"System, receive the reward."

As Su Han finished speaking,

Su Han felt as if his whole body was soaked in a pool of time. He could even clearly feel the increase in his lifespan. His blood, internal organs, and tendons had all undergone incredible changes.

This kind of reward that directly increased his lifespan was too heaven-defying and too suitable for someone like Su Han who was a bit of a jerk.

The next second,

Su Han was surrounded by invisible sword energy, and countless sword insights poured into his mind like fragments. It felt like a sword master who had practiced sword for a hundred years was directly instilling his lifelong sword insights into him.

At this moment, Su Han slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were very sharp, as if they were as sharp as a sword.

His sword realm has also gone from entering the room to the pinnacle, and he has even touched the realm of unity between man and sword!

The pinnacle of the realm is almost enough to walk sideways among the sword practitioners in the entire Daqian Empire.

Breaking through to this realm means that Su Han can create his own swordsmanship, establish a school, and teach sword practitioners.

Other sword masters have spent their entire lives and cannot even touch the threshold of the pinnacle, but Su Han has easily reached this realm with only two small investments. If this gets out, the sword world may go crazy.

Legend has it that the first owner of Cangjian Villa was only at the pinnacle when he founded Cangjian Villa.

And now, Cangjian Villa has become the holy land of swordsmanship in the Daqian Empire.......


Su Han felt as if he had been sitting still for ten years, thinking for ten years, and understanding for ten years....

It was like a dream that lasted ten years, and this dream was very real.

He seemed to be sitting in front of a waterfall, enlightened, and even the sound of water flowing in his ears was so real.

Soon, Su Han slowly opened his eyes, and his thoughts returned to reality.

Dong- dong- dong- in Su Han's dantian, there were several crisp shattering sounds. Su Han broke through several small realms in succession and directly reached the seventh level of the innate realm!

And Su Han could clearly feel that his soul power and consciousness power had made a qualitative leap.

This should be the"meditation enlightenment" and"years enlightenment" in the rewards.".....

Then, Su Han's blood power also surged!

The perception of his spiritual consciousness was also growing rapidly!

Su Han spread his spiritual consciousness, and he found that his spiritual consciousness range had indeed expanded tenfold. Now his spiritual consciousness can cover the entire Huanyun Mountain Range and then extend to a radius of one million kilometers! The spiritual consciousness perception range of ordinary innate cultivators is only about 100,000 kilometers.

The spiritual consciousness perception is the weakest aspect of human cultivators. After all, the spiritual consciousness techniques are very rare, so rare that there is not even one in the entire Huanyun Sect.

Unless one has cultivated the soul and spiritual consciousness since childhood, or has a suitable spiritual consciousness technique, the spiritual consciousness will be several times stronger than that of ordinary cultivators, but even so, it cannot reach the terrifying level of Su Han!

Every blade of grass and every tree in the Huanyun Mountain Range is within Su Han's perception.

He just took it back after a simple test.

After all, he now knows that the head of the sect, Yunfeng, is definitely not just in the innate realm, and is very hidden. Su Han does not know Yunfeng's details, so he cannot expose his strength too early.

Although Yunfeng was a good person, Su Han still had to imitate him and wait until he had absolute strength to suppress him.

Otherwise, his strange breakthrough speed would definitely arouse his suspicion. If he had bad intentions, Su Han would not be sure to defeat him........


One by one, large characters emitting golden light appeared in Su Han's sea of consciousness.

Su Han looked at the large characters in his sea of consciousness. Just by taking a look, he felt a shock from the bottom of his heart.

There were not many characters, only a few hundred.

Compared with the exercises that often had tens of thousands of words, this one was extremely concise.

It made Su Han feel that the great way was simple!

Taihuang Jue!

This was the only exercise in the feedback reward, and according to the definition of the system, the grade of this exercise was unknown.

After a few breaths, all the characters disappeared without leaving a trace.

However, every word was remembered in Su Han's mind.........

Soon, Su Han was immersed in the study of Taihuang Jue. He was so obsessed with it that the more he studied, the more shocked he felt!

He also had a lot of heavenly skills, but compared with Taihuang Jue, they were nothing but a pile of shit!

Unknowingly, it was already dawn.

This night, Su Han didn't even understand it at all!

It seemed that he understood a little, but it seemed that he didn't understand it at all. In short

, Su Han was very confused. It seemed that Su Han had to spend a lot of time studying Taihuang Jue.

Time, what Su Han lacked the least now was time!......

Su Han slowly opened his eyes, stood up, and stretched.

He heard the sound of boxing coming from the woods not far away.

When he got closer, he saw Shi Yi was already practicing boxing.

Seeing this, Su Han said to Shi Yi,"Xiao Yi, don't practice blindly for now. Today, you and Tian Yue will help manage the Sutra Library. I have to go out for a while."


Shi Yi put away his fist and nodded.

"There is a book of exercises on the counter that should be suitable for you. You can take a good look at it.

Before leaving, Su Han said to Shi Yi.......

Today, he has to rescue someone!......

The second part of the disciple-recruiting ceremony is now underway.

The second part is for the hundreds of people who have passed the test to enter the mountains and search for tokens buried by the Huanyun Sect.

The time limit is one day.

The top 100 people who find the most tokens will enter the final selection.

At this moment, the two sisters Qinghe and Qingyu stand out from the crowd.���Very thin.

The people around them looked at them with contempt, because they were all selected in a formal way, but in their opinion, these two sisters got in by pleasing the elders of the sect with disgusting means!

"Hehe, where is your elder? Why doesn't he care about you?"

"Without that elder to support you, I wonder how you are going to get through this!"

"Pray, pray that you don’t run into me in the mountains later!"


Several burly young men around them lowered their voices and threatened Qing He and Qing Yu.

Qing He held Qing Yu's hand and said,"Xiao Yu, Elder Su has helped us a lot."

"When we enter the mountain later, you wait for me in a safe place, I will go find the token, and at least one of us must pass the test."

In fact, they did not blame Su Han for sending them to the second level and then leaving them alone.

On the contrary, they were very grateful, because if it were not for Elder Su, they would not be standing here, and they might have been a corpse under a cliff in the Huanyun Mountains....

"Xiao Yu, you have to know that no matter when, we must work hard on our own."

"Even if there are noble people to help us, we still have to keep working hard."

Although Qing He is the same age as Qing Yu, she is much more mature than Qing Yu.

She has also made up her mind that this level will at least send her sister to the third level........

"Let's get started. We will send someone to monitor the whole process. Don't even think about cheating."

""Go ahead."

As an elder finished speaking, people entered the mountain range one after another. In this mountain range, the deacon of Huanyun Sect had driven away the more powerful spirit beasts.

Only some beasts that had not yet entered the spirit realm, but were strong, fierce, and fast, were left.

This second level tests the all-round ability of physical fitness......

Su Han stood on a mountain peak, overlooking the contestants in the mountains.

In fact, Su Han could have let Qing He and Qing Yu enter the sect directly, but considering the impact, he chose to help them secretly.

He was not afraid of the impact on himself, but on them.

If they entered the sect in this way, they would likely encounter rumors in the sect.

People gossip, and sometimes the power of rumors and public opinion is also very strong. They might be pointed at wherever they go.

Therefore, Su Han decided to let them enter the sect through normal procedures.

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