Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 170: Yitzhak doubts life

Noel's main purpose in joining the war was only one.

Leave a good impression on Orb, or rather to Londo Mina Sahak, to whom Orb belongs, and some of the researchers to whom Orb belongs.

The reason is that Noel does not have any reliable force to rely on.

In the plant, whether it is Durandal in the future or Sara and Cruze now, they will always maintain an attitude of taking advantage of themselves. Of course, if this is just the case, Noel is not particularly worried.

After all, when people get along with each other, they go back and forth between using and being used. Don't be afraid of being used, just be afraid that you are useless!

But the crux of the problem is that the people who take advantage of them are not reliable.

Sara is relatively reliable, but unfortunately he met Lux and Durandal. In total, he seems to be worse off than himself.

Earth has the Atlantic Federation and logs, not to mention these two.

If he hadn't been driving the Covenant, he would have been captured and sliced ​​up for study. Even now that he was driving the Covenant, they had not completely let him go.

Therefore, Noel must find a relatively stable and reliable force and institution to help him, not to mention control, but also to establish a cooperative relationship with sufficient trust.

Although Durandal said that he would help him solve the physical sequelae, who knows what Durandal was thinking. What if this guy drugged himself later to prevent him from running away or betraying?

With Durandal's character, he could really do such a thing.

Therefore, a stable neutral force with good research capabilities is very necessary. At least there is a way to ensure that what Durandal gives is true.

As for this force, in addition to the Earth and Plant, strictly speaking, it is only Mars. But Mars Noel is not familiar with it, and he cannot guarantee whether the other party is reliable, and the information is very little.

As for the Three Ship Alliance, let’s not mention that it is impossible for Noel to get involved. Even if it is possible, Noel doesn’t want to join the Three Ship Alliance. It’s okay to be on good terms with the Three Ship Alliance and just join it.

A closer look at the structure of the members of the Three Ship Alliance shows that the water inside is no shallower than outside.

So after choosing and choosing, Noel suddenly discovered the taste and taste of Orb's Heavenly Pillar.

Tianzhi Yuzhu's scientific research capabilities are not weak. There is also an internal MS factory. In the future, he can borrow the factory to research and upgrade his own covenant.

In addition, as the leader of the Heavenly Pillar—Lund Mina Sahak.

Looks aside!

This is a person who is relatively safe and trustworthy compared to others. Although his ideas are somewhat different from those of Uzmi, he is at least a decent person and a person who advocates neutrality.

Although it cannot be ruled out that she will sell herself, it is at least a little more reliable than others.

Of course, the current head of the Sahak family is the younger brother of Lund Mina Sahak.

That is, the pilot of the Golden Heretic, but as long as that idiot finds a way to kill him, the position of the head of the family will naturally fall on Lund Mina Sahak, so it is not a big problem.

"Where did that guy Aslan go?"

Different from Noel's wandering mind, Yitzhak was looking at the Justice Gundam being beaten up with an expression of disbelief. Didn't this guy say he was going out to relax? Why——

But Yitzhak's surprise wasn't over yet.

A green and white machine silhouette jumped out of the camera, and when you zoomed in, you saw it - Storm Gundam.

"Then the one above...isn't it Diaka?"

Yitzhak pointed at the Storm Gundam that appeared above and couldn't help but ask Noel.

"Yes, um, probably... no."

Noel came back to his senses and was about to nod yes, but looking at Yitzhak's surprised and doubtful eyes, Noel thought for a while and decided not to continue to hit him.

To be honest, Noel sometimes sympathized with Yitzhak.

Among the people at the same time, Yitzhak was the one with the most stable and persistent identification with the camp.

As a result, look at the teammates he met.

Aslan, let’s not talk about it, has been jumping sideways repeatedly because of Kira, Lux and Cagalli. Sometimes Noel suspected that if it weren’t for his father being Sarah, Aslan might have died long ago.

Diaka, the front is fine, but the back is completely distorted, turning into a man crazy about love...

Latis received a lunch box when he came out.

Michelle also received a lunch box right after she showed up.

Nicol was lying half-dead in the plant hospital, and he didn't know whether he would get better in the future.

I, well, I am even worse.

Cruze, this guy is even more amazing, he is directly the final boss-level villain, and he is very good at double-agent play. If it hadn't been for Kira's appearance in Alaska, Yitzhak might have had to get a box lunch. .

To sum up, except for Yitzhak, there is no normal person alive in the entire elite team.

"I don't think it's possible either!" Yitzhak was obviously relieved after hearing this.

It was the flickering eyes in his eyes that showed that he was somewhat unsteady in his heart.

"I'll go out first and be back soon."

Noel looked at the Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam surrounded by several MSs, and secretly made a decision in his heart.

This Orb must go. Without mentioning his own purpose, the two machines of justice and freedom cannot crash here.

If justice and freedom are really destroyed here today, then what follows——

After a fart, she lost her justice and freedom, and she, Lux, hit ZAFT with her head.

Lux's three-ship alliance has lost justice and freedom and cannot withstand an attack from the Earth Alliance or ZAFT.

And whether Orb's mass accelerator can successfully survive self-destruction is a question.

Without the three-ship alliance, who will stop the aftermath of this war? Shall we finish it together?

Then I'm still struggling! Just wait until you die to receive the box lunch!

So you still have to jump into this pit.

After speaking, Noel reached out and patted Yitzhak on the shoulder, then turned and left the lounge.

I can't play like this next time. I dropped a depth charge and almost toppled myself along with it, which made Noel himself feel a little helpless.

Eight new MSs, plus a fully staffed Atlantic Fleet, are scary to think about.

Yitzhak didn't respond, just stared blankly at the battle on the projection. Although he didn't want to believe it, the fighting and shooting habits of Storm Gundam——

"I didn't want to mess with you, but..."

"——I'm sorry, Captain Cruze, I'll take your key first."

Noel smiled bitterly and walked slowly towards Cruze's room.

Kira sent Lux a thousand miles ago, so today I will send Fleur a thousand miles away. The gift is light but the affection is heavy.

In fact, Noel had thought about sending Fleur back to Kira in advance from the beginning.

It's not because he feels pity for Fleur, or because he thinks Kira is anything.

The main reason is still--I want to backstab Cruze a little bit.

By the way, Cruze's idea of ​​secretly passing information to the Earth Alliance was solved.

However, this idea was overturned by Noel in just a moment.

Without Fleur, wouldn't Cruze be able to pass on the information?

It's impossible to even think about it with your toes, so in order to roughly estimate the time, it is best not to move as long as Fleur can move. This is why Noel has not moved.

But now————the plan can’t keep up with the changes.

In order to make Orb, or let things be as expected as possible.

Fleur's identity can still be used.

As for Cruze—

As long as I still have the covenant open, I won't be cold.

"By the way, who gave him the information about Kruse's anti-neutron jammer? Durandal... or who?"

It seems that I have to take precautions beforehand...

Noel walked towards Cruze's room while thinking wildly.

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