Guide To Save The Yandere Villains

Chapter 318: After Krypton Gold raised a cub, I wore it (6)

   Chapter 318 Krypton Gold After Raising Cubs, I Wear It (6)

  【The blackening value of the villain is detected to be extremely unstable】

   That is, the villain is still small, otherwise the blackening value is estimated to have collapsed now.

  【I'll go to the door to send warmth right away! 】

   Raising a cub should not only give him material satisfaction, but also psychological problems that cannot be ignored.

   [Yes, yes, yes, so the host should hurry up and go]

   If you continue to linger, the little villain will kill himself.

  Stu: It's not that exaggerated.

   Looking at the sad little villain in front of him, Si Tu wanted to reach out and rub the top of his hair.

   But the palm of his hand went straight through his body.

  O, she forgot that she was not a physical entity now.

   It's a little pity that you can't touch the little fluffy head.

   "Does Xiao Qi have any favorite words?"

   It doesn't seem to be difficult to come up with a name, but Si Tu still asks for his opinion.

   Shen Xiaoqi shook his head.

   The name is just a title, he doesn't care.

   "Anything you like in particular?"

  Shen Xiaoqi continued to shake his head.

   He was born to run around in order to survive, and there is nothing he likes.

   is just living by instinct.

  【It seems a bit difficult to do】

   doesn't like anything, it seems that the tragic childhood of the little villain has brought him a lot of shadows.

  【That's why you need the host to come to your door to send warmth】

The    system tells the truth.

   Looking at her eyes as soft as autumn water, Shen Xiaoqi seems to know what she likes.

   "I like Sister Fairy, does that count?"

   Sister Fairy is good-looking and gentle, and she is very kind to him.

   He likes her very much and wants to be with her all the time...

  Wait, can a living person be considered a thing?

  System: Isn't the host a thing?


   "Sister Fairy is very good to me, so the name will be chosen by Sister Fairy."

  I heard from the old man in the palace that the names of children are all given by the elders.

   But his aunt passed away early, and the emperor did not like to see him, and mamma wouldn't name him because of her own identity.

   Shen Xiaoqi thought about it, but still had to find his fairy sister.

  【Host rush! 】

   How can the matter of raising the cub's name not be handed over to the host?

  【Is it really good for me to name the villain? 】

   After all, he will be a big villain in the future. Will it affect his luck if he doesn’t get it well?

  【If you say you want to raise a cub, of course you have to take care of the name too】

The    system fuels Situ in the space.

   Shen Xiaoqi saw her being silent for a while, thinking she was unwilling to be troublesome, and hurriedly said,

   "Actually, I don't have to use my name, Xiaoqi sounds pretty good too..."

   Although he said so, he was still a child after all.

   The loss in my heart has long been shown on my face.

   Even the little nose was raised, and the little mouth was pouted, aggrieved.

   "That won't do, I have to think about it."

   Situ lowered his eyes and pondered, unaware that anticipation sparked in his black eyes instantly.

   is like a piece of grass in a summer field, a little spark can burn the whole sky red.

   The little cub is the one who wants to be the prince in the future, and is the most courageous emperor in Da Zhou.

   On his shoulders are the thousands of blessings of the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

   This name cannot be chosen arbitrarily.

   "Little Seven, what is your dream?"

  Wake up and hold the power of the world, drunk and lying on the knees of beautiful women?

  The system is powerless to complain: This should be the host's own dream.

   Shen Xiaoqi replied without thinking,

   "I want to have enough to eat and no longer be bullied. I hope Mammy and Xiao Xiazi can be well."

   And... always with his fairy sister.

   However, Shen Xiaoqi didn't say it.

   He knew that all the fairies in the sky were immortal, and it was not easy for him to be a mortal body under the curtain of a fairy sister.

   Never dare to ask for anything else.

  The host doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun: the little cub still has a dream, in case it will be realized in the future.

   Shen Xiaoqi, who will become the villain in the future, poked his ears: Huh? Did someone just call me?

  The system scurried away in seconds.

"anything else?"

  Situ asked.

   "No more."

   Shen Xiaoqi's face was full of doubts, and her cheeks showed a little blush.

   Sister Fairy shouldn't be laughing at how naive he is?

   Actually, Si Tu is thinking about the education of the villain.

   The so-called "people who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world", this concept still has to be grasped from a baby.

  Si Tusu waved his hand, and a scene appeared out of thin air in front of him.

   Shengjing City is so prosperous, Suzaku Street is crowded with people, looking very lively.

   "What did Xiao Qi see?"


   Those heads are not all human.

  Si Tu was silent, feeling that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

   "Does Xiao Qi hope that they can also live a life of food and clothing and no longer being bullied?"

   Situ is tempted gradually, wanting to lead him on the road of Mingjun.

   But this bear child is not on the same channel as her at all.

   "Not very hopeful."

   Shen Xiaoqi shook his head honestly.

   Resisting his temper that was about to explode, Si Tu still had a warm spring breeze on his face, and asked,


   She felt like she was leading a kindergarten class now.

   You can’t beat you, you can’t even scold you, and you have to swallow your stomach when you get angry.

   "Just don't like them."

  【Host, your blood pressure is up again】

The    system glanced at the soaring value, and the melon in his hand almost fell to the ground.

   Did it miss some eighteen forbidden scenes just now?

   That's not right, the little villain is only ten years old now, so the host will not start with the flowers of the future in Da Zhou.

【I know】

   Situ gritted his teeth, but still kept a smile on his face, coaxing each sentence,

   "Then Xiao Qi should give me a reason not to like them."

  The villain is not born, if he is taught well, Shen Xiaoqi will not necessarily become a Mingjun of Da Zhou.

  Thinking of this, the anger that was rolling in Si Tu's heart was suppressed again.

   "They will **** the fairy sister from me, why should I hope they are better off than me?"

   It would be fine if Sister Fairy came to accompany him, why should you pay attention to others?


   Shen Xiaoqi's remarks made Si Tu's head turn around several times and still didn't understand.

  【The little villain thought you would help the people of Shengjing just like you would help him】

   Humble system, online translation.

  Stu: ? ? ?

  【What kind of strange brain circuit is this? 】

   System: It’s pretty cool, not to mention it’s a good match for the host!

   Another day to feel the joy of knocking CP!

   Knowing what Shen Xiaoqi was thinking, Si Tu sighed helplessly and explained,

   "I came here specially for you, and I won't be taken away by others. Just put this heart in your belly."

   This cub, it's good anywhere, but it's too insecure.

   System: That's why you need a host.

  Look at how CP feeling this is, let's cultivate a beautiful teenager and be motivated!

   "In that case, is Sister Fairy my own?"

   (end of this chapter)

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