"Yes, it's Orb. Kruse met him during combat operations and then sent the news back."

"Ob, I really don't know how it fell into Orb's hands."

"Whatever way it is! That boy Aslan may have got some information, but that useless thing didn't send any report at all!"

From the moment he answered the phone, Patrick Sala's voice was angry and irritable, just shy of hysterical.

Andrew recalled Lux's gentle tone, and couldn't help but feel a little bored in comparison. Sure enough, he still liked listening to gentle voices.

However, Andrew still said comforting words: "You sent him a confidential mission, didn't you? It's not easy to communicate at will in that situation. After all, he is afraid of leaking information."

"Then he wouldn't even report such a thing! And now that group of earth monkeys have taken back Victoria and sent troops to the moon in batches..."

When Patrick Sala said this, he couldn't help but said harshly: "This time we must defeat them completely... completely!"

"I see."

After hearing this, Andrew quickly responded quickly, and then said with a deliberately flattering tone: "Please let me contribute to you when the time comes. People like me can regain a place, thanks to the Speaker." Where is your appreciation..."

"Don't worry, you and Cruze are my right-hand men."

After speaking, Patrick ls hung up the phone.

After confirming that the phone was hung up, Andrew dropped the topic slightly bored.

He poured the brown liquid from the siphon into the small cup with one hand, and the aroma suddenly overflowed. He couldn't help but take a deep breath and said: "Hmm... Mocha is the most fragrant..."

But then again, you can be manipulated by someone with a few words of flattery, and Padric Sala is really easy to deal with.

Being unable to resist following has always been the most common weakness of every high-ranking person.

The more you want to climb up the ladder and be the best among all others, the more likely you are to feel uneasy about your abilities in your heart, and the more you need others to grovel and flatter you.

"It's starting to get out of order, Mr. Speaker..."

The Battle of Alaska failed, freedom was stolen, and Victoria fell——

Although these effects are still invisible, coupled with the Klein faction who are cleverly escaping and good at demagoguery, all these have begun to reduce the endurance of the Supreme Council Speaker and shake his spirit.

——I'm sorry, Speaker, I may have to take advantage of your kindness...


Inside the Fissarius, they had just returned to plnat's home country's forward position, the Poyaz colonial satellite.

Yitzhak came to the MS deck alone, looked up at the new captain's aircraft and asked: "Is this the new Gaz..."

He had seen Gates before. The machine Noel was driving was Gates, but it was a little different from the Gates in front of him.

When the maintenance personnel who were assembling the new mobile phone heard his voice, they turned around and replied enthusiastically: "Ah - yes, this is the latest main model."

After finishing speaking, the maintenance soldier looked at the new Gates intoxicated and said with pride: "I heard that thanks to Mr. Noel's actual combat data, this Gates has officially been put on the production line! When it is deployed, it should be two or three times Can we drive those natural humans out of the universe?"

The hope implicit in these words made Yitzhak feel a little helpless and unhappy.

Does this guy know what he's talking about?

Does he know what that means?

Doesn't he know that those natural people died with red blood just like him?

No, it is impossible for him to know, otherwise he would not be so naive to expect his army to win.

Yitzhak also looks forward to victory, because as Speaker Sarah said, if you lose, there will be only a gloomy end——

But he can no longer wishfully think that all he needs to do is destroy all the enemies.

At the same time, Cruze, who was out alone, also returned to Fesalius's command room, took out the disk he just got and put it into the computer.

Needless to say, this was not something that could be obtained through normal channels. After all, he had no right to know the top secrets on the disk due to his position, and only a few people in the top military circles knew about it.

What appeared on the screen were several special MS specifications.

zgmf-x09a "Justice", zgmf-x10a "Freedom"...

When browsing to the bottom, Cruze's lips under the mask slowly curved up, gradually changing into an expression that looked like ecstasy.

——Anti-neutron jammer...

"Now... things are starting to get interesting again..."

Finally, Kruse got what he had been looking for.

As for who gave it to him——


"Is it enough to just kill the enemies ordered by superiors? Please think again. Those who are accused of being enemies also have parents, wives and children. Didn't we all subconsciously forget this when we pulled the trigger? …”

"Can attacking others heal your own pain? Is pushing innocent people and children to death the so-called justice?"

"Don't you understand what the consequences of the artillery fired at each other will be? Do you still want to increase the sacrifices? Do weapons breed fights? Or do people's hearts breed war? What must be fought for... "

In order to prevent people from guessing the location from the background, the photography settings inside the house are carefully arranged.

Lacus Klein, who was recording the next video, stopped talking and turned to look at the young man who walked into the house.

"Are we going to change places again?"

"Yes... I'm very sorry."

The red-haired young man in dark clothing lowered his head slightly.

Dagosta - He once served as the adjutant of the Desert Tiger Andriu Bartfield and felt a little unbearable for this fragile girl.

Since joining underground activities, they took Lux and changed their bases one after another to avoid the search of the special agents.

During this period, Lux barely had a moment's rest, and she didn't show any dissatisfaction or complaint.

Lux smiled innocently when she heard this, and said softly: "No, it doesn't matter to me - is there any new news?"

Her expression was as quiet as usual, but she began to pack her belongings in an orderly manner at an incredible speed in preparation for leaving.

"Victoria and Orb were attacked by the Earth Army. Orb's mass projection device Kaguya was destroyed, and Victoria's was recaptured by them."

Dacosta reports on the intelligence obtained recently.


Lux's face darkened when she heard this.

"Didn't ZAFT deploy a considerable number of troops in Victoria?"

"Due to the battles in Alaska and Panama, Victoria's army is not as large as expected, and the Earth Army seems to have also invested in new types of MS..."

D'Acosta couldn't help but feel the bitterness in his heart when he said this.

ZAFT lost too many troops in the Alaska battle.

Victoria's military and civilians simply cannot resist the overwhelming resource war of the Earth Army.

"Really...Then we have to step up our pace!"

A shadow cast over Lux's soft blue eyes.

In just this moment, soldiers from both armies died one after another on the battlefield. The sooner we call for peace, the sooner we can free the soldiers of both armies from this god of death called war.

Dagosta also understood that killing in hatred would have no future, so he chose to join the Klein faction and secretly assist Lux.

But occasionally he couldn't help but question, does it really make sense to do this?

No matter how much Lux promotes this idea, will the situation reach an irreversible point before people are willing to listen...

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