"There is something unusual, wait a moment."

The old man in the lead frowned as he looked at the black clouds in the sky that kept gathering in a certain direction. He could clearly feel that the black clouds were pregnant with terrifying thunder. The girl in green looked at the black clouds that kept gathering in the sky, feeling that a storm was about to come. She asked the old man,"Uncle Huang, is this the legendary thunder?"


"There are such signs."

The old man is a strong man in the Xiantian realm, but he has never encountered this type of tribulation thunder."Could it be that a strong man is breaking through the Purple Mansion realm?"

The realm above the Xiantian realm is the Purple Mansion realm. Only when the Xiantian enters the Purple Mansion, there is a certain probability of causing tribulation thunder, but the probability is very small. Among ten thousand Xiantian Perfection Realm cultivators, only one may be able to attract tribulation thunder.

After all, the appearance of tribulation thunder means that the rules of heaven and earth are about to be erased, which means that the talent of the person who breaks through is extremely high!

"Then, should we move forward?"

The woman in green, named Liu Xue, is a core disciple of the Haoyue Sect, which is also one of the seven major sects, but its overall strength is much higher than that of the Huanyun Sect, which is also one of the seven major sects, and can be ranked in the top three.

Unlike others, the strength of the Haoyue Sect can be seen from the fact that a strong man in the Xiantian Realm can condescend to escort a junior to practice.

And the Haoyue Sect is a large sect with a supreme power in the Purple Mansion Realm!

"How far is it?"

The old man turned around and asked the young man in long robes behind him.

The young man in long robes was named Liu Dun, and he was also a core disciple of Haoyue Sect. Among the core disciples, he was also a leader. He had no background, so he was keen to curry favor with Liu Xue. If he could get Liu Xue, then his future would be prosperous!

"It's just a hundred meters ahead, very close."

Liu Dun didn't want to give up this opportunity to please Liu Xue. He spent a lot of money to find out this news.

"Let's move on, slower."

"We can't disturb the senior who is going through the tribulation. We don't know if he is from the Daqian Empire. I'm afraid he won't respect our Haoyue Sect."

Although Huang Shitan is a strong man in the Xiantian realm and holds a high position in the Haoyue Sect, as long as they are in the Daqian Empire, they will give him face, but they are afraid that he is a strong man who travels from other places.....

At this moment.

Su Han was still sitting on the bluestone. He kept adjusting his breath, preparing to face the next thunder. This was his chance to break through the Xiantian realm, and he had to grasp it well.

Time passed by, and the dark clouds in the sky continued to gather. He could already feel the powerful sense of destruction.

Boom - a dull thunder came from the clouds, scaring many beasts in the mountains to flee......

Liu Xue and the others finally arrived at their destination, which was a pond.

In the middle of the pond, there grew a white-purple lotus with purple leaves and white stamens, surrounded by a hint of spiritual charm.

The moment she saw the lotus, Liu Xue's beautiful eyes lit up, and the appearance was exactly the same as described in the ancient books.

This is the Jiugan Xianling Flower!

She went to more than a dozen auction houses, but couldn't find the Jiugan Xianling Flower. In desperation, she could only come to the mountains to look for it.

If she found the Jiugan Xianling Flower, she could ask her master to refine the seventh-grade Biluo Xianling Pill, and her chances of breaking through the Linghai Realm would increase by 30%!

This means that after getting this Jiugan Xianling Flower, she is equivalent to stepping half a foot into the Linghai Realm!

""Junior sister, wait for me here, I'll get it for you!"

Liu Dun, who was standing by, flew towards the pond with a burst of energy.

When he got close to the pond, he saw a black shadow appear in the pond with his peripheral vision. In an instant, a powerful energy burst out.


"Come back quickly!"

Huang Shitan waved his hand, and the spiritual energy wrapped Liu Dun and forcibly pulled him back.

The next second.

A giant python poked its head out of the pond, spitting out its tongue, looking down at Huang Shitan and the others.

The scales on its skin were purple-black, like solid armor, and its pupils were emerald green. It raised its head, one section taller than the surrounding trees, and exuded a terrifying aura.

"This is...."A fifth-order beast!"

Huang Shitan's expression was extremely solemn, and his face looked so ugly that water was about to drip out. A fifth-order beast is equivalent to the innate realm of humans, and because the physical fitness and innate conditions of beasts are much higher than those of human cultivators, a fifth-order beast is much stronger than an innate cultivator of the same level.

What's even more despairing is that this beast is an adult fifth-order beast, which is equivalent to the eighth level of innate realm of human cultivators.

Huang Shitan is only the sixth level of innate realm, and he has no chance of winning against this fierce python!

If he were alone here, it would be fine, but now that Liu Xue has followed him, he can't let her escape, otherwise he will not be able to survive in the Daqian Empire.

"I didn't expect that there would be a fifth-level Jade Blood Python in this place!"

At this time, the black-clothed woman who was originally behind Liu Xue, like Huang Shitan, stood at the front. She had to protect Liu Xue's safety.

"Xia Chiyue, I will attract its attention in a moment, you take the young lady away from here.

Huang Shitan waved his hand, and an axe appeared in his hand.

This axe was very large and heavy, and in the hands of the skinny old man, it formed a sense of contrast.

A slender willow sword appeared in the hands of the woman in black. This was the only way now..........


"Follow me!"

The woman in black didn't care about Liu Dun's life or death. She took Liu Xue's hand and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Liu Dun, whose legs were already shaking with fear, followed Xia Chiyue. This was the first time he saw a fifth-level beast, and he was scared to death.

There was a shaking sound from the back, which showed that the Huangshitan and the fierce python were fighting.

At this time, Xia Chiyue felt the spiritual energy around her and became fierce.

The next second, her beautiful eyes were startled, and she stopped and looked at the shadow in front of her.

"Senior Sister Xia, what happened?"

Liu Xue was also a little scared. This was the first time she encountered such a dangerous situation. Her mind was blank.


In front of Xia Chiyue, a huge black shadow hovered and slowly appeared. With the moonlight, they also saw clearly that it was also a fifth-level green blood python!

The battle in the back was still going on, which meant that this was another one!

It turned out that there were two fierce pythons here, one male and one female.

Looking at this fierce python, Liu Xue and Liu Dun felt desperate, and Xia Chiyue clenched the hilt of the sword, making a decision in his heart........

Liu Dun grabbed Xia Chiyue's hand and stammered,"Senior Sister Xia, please, save me, I don't want to die!"

This look was completely different from the high-spirited him before.

Xia Chiyue just shook his hand coldly. At this time, she still expected others to save her. She didn't even have the courage to fight.

"If you want to live, take out your weapon!"

Xia Chiyue snorted coldly.

Liu Dun, who was yelled at, hurriedly took out the sword at his waist. His legs were trembling and he couldn't even hold the sword steadily.

Liu Xue, who was standing aside, also took out her weapon. Although she was afraid, she didn't even have the courage to fight, which formed a sharp contrast with Liu Dun. Xia Chiyue launched the attack first. She was very fast. Almost in an instant, she came to the back of the neck of the fierce python. This was its only weakness.

She gripped the hilt of the sword, bursting with breath, and stabbed it with a sword!

And just when the tip of the sword was about to stab, a black shadow swept her out at an incredibly fast speed.

After being hit by the tail of the fierce python, Xia Chiyue flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

The pressure shook, and directly frightened Liu Dun to his knees on the ground, and Liu Xue was also shaken back several steps.

The gap is too big!

Xia Chiyue in the Spiritual Sea Realm is not even a match for one move! Am

I going to die here too?....

Xia Chiyue lay on the ground, holding her chest in pain. She was not afraid of death, but she was unwilling to die in this place. She still had many things to do that she had not had time to do.....

At this moment, boom— a thunderous sound came from the clouds and struck the mountain range!......... ps: Please give me the data!

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