Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 126: A white wolf with nothing, Kenav Ruki’s helplessness

ce-——April 17, 1971.

Sarah's team attacks the Archangel in the Marshall Islands.

Nicol Amalfi returned to the plant for treatment on the verge of death.

Thor Nick's whereabouts are unknown.

Major M. La Flagg's whereabouts are unknown.

The Storm Gundam was captured by the Archangel due to exhaustion of energy, and Diaka became a prisoner.

Aslan Sara detonated the Holy Shield Gundam, and Kira Yamato, who was at the center of the explosion, was missing.

Aslan, who escaped from the Holy Shield Gundam ahead of time, was rescued by Orb who came from behind.

The Duel Gundam was killed by a force attack, and Yitzhak was seriously injured and was urgently transferred to the Kapantalia base for treatment.

Noel Cassia was not seriously injured because he was far away from the center of the explosion and the cockpit was intact. Dean, who came from behind to support him, was brought back to the Chucktalia base.

However, Gates was also injured too seriously to be repaired.


April 23, Jamtalia base.


"The wind is sunny and the weather is nice——"

In the infirmary of Kapantalia Base, Noel crossed his legs, eating an apple and looking at the blue sky outside the window, feeling very comfortable.

Crisp and juicy apples, sweet and delicious——

"Are you here to see me, or are you here to piss me off?"

On the hospital bed, Yitzhak, who was wrapped almost like a rice dumpling, couldn't help scolding him.


Noel didn't answer when he heard this. He just took a bite of the apple and glanced at Yitzhak lightly.

"Hello!? What the hell am I asking you?" Yitzhak struggled to ask.

"The attack was killed." Noel said and threw the apple core on Yitzhak's bedside table.

"Don't mess around after eating...what did you say?"

Yitzhak shouted in disbelief, "When did it happen? Who killed it?"

"If I guess correctly, it should be Aslan." Noel replied.

"That guy -" Yitzhak's expression froze upon hearing this.



Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Under the gaze of the two people, two nurses walked in under the leadership of the doctor from the Kapantalia base.

"Mr. Noel's time is up. It's time for Yitzhak to change his dressing."

The doctor walked to the bed and said to Noel beside him.

"Oh, I see."

Noel stood up from the chair and said to Yitzhak before going out: "Have a good rest, I will leave tomorrow, so don't lose your boy."

"Tch—you should worry about yourself."

Yitzhak made a sound and turned his head to look at the wall.

Noel shook his head, turned and left the infirmary, walking along the corridor towards the medical office not far away.

Pushing open the door of the medical office, a man wearing a white coat and eating candy came into view.

"I'm curious how on earth you got in?"

Noel looked at the man who appeared in front of him and couldn't help but feel amused by the defense of the Kapantalia base.

A person who is not a plant can actually walk in like this, this——

"There are specialties in the arts, so Mr. Noel would be better not to inquire about them."

After speaking, Kennav Luchini's expression suddenly changed. He took out two candies with a smile and said, "Would you like some, Mr. Noel?"

"Thanks, I don't like sweet things."

Noel waved his hand and declined, walked to the opposite side of Kenav Luchini, pulled up a chair and sat down, saying, "Where is what I want?"

"Before that, does Mr. Noel have to give me what I want first?" Kennav Luchini asked with a smile.

"Isn't Alaska enough?" Noel asked.

"The portion is enough, but you didn't give me enough evidence."

Kenav Luchini spread his hands and said: "I can't regard your one-sided words as intelligence. Even if I believe you, the buyer won't believe it."

"But you're still here, aren't you." Noel smiled.

"There is no way, I also want to eat. We have a weak foundation. It's hard to get a chance to get something valuable. No matter what, we have to come and fight for it." Kennaf Luchini couldn't help but show a helpless expression on his face when he said this. .

Seeing that Noel didn't answer, Kenav Luchini had no choice but to continue: "So, do you think you can give me something - um, something I can do business with?"

"Well, you are indeed right. One-sided words are indeed of no use."


"But what's the use of taking a duplicate thing?"

The interrupted Kennaf Luchini's expression was slightly condensed. Looking at Noel's half-smiling expression, a solemn look gradually appeared on his face.

Noel met Kennaf Luchini's gaze and stared at it without any hesitation.

After a while——


Kenav Luchini smacked his mouth and said helplessly, "Are all the brats nowadays as shameless as you?"

"Haha." Noel chuckled without saying anything else.

The big stone in my heart finally fell.

Kruse has indeed come this far.

In fact, Noel didn't know exactly when Cruze leaked the secret, but based on Cruze's urine quality and the deployment of the Earth Alliance Forces in his memory from his previous life.

At this point in time, Kruse had definitely leaked the information.

After all, the time for the Cut-Throat Operation will not change - May 5th. This is the time that everyone inside knows, and it is also the time for the general offensive.

And if you want to hide the power of the one-eyed man system from Plant's spies, it will be impossible if you don't have time.

Noel even suspected that Kruse had already handed over the information when the plan was finalized.

But that was just a suspicion, and Noel had no evidence to prove it, but this did not hinder Noel's plan.

"So you planned to come to me with nothing from the beginning?"

Seeing Noel's kind smile, Kenav Luchini felt a little irritable.

Now that this guy knows that I know the information, doesn't it mean that I am being slaughtered on my own?

Thinking of this, Kennaf Luchini felt so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Don't we each get what we need?" Noel kept smiling and speaking calmly.

"But I haven't gotten any useful information from you now. Everyone can talk about what they need. Besides, my information didn't come from the strong wind. I really can't play with you like this." Kennaf Ru Gini had the urge to throw away her hands and leave.

But when he thought about that thing, he couldn't move.

In fact, when Noel met him for the first time, he had already obtained specific information about the throat-cutting operation.

But he went anyway, the biggest reason being that he wanted to see who the idiot was who would actually sell such information that was not secret.

As a result, a guy came who knew the inside story and even dared to deal with him face to face.

This is very interesting. The person who knows the inside story of the throat-cutting operation definitely has a high status in the plant. And once such a person is raped and sold information————

The value of a plant-side adjuster who voluntarily discloses the details and has sufficient sources of intelligence is completely immeasurable.

That's why Kennover Luchini was still being groomed by Noel.

But this contact made Kenav Luchini feel something was wrong.

The feeling of being seen as a white wolf with nothing to show for it is so strong!

Sheeping wool is shedding wool, and a white wolf with empty gloves is a white wolf with empty gloves. These two concepts are not the same!

But I really can’t bear to give up such a stable and reliable plant information channel————

"When fishing, you first make a nest and put the bait. If there is nothing on your hook, there is no way that any fish will take the bait." Noel explained.

Yes, he is really just playing with nothing, because he can only play with nothing.

Given his current status, he really can't produce any substantial evidence to prove the authenticity of his intelligence.

Before there is enough evidence to prove the authenticity of confidential information, even if you give it to others, they may not believe it.

Because the devil knows whether your information is true or false?

If it's really fine, what if it's fake?

For an intelligence businessman of Kennaf Ruchini's level, as long as he provides false information once, he will basically have nothing to do with the profession of an intelligence businessman from now on. In serious cases, he may not even be able to save his life.

So Noel never thought of providing evidence in the first place.

But without providing evidence, what else are you going to use to attract the other party?

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