like a mad dog, and the follow-up revenge will be endless. "

Shen Ming has seen this kind of person in his previous life, he has been spoiled by his family since he was a child, and he also has some talent. I think very highly of myself, and I feel that the world should revolve around me.

This kind of person gets along well with people who are higher than their own status.

Once you are provoked by someone who is not as good as yourself, you will take revenge by any means.

"How can I do it so that others don't suspect me?" Shen Ming thought as he laid out the trap.

"Shen Ming, you take me to a demon rift. A voice interrupted Shen Ming's thinking, and when he turned his head, Tang Mengling came behind him at some point.

She is wearing a red brocade robe today, and her appearance is even more gorgeous, like a red rose, cold and arrogant with enthusiasm.

Shen Ming knew that she must confirm it in person, but he was not surprised.

Organize your equipment, mostly wine and meat arrows.

He now has the Peak Ray Arm Armor, which is too convenient, which is equivalent to carrying a small warehouse with him.

"Tang Dutong, the road is dangerous, do you want your subordinates to accompany you?" He Hao tasted it, Tang Mengling was going to travel alone with Shen Ming.

He didn't have a taste in his heart, so he hurriedly recommended himself.

Tang Mengling had a smile on the corner of his mouth, he seemed to be in a good mood today, and even his words were a lot softer:

"No need, there are too many demon beasts entrenched near the crack of the demon clan, and it is inconvenient when there are too many people to investigate." Besides, the camp needs you too. He

Hao had no choice but to take the order.

Jiang Laohan shook his head not far away, he has eaten some dry vinegar in these days in this later life, but he doesn't know how big the gap between the person he pursues and himself.

Is there any hope for Shen Ming? Jiang Laohan doesn't think so.

The seventeen-year-old prefecture-level capital commander, the member of the Investigation Division who is in charge of the land of the five continents, has reached the power level with such a grade of cultivation.

Whether it is family background, status, strength and talent, they must far surpass Shen Ming.

In this world where everything is about the right person, there will be no possibility between two people.

Jiang Laohan took a sip of wine, thinking about whether he still had some distant relatives, and this time he went back and chose a suitable grade and made it into Shen Ming's main room.

This offspring is related to him, and his potential is also strong.

He is good at cultivating himself, and after he dies, there is someone to sweep his grave, isn't it?

Shen Ming didn't know that Jiang Laohan had even planned his future.

After making preparations, he went out of the camp with Tang Mengling and ran towards the crack of the demon clan.

The two traveled lightly and walked very fast all the way. Tang Meng's spiritual art is bold, and when he encounters a demon beast that can't be avoided, he directly kills with a sword.

is not like Shen Ming at the beginning, cautious as walking on thin ice.

During this period, he encountered a group of third-order jade lions, and before Shen Ming could shoot arrows, more than a dozen demon beasts had already been killed by Tang Mengling.

The strength of the powerful martial artist is really amazing.

It's just a pity that I didn't get the talent value. Tang Mengling made a move, and the demon beasts were all killed with a single sword, and it was not Shen Ming's turn to make up for the knife.

[Talent points ((1+7)x2) are automatically generated every day, and 2496 talent points remain. Among

them, 1000 talent points are obtained by shooting ten giant toothed pigs during the competition.

looked at his talent page, after copying Tang Minglong's talent, he hadn't added too many talent points.

Looking at Tang Mengling's [Sword Spirit] talent now, he is really greedy.

Who doesn't like a talent that can be automatically upgraded?

The two of them never stopped all the way, and soon came to the vicinity of the demon rift.

Shen Ming found the mark he left behind, judged the direction and was about to show the way. saw Tang Mengling's face full of seriousness, and motioned him not to make a sound.

Shen Ming was shocked, could it be that he had encountered a demon beast that made Tang Mengling feel troublesome?

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