Su Han opened his eyes and subconsciously tried to sit up.

But he found that he couldn't move!

No matter how he struggled, his whole body seemed to be tied up by a dark iron chain of hell, and he couldn't even mobilize his spiritual energy.

His pupils shrank sharply, and he could only hear the footsteps getting closer.

With every sound of footsteps, Su Han's blood would vibrate.

"This is a domain?!"

Su Han was shocked in his heart.

He heard that this kind of"domain" can only be comprehended by strong people above the innate realm.

A few days ago, he saw the term"domain" in ancient books, but he didn't expect that he would experience it in person now.

As the footsteps approached, Su Han's hair stood up all over his body. This was the first time he felt that death was so close to him!

He also deeply felt this"feeling of powerlessness"!

Under absolute strength, any trump card is just a joke!

He felt that"that person" had stopped not far from him.

The footsteps also stopped abruptly, and Su Han felt that the sense of confinement on his body disappeared. He swallowed a breath and his scalp was trembling. He felt a little numb.

He gritted his teeth, sat up, and looked at the shadow in front of him.

He found a very short black shadow standing in the shadow.

Looking at the black shadow, Su Han felt that his blood was flowing back uncontrollably, and a few drops of cold sweat appeared on his forehead unconsciously.

Su Han was not afraid, but in this strange"domain", he instinctively grew a sense of vigilance.

Quiet, extremely quiet.

So quiet that Su Han could only hear his own breathing.

Even the sound of the wind outside the door disappeared. Su Han knew that he was trapped in the"domain" and was already a fish on the chopping board.

After several breaths, the black shadow slowly emerged from the shadow. walked out.

With the help of the moonlight, Su Han could see the"appearance" of the black shadow clearly.

After seeing it clearly, Su Han opened his mouth slightly, a little surprised.

He had imagined many possibilities, it could be a Cthulhu monster with three heads and six arms, it could be a blind old grandfather with missing arms and legs, or it could be a lonely ghost who died unjustly!

But he never expected it to be like this!

She is petite, about 1.

55 meters tall, and the clothes she wears are difficult for Su Han to describe in words.

After thinking for a long time, he finally remembered an anime character from his previous life, Tokisaki Kurumi.

She was tied with two lamb whips, her face was as delicate as a seal carved by nature, and her eyelashes were very...

In the dim moonlight, one could clearly see two eyes with different pupil colors.

The look in the eyes was very cold, but this kind of staring coldness, in Su Han's opinion, was actually a little cute.

In this way, the two looked at each other for several breaths.

Perhaps it was because he saw the other person so small and cute, that Su Han's fear disappeared by more than half.

The other party was strong, but it was true that he was not afraid anymore.

The girl looked at him for a long time, and her brows relaxed. The next second, Su Han only felt that the sense of confinement around him disappeared, and the domain also disappeared.

The two continued to look at each other, and neither spoke.

Finally, Su Han couldn't help it, and said with a fake smile,"Hello."

After saying that

, the girl did not answer. She walked straight to Su Han's rattan chair and lay down.

After a while, she began to breathe slowly.


Su Han was full of question marks. At this moment, he was a little confused. Who on earth was this girl?

A strong man above the Xiantian realm had been in this Sutra Repository for so long, and no one had discovered him?

But if you think about it carefully, it is normal. The head of the Huanyun Sect with the highest cultivation level is only in the Xiantian realm. This strong man who has even comprehended the"domain" cannot be discovered by anyone if he does not want to be discovered.

Su Han looked at the girl and prepared to use his heavenly eyes to look at her information.

But after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

After all, he was not familiar with this strange girl at all, and he did not even know whether she was an enemy or a friend. He should not act rashly and observe for a while.

She occupied his rattan chair, and Su Han had no place to sleep. That rattan chair had accompanied Su Han for a hundred years, and he could only sleep on it.

That was it.

Then, Su Han took another stool, sat in front of the counter, and began to read.

There are so many ancient books in the Sutra Library, and they are also very precious. He would take a look at them when he had nothing to do, and he also learned a lot of things he had never known before, including"domain", which he saw in ancient books.

Unknowingly, it was dawn.

Su Han opened the door of the Sutra Library. Huanyun Sect is indeed a big sect, and there is never a shortage of volume kings. As soon as the door opened, he saw more than a dozen disciples, who were already ready to move.

As soon as Su Han opened the door, he rushed into the Sutra Library. This sense of déjà vu was like the aunts and uncles grabbing vegetables in the supermarket during the weekend sale.

These disciples are too self-conscious, so self-conscious that Su Han felt distressed.

Paying, transcribing, returning, throughout the whole process, no other sounds were made, no extra movements were made. Su Han, the elder in charge, had the task of opening the door, closing the door, opening the door again, and closing the door again every day.

At this time, the girl lying on the rattan chair woke up and found that she was covered with a piece of clothing.

"You're awake."

Su Han asked without turning his head while reading a book.


Feeling that there was no answer, Su Han turned around and found that the person had disappeared, without even a trace of breath left.

Su Han also continued to read his book and do his own things. After all, as long as the girl in the red dress had no ill will towards him and did not affect him, it would be fine...

Before he knew it, a busy day was over! It was late at night.

Just as Su Han was lying on the rattan chair and preparing to have a good sleep, he found that a spiritual energy lifted him up and hung him in the air.

When he looked down, he found that the girl in the red dress had fallen asleep on her rattan chair again.

Seeing this, Su Han was not angry and continued to read his book. After all, he was a cultivator in the Spiritual Sea Realm and no longer needed to sleep.

Sleeping was just a way for Su Han to pass the time.....

But for the next few days.

It was always like this, as soon as night fell, he would come out and occupy Su Han's"bed", and then do nothing, not talk, just lie down and go to sleep, and leave at dawn. It was very regular, so regular that Su Han began to feel a little unbearable!

At least, you have to tell who you are and what you are going to do, right?

You are a supreme power above the innate realm, it is impossible for you to occupy someone else's bed to sleep every day out of bad taste, right?

But because the other party is so strong, just bear with it for now!

Finally, that night, Su Han really couldn't stand it anymore.

He walked to the rattan chair and asked directly:"What on earth are you going to do?"

Perhaps it was too quiet, the whole hall of the Sutra Library kept echoing with Su Han's voice................ ps: Please get more than 10,000 flowers, more than 1,000 evaluation votes, and more than 30 monthly votes. As long as you reach this level, the daily update volume can be directly increased to 10!

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