He saw that the person sitting in front of the ruined temple was no one else.

It was his most familiar and"kind" junior brother Su, Su Han!

At this moment, Wang Tian felt numb, and felt that his worldview was about to collapse.

With his cultivation, although he could not see Su Han's specific cultivation, he could distinguish the aura on his body, which was extremely powerful!

He could feel that even the strong elders were as weak as ants in front of him!

This feeling was definitely above the innate!

Above the innate, that is the Purple Mansion?

However, although he himself could not set foot in the Purple Mansion realm, he had also seen the Purple Mansion realm.

And the aura emitted by Su Han was definitely not just as simple as the Purple Mansion realm!

Above the Purple Mansion? ?


Thinking of this, Wang Tian shook his head frantically. He was a little dazed and even slapped himself. He rubbed his eyes and looked again.

No matter the appearance, aura, or figure, it was Su Han!

He and Su Han had been mortal enemies for so many years, and he would never admit his mistake.

He swallowed, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, unable to move, he just stood there, staring at the front.

He was expecting, expecting this scene to be fake!

Or, expecting Su Han to die here.

His eyes were full of bloodshot, and his expression was a little ferocious.

He had originally convinced himself to stop paying attention to Su Han and calm down.

But, all that was based on the fact that Su Han's growth was lower than his own.

And at this moment, no matter what, he couldn't convince himself!

Qian Tianlong and the other four approached and then"two eight seven".

When his eyes fell on the figure.

His pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes widened.

Isn't this man the elder of Yun?

Moreover, because he was brought in by a girl in the Purple Mansion Realm before he came here, he still had some impression of this man.

"How could it be him?"

Qian Tianlong's voice was obviously trembling, because before entering the secret treasure, his cultivation level was just an ordinary Gu Yuan realm.

But now, if he changes, he will even surpass the Xiantian realm and reach the Zifu realm.....

Due to the disorder of spiritual power, he was unable to distinguish his specific level of cultivation, but it was definitely in the Purple Mansion Realm, and most likely the eighth level of Purple Mansion, the Perfect Purple Mansion!

"This little elder of Huanyun Sect....It's like this.."

"It seems that Yunfeng is not the only person worth paying attention to in Huanyun Sect. Now there is one more person."

Qian Tianlong sighed in his heart.

The moment he saw Su Han's cultivation aura, the two words that emerged in his mind were——""Win over"!

If such a talent could be brought under his command and used by him, then the success rate of his plan would be increased by several percent.

"Seventh Prince, that person...Do you know him?"

An elder of Zifu who was standing behind Qian Tianlong asked after hearing Qian Tianlong's surprised words.

Because, the man looked very young, and his bone age was probably no more than 100 years old. Even if he was over 100 years old, he was between 200 years old, otherwise he would have been on the Hidden Dragon List long ago.

He was also a well-informed person. He knew and had seen most of the geniuses on the Hidden Dragon List. Except for a few geniuses who had never appeared in the world, he could basically tell them apart.

However, he racked his brains to think about the man in front of him, but he couldn't remember that there was such a person in the Great Qian Empire.

He was a genius of the eighth level of Zifu.....

However, the man still gave him a very strong sense of oppression. He could no longer estimate the other party's specific cultivation level.

"Elder Yang, you face him..."

"How sure are you?"

Qian Tianlong turned to the elder with the highest cultivation level and asked seriously.

After he finished speaking,

Yang Zaidan swallowed and shook his head, indicating that he had no chance of winning.

"What if the three of you come together?" Qian Tianlong continued to ask.

Then, the three elders looked at each other, then raised their index fingers.

"One percent?"


"Maybe not even yet."

Although they are all cultivators of the high realm of Purple Mansion, they certainly know the horror brought by the realm gap.

After getting this answer, Qian Tianlong's eyelids jumped and his heart was shocked.

He looked at the golden light column not far away, and his heart began to tangle.

Should he fight or just give up and sell him a favor.

But everything that happened in the next second made him determined to choose.


I only heard the sound of bells and drums coming from nowhere. The whole secret space was resounding, the whole earth, the whole void, all shaking and vibrating.


The golden light began to converge towards the middle from both ends below and above.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and stared at the void.

This process lasted for half an hour. During this half hour, no one dared to act rashly.

Finally, the golden light began to gather into a ball.

Like a golden light ball the size of a ten-meter half-pound iron ball, and then, the surface of the light ball was gradually covered by colorful chaotic light.....

When people saw this colorful chaotic light, their expressions were all the same, and they became extremely shocked.

Legend has it that this colorful chaotic light will only be emitted when a divine treasure that defies the heavens appears.

In the history of the Daqian Empire, such a treasure has never appeared, but it seems that there are records in the ancient rural history that the founding emperor of the Daqian Empire has obtained such a treasure.

In short, this colorful chaotic light has slowly become a myth in the development of history and the torrent of time!

So, when they saw it, they showed such a surprised look.

Qian Tianlong, who was still hesitant in the last second, immediately became crazy after seeing this chaotic light.

There was only one idea in his mind.

That is, he must get it!

He turned around, used spiritual power to transmit the sound, and said to the three elders of the Purple Mansion:"As long as you help me get this treasure, after you get out of the secret treasure, I will immediately arrange for you to enter the royal family, and I will be responsible for the rest of your life."

"Of course you can refuse, but it just means that your life will be difficult in the second half of your life....."

Qian Tianlong's words were half encouragement and half threat, forcing them to help him.

Hearing this, the three elders sighed and said,"But Your Highness....We have no chance of winning."

"Don't worry, look at those people in the front, they are from Tai Heng Zong, they will definitely clash with that man"

"And we just need to seize the opportunity, and when both of them are hurt, we can reap the benefits."

Qian Tianlong certainly knew that he couldn't force it, he could only use his wits.

Under the absolute interests, Qian Tianlong didn't want to care about anything else, he just wanted to use all means to get it!

At this moment.

Everyone stood in place, and the scene seemed to become quiet for a while.

At this time, when Yuan Yuan saw the chaotic light ball in the void, his heart was shrinking uncontrollably, his blood was boiling, and his eyes were staring at it.

Finally, he couldn't help it. He jumped up and grabbed the chaotic light ball.

The speed was so fast that Tian Yu and others behind him didn't react. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just when he was about to touch the light ball.

He felt a figure appear in front of him.


He felt an extremely powerful spiritual power directly hit his chest.

Soon, he fell heavily to the ground, smashing out a deep pit.

Just now That scene was seen by everyone.

Just when Yuan Yuan was about to touch the ball of light, Su Han's figure appeared in front of him.

He didn't even wave his hand, but just stood there quietly. The rebounding spiritual power directly shook Yuan Yuan away!

This visual impact made the whole audience fall into a strange silence again.

You know, Yuan Yuan is a powerful person in the Purple Mansion Realm!

Purple Mansion Realm!

In the outside world, they are all strong people who can walk sideways, and Yuan Yuan is also a prodigy on the Potential Dragon List. His combat power has surpassed countless people in the same realm.

They thought Yuan Yuan would lose, but they didn't expect to lose in this way.

Wang Tian, who was not far away, saw Su Han easily defeat Yuan Yuan in this way.

He felt like he was about to collapse.

This impact brought him such a great shock that he couldn't believe it and didn't dare to believe it.

Purple Mansion Realm, that is the supreme power that Wang Tian needs to look up to.....

In front of Su Han, he didn't even have the qualifications to make a move!

Tian Yu quickly helped Yuan Yuan up, opened a small green bottle, poured out a pill that exuded spiritual charm, and fed it to him.

As the pill left his body, Yuan Yuan regained consciousness, spit out blood, and stood up staggeringly.

His eyes were still fixed on Su Han.

At this moment, Su Han, who was standing in the void and overlooking everyone, felt Yuan Yuan's gaze on him.

In addition, the lavender luck behind him was completely swallowed by the black luck.

Su Han finally understood.

Why did the luck turn black step by step when he first walked towards him?

It turned out that he had a mortal enemy with him.

And the person who ruined Yuan Yuan's life was Su Han himself.

The occurrence of this situation made Su Han sigh.

At first, he was going to invest in this little monk named Yuan Yuan, after all, it was lavender luck.

But now it seems that there is no need for that.

He wanted to kill himself, why should he let him go?

Su Han is not a saint. Not everyone in this world is worth his investment!

After seeing Su Han seriously injure Yuan Yuan,

Tian Yu was immediately furious. Yuan Yuan was a seedling cultivated by the headmaster himself. Before the headmaster came, he had already warned him.

Now Yuan Yuan was seriously injured, and it was very likely that his roots would be damaged. It was unknown how long it would take for him to recover.

He looked up at Su Han and tried to calm himself down.

"This brother"

"We are all from the seven major sects, there is no need to kill them"

"Let's talk about a deal."

Tian Yu paused and continued,"There is only one hour left before our seven-day deadline."

"If we haven't left yet, when the masters from the top holy places come, we will have to hand over this treasure."

"So, why don't we do this...."

"This thing, we all���Share, everyone who sees it gets a share"

"Then, each of us keeps this secret and doesn't tell anyone. This is the best of both worlds."

"What do you think?"

Tian Yu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Su Han was almost laughed out of anger.

God damn, whoever sees it gets a share? Do you think I, Su Han, am just an innocent victim?

This heavenly treasure was discovered by him alone from the beginning to now. Now he can collect the fruits. You and I want to have a share?

I, damn, whoever sees it gets a share!

Then, Su Han smiled and said,"Share it equally?"

"There is only one thing, how to divide it equally?"

1.4 Yu had already thought of a countermeasure and continued:"Leave it to Tai Hengzong"

"Don't worry, I'll take the things back."

"According to the value of this treasure, I will divide it into other treasures of different values and personally deliver them to you."

"How about it?"

Hearing this, Su Han suddenly laughed out loud:"Hahahahahaha".

Then, he put his hands behind his back.

Looking directly at Tian Yu, he said word by word:"Okay, come and get it yourself."

As soon as these words fell.

Tian Yu's smile stopped abruptly, and then he said in a cold voice:"Then there is nothing to talk about?"

""Are you sure you want to be the enemy of our Taiheng Sect?"

Tian Yu did not give up and brought up the name of Taiheng Sect again.

At this time,

Wang Tian, who was not far away, saw Su Han and the elders of Taiheng Sect tearing their faces.

His expression became crazy. He kept shouting in his heart:"Kill him, kill Su Han!"

As long as Su Han died here, after getting out of the secret treasure, he, Wang Tian, would still be Wang Tian, and there would be no more demons in his heart.

And the four people of Qian Tianlong and the three elders of Gu Ming Sect also had an expression of watching a show, ready to reap the benefits.

"I said that"

"To take"

"Come and get it yourself."

Su Han's voice was as calm as Hong Lei's, but every word shook the void.

Now, there was only one word in his mind:——"Kill!" ps: Thank you for your hope, I hope you will continue to subscribe, love you guys.

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