【Name: Qian Yueer】

【Age: 24】

【Cultivation: Eighth level of Spiritual Sea】

【Luck talent: lavender】

【Biography: Excellent talent, with a rare body of fallen ice, his water-based skills improve rapidly, he has a natural affinity for things with"water" and"ice" attributes, he is born in a wealthy royal family, and is easily involved in power struggles, his fate is uncertain, if he can find his true heart, he can find the path he is pursuing, and the future is promising.】

【Recent encounter: There was a problem in practicing"Thousand Ice Art", which caused the heart meridian to backfire and required pure yang spiritual power to cleanse....】

After reading it, Su Han's pupils flashed with surprise.

Light purple talent, I didn't expect that this princess of the royal family actually had a light purple talent.

Moreover, in the rich light purple talent, there was also a faint purple, which meant that he had the potential to impact purple luck.

This is an object worth investing in.

As Su Han's strength increases, the things he gets from his investment feedback will also become better as his strength increases.

For example, the rewards he gets from investing in a genius with light purple talent in the Condensed Veins Realm and investing in a genius with light purple talent in the Great Void Realm are different, and are several levels higher.

Moreover, according to probability analysis, light purple luck is only one in a billion. In the past few years, Su Han has been looking for it, and he has seen no more than five light purple lucks.

Just like, these so-called upper-class family children present, Liu Hansheng, who was just madly criticized by Jin Yuanbao, is a short-lived black ghost.

There are also a few, all of whom have yellow luck.

Only a few ladies with pretty faces and few words had decent luck, one reached blue, and the other reached light blue.

On the contrary, those who shouted loudly and looked awesome were generally short-lived black people.

After hearing Su Han's name, Qian Yue'er quickly searched for the name"Su Han" in her mind.

But it was a blank. There was no"Su Han" on the entire Hidden Dragon List.

Could it be that this was a Taoist son who did not appear in the world in a certain holy land?

After all, the Hidden Dragon List was only written by the national teacher, and it was also done by human power. Some Taoist sons who did not appear in the world did not show their talents in the outside world, so they were not included in the Hidden Dragon List.

It was like, it was said that there was a saint who did not appear in the world in the Taiyi Holy Land. He had never been shown to the world, and it was said that the saint was the real leader of the Hidden Dragon List.

There was also the mysterious saint of the Biyao Holy Land. There were very few legends about her.

Compared with the saint of the Taiyi Holy Land, no one knew who was stronger.

However, those are the trump cards hidden by the top holy lands, and they will not be brought out unless necessary.

Could it be that this young man named Su Han is the unborn son of a top 997 holy land?

The meticulous Su Han certainly knew what Qian Yue'er was thinking.

He just smiled and said,"Don't look at my young appearance, I am much older than you."

""The Hidden Dragon List is the world of you young people."

After these words were spoken, few people believed them. They all thought that Su Han was some unborn saint, otherwise how could Jin Yuanbao be so flattering.

After hearing these words, Qian Yue'er became even more curious about Su Han's identity.

After Qian Yue'er took the initiative to talk to Su Han.

No one present dared to cause trouble for Su Han.

After all, this was equivalent to Jin Yuanbao and Qian Yue'er both speaking for Su Han, who would dare to make trouble? With the power of Jin Yuanbao and Qian Yue'er, they would not even doubt that if they said a word, their family would decline overnight tomorrow!

Qian Yue'er is not an ordinary princess. Her status in the royal family is unimaginably high.

The party soon dispersed.

In fact, there was nothing to discuss. It was nothing more than the major families gathered together to complain collectively to the helmsman, the Jin family.

As the crowd dispersed.

Jin Yuanbao was also extremely excited. He leaned close to Su Han's ear and said mysteriously:"Brother Su, I have arranged everything!"

"Today, I will let you experience the true charm of Fulong City!"

After saying that, he gave Su Han a mysterious smile that all men understood.

At this time,

Qian Yueer walked towards Su Han. When she smiled, she had two shallow dimples. Her noble temperament was also lovely.

"Mr. Su, may I have the honor of having a drink with you?"

Qian Yue'er waved her hand, and the two Purple Mansion Realm warriors behind her retreated.

Seeing Qian Yue'er coming to"rob people", Jin Yuanbao frowned, one frowned high and the other frowned low, feeling very unhappy.

Brother Su came to me for the first time, so of course I was the one to arrange it!

What do you mean, Qian Yue'er?!

Rob people?!

However, in the palace, Qian Yue'er was one of the few people he was afraid of.

He only dared to curse in his heart and didn't dare to say it out loud.

Su Han didn't know how to answer for a while. In fact, he didn't want to go.

However, this Fulong City is under the feet of the emperor after all, and it is considered the territory of the royal family. It is not easy for him to offend the princess.

After all, he felt that in the void, a strong man with an aura that was not weaker than his own was protecting Qian Yue'er in secret.

It can be seen that Qian Yue'er is not only a princess, but also a princess with a high status.

At this time, Su Han glanced at Jin Yuanbao, and he was ready to throw the problem to him directly.


Qian Yue'er also smiled and looked at Jin Yuanbao, and said,"I guess Mr. Jin won't mind, right?"

Looking at Qian Yue'er's smile, Jin Yuanbao shuddered unconsciously.

Qian Yue'er had a nickname that he remembered very clearly, called"Little Witch".

Therefore, Jin Yuanbao really didn't dare to provoke this"little witch".

He gritted his teeth and said,"Brother Su, let's put our arrangements on hold until tomorrow."

He looked at Qian Yue'er and said with a fake smile,"Since the Seventh Princess wants to have a good chat with my brother Su, then I will leave tactfully."

After that, Jin Yuanbao left with gritted teeth.

After Jin Yuanbao left.

Qian Yue'er made a gesture of invitation to Su Han,"Sir, please follow me���"

Soon, Su Han followed Qian Yue and walked deeper into Fulong Garden, arriving at a luxurious courtyard.

Upon seeing Qian Yue'er coming, two pretty maids in front of the courtyard hurried forward and waited cautiously around Qian Yue'er.

This courtyard was very large, simple yet luxurious, and it was obvious that this was Qian Yue'er's private courtyard.

""Master Su, please take a seat."

Qian Yue'er walked to a pavilion, sat down, and said to Su Han.

After Su Han sat down, Qian Yue'er asked with a smile:"Master, would you like to drink tea or wine?"

""Tea." Qian Yue'er waved her jade hand, and a pot of tea appeared on the round stone table in front of her. The teapot was very exquisite, with dragons and phoenixes carved on it.

She stood up and poured a cup of tea for Su Han, smiling and saying,"I wonder if you are used to this tea." Su Han picked up the tea and took a sip. As soon as the tea entered his mouth, he felt like he had drunk a mouthful of fire, which spread along his throat to his dantian and turned into a powerful energy, instantly making Su Han's whole body hot, and instantly felt transparent and incomparable.

"This is Dragon Flame Tea. Is this your first time drinking it, young master?

Qian Yueer noticed that Su Han's brows were furrowed, and then asked

"Well, this is the first time I drink such a strong tea."

Su Han had heard of this Dragon Flame Tea a long time ago. This tea can no longer be called tea, but a natural treasure, an extremely precious thing.

It is said that cultivators below the Spiritual Sea Realm can even break through a small realm on the spot after drinking a few sips.

Dragon Flame Tea is very precious. It is not sold on the market. Only royal nobles or some large families have it.

Qian Yue'er chuckled, and her smile was very beautiful.

Then, she took out a pot of wine and poured herself a full cup. She drank it in one gulp.

In an instant, Qian Yue'er's face instantly turned red to her neck, like mutton-fat jade with a blush, delicate and tempting.

But soon, it returned to normal.

Qian Yue'er explained:"This is Dragon Flame Wine, which is similar to Dragon Flame Tea, but ten times stronger than Dragon Flame Tea."

Hearing this, Su Han raised his eyebrows.

Ten times stronger?

Wouldn't that be equivalent to drinking magma directly? Is

Qian Yue'er so hot-tempered?

Qian Yue'er filled another glass for herself and said,"Because of my practice, I usually need to drink these stronger liquors."

I don't know why, maybe she subconsciously felt that Su Han was trustworthy, so she didn't hide it and said it directly.

Hearing this, Su Ha also understood.

It seems that what he saw with his heavenly eyes was correct. (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She has a special physique, and something went wrong in her practice, which caused her heart meridian to catch a cold and suffer from pain. She must rely on these external objects with extremely strong yang and fire properties to suppress and relieve the pain.

However, it is easy for Su Han to solve this level of damage.

It is completely possible to invest, but before investing, you have to understand this princess first to see if it is worth investing.

After all, she invited me to drink for no reason, (aefh) and I don't know whether her intentions are good or bad.

Su Han is not investing randomly now.

What if the other party turns around and harms me after investing? Even if he can't really hurt Su Han, he will be in trouble and feel uncomfortable.

"I wonder why the princess invited me here?"

Su Han also said directly.

Because it was only a short while ago, Qian Yue'er had already drunk almost a pot of wine, and her face was obviously a little red. Su Han was afraid that if she drank more, something would happen.

As soon as she finished speaking, Qian Yue'er took out a jade pendant and placed it on the table.

The jade pendant emitted a soundproof barrier.

Su Han recognized that this was a high-level soundproof barrier of the seventh grade. Even the Taixu realm could not hear the conversation between the two.

At this moment, Su Han also understood that Qian Yue'er was guarding against the Taixu realm strongman who was secretly protecting him.

"Mr. Su, I want to ask you a favor.

Qian Yueer looked at Su Han and spoke word by word.

"What's the matter?"

Su Han guessed that he really wanted to ask for help.

"Become my husband, the imperial consort."

Qian Yue'er's expression became extremely serious.

Hearing Qian Yue'er's shocking words, even Su Han was shocked. What? What the hell?

No way?

Such a bloody plot happened to me?

Wait, let Su Han guess, Qian Yue'er was forced into marriage by her family, and then she didn't want to get married, so she found me and prepared to set up a cover?

This plot is too familiar to Su Han.

Hearing Qian Yue'er's words, Su Han almost spit out the tea in his mouth.

"Forced to marry?"

Qian Yueer shook her head.

"Marrying an enemy country?"

Qian Yueer shook her head.

"Have an engagement with a holy land?"

Qian Yue'er still shook her head.

Seeing this, Su Han was a little confused, and then asked:"Why is that?"

"I just want to have a son with great talent with you."

Qian Yue'er said this very seriously, as if she was talking about a deal.

What the hell?

Is this princess crazy?

"We met for the first time today."

Su Han thought Qian Yue'er just wanted him to pretend to be her Taoist partner so that she could shirk her other engagements. After all, this kind of thing is very common.

But he didn't expect that Qian Yue'er was serious?

"I know"

"I don't have any advantages."

"The only advantage is that I can judge people very well."

"The first impression you gave me was countless times better than any young talent I have ever seen. I believe in my judgment."

Qian Yue'er looked at Su Han with burning eyes.

In fact, she did not have any unspeakable secrets, nor was she forced to marry or have an alliance. She simply wanted to create a relationship with Su Han.

Of course, there were a few other ideas, but they were not the main ones.

Because the final fate of the children of the royal family was actually to get married.

She, Qian Yue'er, was no exception. Although her father doted on her, she knew her father very well. Once he chose the heir to the throne, all the other members of the royal family would"sacrifice" to maintain the royal status.

She was a princess, and in the future she would probably marry a holy land or a big family.

That day would come sooner or later.

Although Qian Yue'er was young, she was very mature. She would calmly deal with all possible situations in the future and make arrangements in advance.

Instead of marrying in the future, it would be better to choose a Taoist partner now.

Because the Daqian royal family is not the only one in power. In fact, above the royal family, there is a Taiyi Holy Land.

According to Qian Yueer's own inference, she may become a victim of the royal family's check and balance on the Taiyi Holy Land in the future. Even though she is a prodigy on the Hidden Dragon List now, she will not be able to escape when that day comes.

Even though it will take a very long time for such a situation to happen, Qian Yueer will still think of a solution in advance.

In fact, Qian Yueer has a very strange"psychology".

That is, she likes to cultivate.

For example, although her cultivation is not high, the forces she has cultivated under her command are much larger than those of many princes.

Therefore, she has always had an idea, that is, to cultivate her own son or daughter.

Cultivate them into an unparalleled prodigy.

This idea may be a bit impulsive, but Qian Yueer is a man of action. The first time she saw Su Han, she was ready to act.

"Can't make one."

Su Han retracted his astonished gaze and said lightly. Is n't Qian Yue'er too fierce?

She comes up to me and makes a human being at any time!


"I was just saying that."

Han Yue'er was not surprised at all, as if she had expected Su Han to answer like this.

He released it quickly and collected it quickly, and he was able to do it very well!

The next second,

Qian Yue'er untied the soundproof barrier and changed the subject very naturally.

"Are you used to drinking this tea?"

"How about changing it?"

"No need."

To be honest, Su Han, who was used to drinking light wine, wanted to try this strong wine!

In this way, the two drank their own wine without saying a word.

In the end, Qian Yue'er had already drunk two large pots of Dragon Flame Wine. With her cultivation level, if she drank more, something bad would happen.

"Mr. Su, if you figure it out, come find me."

This sentence, when heard by Su Han, automatically translated into"Come to me anytime to make a baby.""

"I will definitely do it next time, I will definitely do it next time."

Su Han just smiled and bowed in response.

"Sir, take your time drinking, don't be in a hurry"

"This is my private garden, no one will disturb you."

Qian Yue'er stood up.

Seeing Qian Yue'er preparing to leave, Su Han was tangled in his heart, and finally couldn't help shouting:"Wait"

Of course, Su Han just didn't want to waste this investment object. After all, it was a lavender talent, and investing in it was just a matter of raising his hand and waving his hand.

Qian Yue'er turned around and looked at Su Han in surprise.

"Come here for a moment."

Qian Yueer was stunned and walked closer to Su Han step by step.

"Come closer."

Hearing this, Qian Yue'er was only half a meter away from Su Han, and could even hear his breathing clearly.

At this time, Qian Yue'er's heartbeat quickened, not knowing whether it was because of drinking or if she was really blushing.

She said in a voice as thin as a mosquito:"This place is not very good, right?"

"want...How about we go inside?..."

I just wanted to say: Frenzy Creed

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