After leaving the county government office, Ju Ming asked all the archers to return to the school grounds, and he took only a few people to purchase weapons.

When they came to the blacksmith shop, the shopkeeper recognized them and knew that they were the archers who had eradicated Zhu Zhu's book.

"What do you officials want to buy?" The store owner greeted him warmly.

Ju Ming said: "Sixty spear darts, ordinary size. Another forty spear darts, thinner than ordinary."

The store owner was confused: "Official Rong Bing, I can't make weapons here."

Even if it is an unregulated weapon, it cannot be made at will. It must have a license issued by the government.

Zhu Ming said impatiently: "Don't talk too much nonsense. We are here to kill thieves, and the weapons issued by the county captain are useless. Just tell me directly, how long does it take to fight with a hundred spears? It doesn't need to be too precise, it can be strong. Just use it.”

The shopkeeper thought for a moment and said, "If we don't pay attention to detail, we can make it in half a month."

"I only give you ten days. This is the fixed payment." Zhu Ming threw down the iron money and left.

"Officials, please go slowly." The store owner sent them out with a gift.

Then he went to buy manure forks, but the finished product in the store was not enough, so Ju Ming simply sent someone out of the city to buy it from a farmer's house on the outskirts of the city.

He pulled another piece of linen and took it back to the school grounds to make a flag.

When Ju Ming came to the school field again, the shooters were bragging and their spirits were much stronger than yesterday.

"Judutou is back!"

"Sit here, Dutou, and I will take the throne for Dutou!"


Archers came to greet him one after another and surrounded Ju Ming.

Even those libertines who only listened to Chen Ziyi before are now extremely enthusiastic about Ju Ming.

What happened today was so exciting!

But Zhu Ming said to Zhang Guangdao and Chen Ziyi: "If you don't have enough to eat today, you won't practice hard. Without rules, there is no place. If you want to train troops, you must first set the rules. The two brothers gather the troops."

"It should be like this!" Chen Ziyi wanted to see how Ju Ming trained his troops.

Within a moment, more than 300 archers were standing in the school field. The formation was crooked and not comparable to the military training of middle school students.

Ju Ming stood on the stage and lectured: "Fighting in battle is not a child's play, it is a matter of life and death. In the past two days when we rounded up the rebel Zhu Zongdao, many soldiers escaped. Since there were no rules in advance, I will not pursue it. There will be no such thing in the future. So easy!”

"My rules are very strict, and anyone who violates them will be beheaded."

"Those who are not afraid of death will choose to be regular soldiers. Those who cannot bear it will choose to be miscellaneous soldiers."

"All heroes who are not afraid of death, come forward!"

Because of the big commotion in the county government, everyone was convinced by Zhu Ming. At this moment, their minds became hot and they stood up in an instant.

There were many people who were hesitant at first but saw this and followed suit.

Those who had been selected as officers before were unwilling to give up their status as soldiers, and many of them stood in front with their heads held high.

"very good!"

Ju Ming continued: "My Yuanyang Formation consists of a team of ten, including the leader, which is eleven people. It is temporarily organized into nineteen teams. Counting others, there are about two hundred and ten regular soldiers. The number of soldiers is Many, those who give up now can retreat on their own. Don't worry, even if you become a miscellaneous soldier, you can still eat hard food every day."

After waiting for a moment, more than ten people returned.

The number of regular soldiers was still too high, so Ju Ming decided to expand the number according to the original plan.

Ju Ming began to announce the military law. He was afraid that it would be complicated and difficult to understand, so he only reduced it to a few articles:

"First, gambling is not allowed in the army. Those who disobey orders will receive five military sticks, and those who take the lead in gambling will receive twenty military sticks;"

"Second, drinking is not allowed in the army. Those who disobey the order will receive five military sticks, and those who take the lead in drinking will receive twenty military sticks;"

"Third, every day at two quarters (7:30 in the morning) and nine o'clock in the morning, those who are late for no reason will receive ten military sticks, and the leader of the team will receive twenty military sticks;"

"Fourth, those who disobey military orders during drills will be punished with ten military sticks;"

"Fifth, during the march, deserters will be beheaded."

"Sixth, when fighting, beat drums to advance and beat gongs to retreat. Those who are timid and retreat will be killed without mercy!"

"These are the only six points. If you don't understand, go and ask the boss next to you. Stop making noise... damn, shut up. Anyone who talks nonsense is violating the fourth rule!"

Before the six catch-all rules were finished, the school ground became noisy, buzzing and buzzing like a vegetable market.

Ju Ming had no experience in running a military. He forgot to organize a military law team first. At this moment, he didn't know who should be entrusted with law enforcement.

"Gu San comes out!" Zhu Ming shouted.


Gu San stepped forward quickly.

Ju Ming asked: "Don't you have a famous name?"

Gu San replied: "My eldest brother is called Gu Yidao, my second brother is called Gu Erqiang, and I am called Gu Sanjian. These names are not easy to pronounce, so others call me Gu San, and sometimes I am called Gu Jiansan."

Zhu Ming couldn't help but complain: "With swords, guns, swords and halberds, if you have another younger brother, I'm afraid he should be called Ancient Four Halberds."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed, and Gu San also laughed and scratched his head.

Ju Ming said: "Those who practice the three are uncles. The swordsman is an ancient saint. How about you call me Uncle Gu?"

"Thank you Dutou for the name!" Gu San said happily, the new name is much more prestigious.

Ju Ming's smile faded: "Gu Shusheng listens to the order!"

"Here!" Gu San held his head high.

Ju Ming ordered: "Go and pick ten regular soldiers to form a military law team. If anyone violates the military order, no matter who it is, I will beat him to death!"

"Yes!" Gu San immediately went to select soldiers.

Ju Ming looked at those who were still laughing: "You can be noisy. When the military law team is organized, I think a few will be killed today!"

The archers in the rows closest to Ju Ming immediately shut up after hearing this, and gradually the others became quiet.

"very good!"

Ju Ming was finally satisfied and said to Zhang Guangdao and Chen Ziyi: "You two, each choose a deputy and six captains, and then let the three captains select troops."

"As you command!"

The two of them knew that Zhu Ming was serious about it, so they didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore and hurriedly ran to choose someone.

After the two of them finished choosing, Ju Ming went to pick the rest.

The situation of the retrained archers is as follows:

Ju Ming leads a personal guard, a military law team, and six battle teams. Including officers and heralds, there were 94 people in total.

Zhang Guangdao led six teams. Including officers and heralds, there were 69 people in total.

Chen Ziyi leads six teams. Same as above.

More than ten drummers, golden ringers, and flag bearers were also selected.

Then they were selected from the mixed soldiers, and each team was assigned two soldiers, who were specifically responsible for cutting off the head... Well, they changed to cutting off the ears, and only the right ear.

Ju Ming said: "One more rule of military discipline is that when killing thieves, merit will be recorded according to the team. All soldiers are only allowed to kill the enemy and are not allowed to rob property and heads. Property and heads are only allowed to be harvested by soldiers from each team. . All property must be handed over and distributed by me. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed! Do you hear that?"

"Yes." The archers responded sparsely.

Ju Ming roared: "Louder!"


Everyone shouted.

In the morning, they made a fuss at the county government office, asking for money and food, and trying to win over the morale of the troops, all to pave the way for the military training at this moment.

If he didn't go to the county government to make a scene, it would be difficult for Ju Ming to convince the public, and he would not be able to continue training.

Then the arms were arranged in detail. The bravest person was the sword and shield bearer, holding the pot lid in his left hand and the short soldier in his right hand. Zhu Zongdao and his old thieves contributed more than twenty knives, all of which were distributed to sword and shield players.

The rest of the arms are also selected and temporarily replaced with wooden sticks and the like.

This day is just about getting familiar with the formation, letting them know their positions, and then starting to practice giving orders.

There is not enough time for training, so we can only simplify it.

That is, when they hear the sound of drums, they rush forward and when they hear the sound of gongs, they retreat. All soldiers must advance and retreat in accordance with the flags and gongs and drums.

"Dong dong dong dong!"


The sound of gongs and drums rang out repeatedly in the school grounds, and the performance of the archers made Ju Ming unbearable to watch.

The formation they were given was fine when they were standing still. Once you advance or retreat, everything will be messed up, especially retreat, which is no different from a rout.

Ju Ming could only go out in person, practice his own bodyguards, and then let other archers watch.

"Law enforcement team!"


Gu San...Gu Shusheng brought people over.

Ju Ming said: "You guys are holding sticks. If anyone wanders around, rush up and beat them! Beat the drums!"

"Dong dong dong dong!"

The drums sounded and the guards marched forward in formation.

While walking, a spearman became confused and almost walked out of the protection range of the wolf miller and the boring palladium hand.

Ju Ming immediately shouted: "The second spearman on the left, come out to receive the penalty! It's my first practice today, and I'm not familiar with the formation, so I only give the three armies sticks."

Gu Shusheng and his men rushed forward, dragged the spearman to the sidelines, took off his pants and spanked him.

They were all brothers, so the beatings were not harsh.

It's not very lethal, but very insulting. When you take off your pants, the bird is exposed.

Seeing this person being punished, the other archers laughed loudly. It wasn't their turn anyway, so they just wanted to watch the fun.

Soon, they will stop laughing...

Once the Guards had become somewhat decent, Ju Ming asked all the archers to practice together, while the Guards and the Military Law Corps were responsible for keeping an eye on them.

Whoever makes the wrong move will be dragged out and spanked.

Military training in the school field has turned into a bird walking competition, with all kinds of birds vying for supremacy.

In the evening, the food was finally normal.

Although they are still arranged according to their military positions, the soldiers cannot eat meat, but they can finally eat white rice, and there is oil and water in the vegetables.

Facing the delicious food, most of the resentment of being spanked was instantly dissipated.

There were two spanked libertines. They came from well-to-do families and didn't care about food. After finishing the meal, he quietly ran to Chen Ziyi and said, "Brother Chen, although that guy surnamed Zhu is loyal, he shouldn't punish me like this. I took a few wrong steps and got slapped."

On the second day, practice continued.

The food has been improved and I am more energetic when training.

And they are all very active. The formation is much neater than yesterday. They are fighting a birdie defense battle.

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