The two looked at each other, and the grievances were unspeakable.

Shen Ming didn't make any extra moves, and subconsciously took out the seven-stone bow in his arm armor.

This is the only way he can kill a Martial Artist at the Strength Stage at the moment.

"Do you think I'm one of those reckless demon beasts, so easy to be shot by you?"

The distance between the two was not too far, Tang Minglong moved with all his strength, and in a few breaths, he was already close to Shen Ming.

As long as Shen Ming paused for a moment, he would be killed.

Decisively decisively giving up the intention of using a bow, Shen Ming turned his head and ran, and ran in the direction of the Sky Splitting Rock Dragon.

Seeing this, Tang Minglong hesitated.

The place in front of him, which had been bombarded by the unicorn black light of the Sky Splitting Rock Dragon, was filled in a layer of twisted and dangerous mist, and it seemed that a huge gravitational pull had been generated.

Although the fog is colorless, it is extremely thick, and it is difficult to see what is going on inside.

The surrounding sand and rocks are flying, faintly forming a whirlpool.

Broken wood and snow, as well as the corpses of dead colleagues, are being sucked in.

The instinctive fear of danger made Tang Minglong dare not step forward.

But the hatred for Shen Ming in his heart, as well as the jealousy that arose at some point, made him grit his teeth and chase after him.

The closer Shen Ming got to the mist, the stronger he felt the gravitational pull that was inexplicably generated.

He looked around, and Yu Shaoyuan and Tang Mengling, who should have been nearby, disappeared at this time.

The huge Sky Splitting Rock Dragon also disappeared and disappeared.

Near the fog, except for the two people who chased and fled, there was no other figure in sight, just like a ghost.

It's a little weird.

Shen Ming ran fast before, and he didn't see how the two of them dealt with the demon beast's move.

I felt that although the Sky Splitting Rock Dragon's blow was huge, it would not be able to kill the two of them in an instant.

"Could it be that with that blow just now, the black light directly tore through the space?"

Shen Ming remembered what Rowan had said when a black ball of light condensed on the back of the Sky Splitting Rock Dragon. I can't help but suspect that Fang Cai's move may have had the effect of spatial transfer.

Turning his head, Tang Minglong was still chasing after him.

He was now extremely close to the Twisted Mist, and he had to do everything in his power to stabilize himself and avoid being sucked into the Mist.

"Shen Ming, you can't run away, obediently suffer death!" Tang Minglong's face was gloomy, and he also felt danger.

In front of him was the twisted mist, and behind him was Tang Minglong, who was bent on killing himself and was fast.

Shen Ming was in a dilemma, and he was ruthless for a while, and took out the horse chopping knife from his arm armor.

"I'm going to drag my back to death!" he

stopped running away. Determined to fight to the death with Tang Minglong.

"Don't run away?" Tang Minglong stabilized his body to avoid being held back by the increasingly strong gravitational pull.

"Don't run away, I'm going to drag you to die with me!" Shen Ming showed a hint of a smile.

Although he has not been in this world for a long time, he has already faced several life and death situations.

"When you die, you dare to say big things, I want to see if you are a thief with a high rank, why compare with me!" Tang Minglong enjoyed the feeling at the moment.

The opponent is like a dying prey, at his own mercy.

In the fog, the silence is terrifying, and the inside and outside seem to be separated into two worlds.

The two were about to confront, when a huge head poked out of the twisted mist

!"Holy!" Shen Ming couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth.

Although Shen Ming felt that his quality was good, and he was even ready to exchange his life for his life, he was still taken aback by the scene in front of him.

Through a layer of invisible mist, such a huge demon beast, without a prelude to the news, suddenly stretched out an ugly head larger than a grinding plate.

Who wouldn't be taken aback?

Tang Minglong launched a charge, forcibly stopped the momentum, turned around and ran!

The single horn on the top of the dragon head of the Splitting Sky Rock still had black remains, and the light waves flowed.

It plugged in the direction of the two of them, and once again emitted a ray of black lightning.

A huge storm that erupted out of thin air lifted all the snow in the vicinity, revealing a black and bare earth.

The gravitational pull in this area has increased suddenly, and it is no longer something that human power can resist!

Shen Ming could no longer run, his body was grabbed into the air by a huge invisible force, and he was dragged into the twisted mist!

The wind was howling, and his vision was blurred.

The light in his eyes faded away, swallowed up by a viscous darkness.

At the last moment of losing consciousness, he faintly heard a deep voice, unlike anyone he knew before:

"Evil beast, today is your death!" "

So, reinforcements always arrive at this time?" Shen Ming sneered, completely unconscious.


I don't know how long it took, Shen Ming was awakened by a bone-chilling chill.

He opened his eyes.

The blinding light almost stunned him, and as far as his eyes could see, a white plain with no end in sight

, and he struggled to get up, his hands and feet cold.

The whole body was numb and dull and painful, as if thousands of ants were crawling away.

"It's... "

It's extremely cold here, far from being comparable to the north. The snow is white as far as the eye can see, not snow, but thick ice.

The sky was pale and the sun hung brightly, and it made people panic. Not only does it not provide a trace of warmth, but it is even more cold and cold.

Shen Ming tightened the clothes on his body, took out the liquor in his arm armor, and drank a lot.

The chill in the body is relieved.

"The environment here is somewhat similar to the poles of the earth.

Every time Shen Ming breathed, he brought out a large amount of condensed mist. He slowed down and began to explore the strange land.

The endless ice field, the large expanse of dazzling light, shaking the eyes.

Although Shen Ming's cultivation had reached the eighth stage of the Qi Rank, he even had the ability to resist cold, and he still felt unbearable.

After walking for a long time, the sun still hung in the dome, and there was no intention of setting.

According to the prevarication, it should have been dark by this time.

"Polar Day?" Shen Ming frowned, he made himself a simple mask to avoid directly inhaling the cold air and freezing his lungs.

The surrounding scenery is exactly the same, I can't tell the direction, and I can't even find a place to shelter from the wind.

Shen Ming felt a little impatient in his heart, and continued to walk forward patiently.

"If you can't find a place to shelter from the wind and cold, then..."

Finally, I don't know how long I walked, a silhouette of a peak faintly appeared in front of me.

Shen Ming was overjoyed in his heart, his steps couldn't help but speed up, and when he walked in, he found that it was actually a huge ice pile with knots and scales.

Each one is at least a dozen meters tall, or even as tall as the peaks.

It's crystal clear, and it's all made of ice.

After searching for a while, Shen Ming Shen Ming found a cave, and after getting into it, it was unexpectedly warm.

"Finally there is a place to stay!" Shen Ming was overjoyed, and his tense mood relaxed.

For the rest of the day, he took the cave as the center and radiated to explore the surrounding area.

More than ten miles outside the ice peak, a sea of ice was found, and this geographical structure is really puzzling.

I haven't encountered humans these days, but I've found a lot of monsters that I've never seen before.

Among them, a kind of monster beast with a snow-white body, looks like a capybara, and spends most of its time swimming in the ice sea, called dolphin beast.

After Shen Ming was killed, the system gave a reward hint before he knew the name.

So it came to a great use.

In addition to the delicious flesh of this demon beast, Shen Ming used the fat in its body as fuel, and found that the accidental warp was burned, and it was ignited in the ice cave where it was settled, and it was not extinguished all night.

The temperature in the cave was much higher because of this, and he was finally able to sleep well.

After settling in this unfamiliar area for the time being, Shen Ming began to look for a way to leave.

He was convinced that he must have been affected by the spatial ability of the Sky Splitting Rock Dragon, and his body was teleported here.

However, there is no more useful information.

On this day, he relied on musk stones, and attracted many white guinea beasts ashore.

After the hunt, he took the materials and carried them back.

After passing a peak of ice, I saw a red broken corner of clothes, hanging on the protruding and sharp ice eaves, fluttering in the wind.

"Someone is passing by!"

Shen Ming's heart rose with joy, and he remained cautious, following the traces.

It wasn't long before I heard a noise ahead.

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