Yang Fuping's screams were terrible, and blood was sprinkled all over the camp.

Yu Yangluo looked at Tang Mengling playfully, and Tang Mengling also looked at her unkindly.

There seems to be a grudge between the two women.

"You did it on purpose. Tang Mengling's good-looking eyebrows and eyes could not see joy, and there were no mood fluctuations in her voice.

It's just that the moment he caught a glimpse of Shen Ming, he was obviously flustered.

How could Yu Yangluo let go of any of the other party's expressions. Just now, Tang Mengling's performance received all of her eyes.

Shen Ming was confused by the accident just now, and when he thought about it at this time, he knew that Tang Mengling had actually already resumed his cultivation.

"When did she recover her cultivation?Did she already know about Yu Dashuai?" Shen

Ming was a little nervous for a while, but more disappointed, he thought that his relationship with Tang Mengling was already very close and worthy of mutual trust.


Shen Ming couldn't help but think of what Jiang Laohan had warned him, he really didn't take it too seriously at that time.

The concept of the door in this world is much stronger than in his previous life.

He didn't have much indignation, quickly adjusted his mood, and even smiled at Tang Mengling, with a little rustiness.

Tang Mengling was a little confused for a while, his brows and eyes were furrowed, and his mouth was furled with some grievances.

Fang Cai grabbed the knife and injured people fiercely, and behaved like a little girl in front of Shen Ming at this time.

I didn't want to maintain this image in front of everyone, so I forcibly restrained my emotions, and all my anger was transferred to Yu Yangluo.

Yu Yangluo acted as if he was nothing, and said in an official tone:

"Ladies and gentlemen, Yang Fuping defected to the enemy and betrayed the country, and it has been verified, I will bring someone to arrest him this time, so you don't need to panic." All

the border troops looked at each other.

Li Qingyun is not calm, Yang Fuping is a commanding envoy under his command, and it is very likely that he will be implicated in such a serious crime as defecting to the enemy and betraying the country.

I was in turmoil for a while.

Yu Yangluo glanced at everyone in the camp, and finally stopped at Yu Shaoyuan, who had a very weak sense of existence:

"Yu Shuai, I brought more than these people this time, I hope you don't make it difficult for me."

Yu Shaoyuan's face was pale, and there was no blood.

He nodded heavily, as if all his strength had been drained. Resignation nodded, and was taken away by the people of the Zhenlong Division in front of everyone.

When all the commanders and commanders in the tent saw this scene, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

"Yu Shuai also participated in the betrayal of the enemy?"

The voices of discussion were heard endlessly, and they were extinguished in Yu Yangluo's oppressive gaze.

The affairs of the border army camp here are temporarily in my sole responsibility, this is an order issued by the imperial court, and you can circulate it.

At Yu Yangluo's signal, a member of the Zhenlong Division took the documents to the border army officer for inspection.

Yu Yangluo is extremely powerful, and he has the position of the commander of the Zhenlong Division, and his status is not lower than that of the border marshal. Now that the paperwork is complete, the situation is easily stabilized.

After dealing with these things, everyone retreated, and Yu Yangluo was the only one who left Shen Ming.

Tang Mengling also planned to stay, she was not afraid of Yu Yangluo.

But he learned from Yu Yangluo's mouth that in order to avoid accidents this time, Hu Shuangqian, the governor of Zhu Chasi, also came to the border army camp and was waiting to see her at this time.

Fang just left fiercely.

When he walked to Shen Ming's side, Tang Mengling paused and raised his slender hand.

In the end, he gently clenched his fist and walked out of the handsome tent.

Right now, only Shen Ming and Yu Yangluo are left in the big tent.

"There is more than one Yu Shaoyuan in the barracks. Yu Yangluo's voice was still cold, with some interest.

But her eyes were as sharp as an eagle falcon, and she met Shen Ming in an instant.

Shen Ming seemed to expect the other party to come out like this, and he pretended to be ignorant and confused just right.

Shen Ming estimated that as soon as he and Tang Mengling returned from the Rift World, they had already been detected by the Zhenlong Division scouts.

Only in this way can it be explained why Yu Yangluo obviously didn't know about Tang Mengling's serious injury, but he decisively took action to debunk it.

The strength of the Zhenlong Division in gathering intelligence is so strong that Shen Ming cannot afford to be lucky.

It is unlikely that Yu Shaoyuan's matter will be hidden from the Zhenlong Division who has the intention to investigate.

Yu Yangluo and Shen Ming looked at each other for a moment, but they didn't see any flaws. His eyes returned to his previous appearance:

"I know everything about you and Jiang Yang, and this time you can collect evidence of Yang Fuping's collaboration with the enemy, you can be regarded as a great contribution."

Shen Ming bowed slightly, and his tone was neither humble nor arrogant:

"Yu has won the award, serving the country is a matter of duty, and I dare not take credit for it, not to mention the strength of the Zhenlong Division, even if there is no me, it is not difficult to find evidence."

Yu Yangluo nodded:

"What you said is right, in fact, what Yu and Yang did, my Zhenlong Division already knows, Jiang Yang is not the only one who has planted a secret post in this military camp. "

Yu Yangluo seems to be in a good mood today, and he has a lot to say. She motioned for Shen Ming to find a seat and sit down.

Shen Ming didn't shirk it, and Da Ra found a chair nearby.

"We didn't take them down before because the imperial court wanted to start a war with Mo Bing, and we needed them to pass on some news to Mo Bing. Yu

Yangluo put up Erlang's legs, and the curves of the legs were plump, revealing an amazing wild charm.

"And now they are arrested because the court doesn't want to start a war with Mo Bing, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they are simply imprisoned.

Shen Ming digested what Yu Yangluo said for a long time, and asked tentatively:

"According to what Yu Dutong said, but there will be wars in other places in my Daxin at present, and the pressure is not high. So you choose to fight Mo Bing?" According

to the information provided by Yu Yangluo, the imperial court actually knew about Yu Shaoyuan's collaboration with Yang Fuping for a long time, and even used it when it was fully aware.

Now that they have been caught all in one fell swoop, there must be a special circumstance.

This special circumstance prevented any turmoil in the northern part of Daxin in a short period of time.

Therefore, the imperial court took a brazen action and sent the Zhenlong Division to remove all hidden dangers in the border army.

Yu Yang didn't expect Shen Ming to be able to speculate on this, and there was some surprise in his eyes.

"I didn't expect you to have such insight, you are indeed a talent. Although Jiang Yang is only the protector of my Zhenlong Division, he has made a lot of great achievements, and he has praised you many times in front of me.

Yu Yang fell into some interest, and looked at Shen Ming lazily with his chin propped up:

"I thought he was exaggerating, but now it seems that he is not exaggerating." Your [Giant Sword Technique] is playing well, and you already have a power level fire. Tang Mengling's girl taught you?"

Shen Ming nodded and said

, "At that time, the strength of his subordinates was humble, and Tang Dutong was seriously injured, making it difficult for him to survive in the fragmented world, so he taught his subordinates this exercise.

Yu Yangluo was noncommittal, still lazy:

"I'm afraid this danger is more man-made than natural disasters, right? This time it was not just the two of you who were swept into the spatial crack. Now that it's out..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly changed her words again:

"Tang Mengling's matching sword is very valuable, and he is willing to lend it to you, and he has never asked for it back now." Don't you want to recruit you as your son-in-law and pass on her incense?"

Shen Ming felt a little embarrassed and sat silent. There was some helplessness on his face.

This Yu Yangluo's thinking seems to be a little jumpy, and the city government is also quite deep, and he is not an easy person.

Shen Ming was observing Yu Yangluo, and the other party was also observing him.

Obviously, in terms of observing words and analyzing people's hearts, Shen Ming is not as good as Yu Yangluo, who was born in Zhenlongsi.

Yu Yangluo seemed to read what Shen Ming was thinking, with some schadenfreude:

"Do you think that my city is too deep to get along with? But you need to remember that my powerful performance is outside, and I will not hide it from you." And Tang Mengling's girl, but she is powerful in it, and she often calculates others, and it is difficult to notice.

Shen Ming was speechless for a while, the festival between Yu Yangluo and Tang Mengling was not small!

At this time, someone outside the tent asked to see, and Shen Ming heard the voice and felt familiar.

Who is it if it's not Jiang Laohan?"

"Okay, I have something to explain to Jiang Yang, you can step back first!" Yu Yangluo waved his hand at Shen Ming and motioned for him to leave.

Shen Ming saluted, walked towards the outside of the tent, and passed by Jiang Laohan head-on.

An old man and a young man each grimaced at each other.

Wait for Shen Ming to leave the camp.

Yu Yangluo spoke up, revealing some exhaustion:

"If Shen Ming is not dead this time, your mission will not be considered a failure." Jiang Lao, next time you have to see him to death, don't have any more accidents.

Jiang Laohan nodded, didn't explain much, but the happy look on his face was not hidden.

His mission in coming to this northern military camp was never to investigate any cases of collaborating with the enemy.

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