Different from the peace and tranquility on the PLANT side of the universe, the situation on earth can be described as rough and undercurrent in the universe. Various independent ideas are rising again in the world.

Many countries and regions began to demand independence again.

Durandal himself is very supportive of the independence of those regions and countries on the earth, or this is also part of Durandal’s plan.

Through this kind of support, they gain the final goodwill, and then his destiny plan can be carried out normally.

The Minerva at the Carpantalia base received orders from the military or Durandal to head towards Gibraltar to support friendly forces.

These friendly forces are basically the so-called local armed forces who want an independent country, and some ZAFT forces who assist them in their independence movement.

In the Indian Ocean, the situation of the Minerva at this moment can be said to be quite bad. The whereabouts of the Minerva, which originally traveled very secretly, were directly learned by Neo who came to Earth.

Neo directly mobilized the Earth Alliance forces near the Indian Ocean to conduct a containment and sinking operation against the Minerva.

“Damn it, why are there so many of these Earth Alliance forces-ah!”

Zhen was driving the beam rifle in the hand of the Pulse Gundam and kept attacking the Earth Alliance MS MS in front of him, but the number of them was still terrifying.

“go to hell!”

The Chaos Gundam attacked Zhen from high altitude. The two cannon barrels under Sting’s control directly attacked the Pulse Gundam, coupled with the attack of the Chaos Gundam.

Zhen could only struggle to deal with it while driving the Pulse Gundam.

In the sea The Abyss Gundam saw the right moment and surfaced directly, launching an artillery fire attack on the Pulse Gundam.



At such a critical juncture, Lei controlled Zaku Phantom and held a beam cannon in his hand to temporarily rescue the Pulse Gundam.


Orr looked at the rescued Pulse Gundam and let out a cry of reluctance in his heart, and then drove the Abyss Gundam to continue diving.

Approaching the Minerva, there was a wave of attacks.


It really looked like the attacked Minerva went back directly to carry out rescue work. As a result, he was entangled with no time. The loud shout could only become a helpless one.

At this time, the Chaos Gundam Attacks have come one after another, and the only thing I can do is pilot the Pulse Gundam to avoid the attacks of the Chaos Gundam.

“Stella, stop attacking the battleship. Come over and deal with this guy. Then we can deal with this group of ZAFT warships more easily.”

Sting, who had been unable to attack for a long time, spoke to Stella.

Stella heard Sting’s words and quickly changed her attack target to attack the Pulse Gundam.

The two attacks in tandem made Shinichi Time fell into an extremely dangerous situation. Seeing this situation, Zhen’s mind echoed with the sister he had just reunited with.

A strong belief in survival arose in Zhen’s heart.

I can’t die yet, I still have to take Mayo with me. Go to PLANT and live a peaceful life. I can’t die. I can’t die!

Such words have always been echoing in Zaizhen’s mind.

Then a very strange feeling radiated from Zhen’s body. In this situation, Karl saw You can recognize it immediately.

This is what happens when the seed is activated, which is also called the explosive seed.

Under the explosive seed ,

I really feel that the attacks of the Chaos Gundam and Gaia Gundam seem to have been slowed down a lot, and I can easily dodge them.

With the blessing of this belief,

Zhen drove the Pulse Gundam to increase thrust and backflip directly to the sky above the Gaia Gundam.

Pulling out the beam saber, he cut off half of the Gaia Gundam’s wings with one blow, and lost his wings. Thanks to the blessing, the Gaia Gundam lacked lift and fell towards the sea level.

At the same time, Zhen controlled the Pulse Gundam and directly knocked out a barrel of the Chaos Gundam with a beam rifle shot.

“What’s going on with this guy? Why did it suddenly become so powerful?”

Sting watched the destroyed gun barrel quickly evacuate, distanced himself from the Pulse Gundam, stared at the Pulse Gundam with an unbelievable face and asked.

But no one gave an answer to Sting’s questions and doubts.

Explosive Seed With the blessing, it is really killing everyone, and the tired look of dealing with it before does not exist at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at this situation, Neo has already seen disadvantages The situation, and there were too many losses, it would be difficult to explain to the superiors at that time.

Just give the order to retreat.

During this period,

Zhen actually drove the Pulse Gundam over to destroy the stronghold of the Earth Alliance Army and rescued the enslaved people.

After the battle, the situation on the ZAFT army’s side was not very optimistic. There were only a few troops and a warship that was acting together was sunk.

Thalia looked at the real situation of the unauthorized actions at that time. , his face was a bit unsightly. This was a blatant act of disobedience to military orders.

However, seeing Zhen’s outstanding performance in the battle, he didn’t say anything and just brushed it off.

And Zhen didn’t feel that he had done anything wrong.


In the universe, after a few days of rest, Carl and the others finally ushered in the mission of airborne to the earth.

Before setting off, Carl specifically told Wright to lead the Carl team in the universe.

Here at the airport

“Speaker Durandal, what are you thinking about? There is no particularly major operation on Earth that needs to be carried out. Just transferring all four of us to Earth is a bit too fussy.”

Yitzhak doesn’t understand Durandal’s arrangement. There is obviously no battle, but he has to mobilize PLANT’s defense force to go to the earth.

This is an obvious waste of military power.

In comparison to Izak With this look, Diego and Aslan both looked happy, especially Aslan, who was so happy that they could hardly hide it.

“It’s unclear what Durandal wants to do, but what we can imagine is that Durandal may break up with us in the near future.

Transferring us to Earth in this way may be planning something major.”

Karl’s face remained normal, watching Yitzhak calmly whisper in Yitzhak’s ear.

Yitzhak stopped talking when he heard Karl’s words, and the incomprehensible expression on his face disappeared, replaced by A face that was thinking.

And at this moment, a person whom I hadn’t seen for a long time appeared at the airport.

“Shihe, why did you come here?”

Looking at the woman who had put on the ZAFT Army’s red uniform again, Karl asked Shihe.

Facing Karl’s question, Shihe replied with a military salute.

“I was re-enlisted and finally rejoined the Carl team at my request.

Captain Carl, long time no see!

Long time no see, Vice Captain Yitzhak!”

“That’s it! But what are you doing here? We are about to land on Earth for combat. Are you going to be sent directly to Earth too?”.

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