Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 208: Aslan’s despair, Sarah’s will

"Lark...what are you..."

Shortly after Noel left, D'Acosta, wearing a trench coat, returned to the house.

As soon as he entered the door, he found Lux ​​and others sorting things.

"Thank you for your hard work. How is the situation in the city?"

Lux noticed Dacosta's presence and couldn't help turning around and asked softly.

Although Dacosta had doubts in his heart, he still reported seriously: "It's not very ideal... Aisalia Jur's speech confused the people."

People began to believe that Lux was deceived by her enemies and switched sides.

This excuse is indeed easier to accept than the treason of her own will. Although it also means that people still love Lux, this love is worse than hostility.


"And the news about Mr. Siegel has not yet been made public..."

Lux couldn't help but pause when she heard this, but then she reacted, looked at D'Acosta and asked, "So...?"

"Yes, although it's a little earlier than planned... I think it still needs to be done..."

"I see."

Lux's gentle face did not show any hesitation, and the original loneliness disappeared, and instead showed a determined look.

At this moment, the man in front of a terminal received the latest news and shouted: "Miss Lux——"

Lux and Dacosta walked towards the screen that the man was pointing to, and immediately frowned when they saw the name on the screen.

Aslan Sala——has just entered the Port of Yakin Duvi in ​​a space shuttle of the Earth Alliance and has been transferred to the headquarters of the National Defense Commission.

D'Acosta was also present when Aslan Sara and Lux ​​met for the last time.

They also knew that they were ordered to find and regain freedom after receiving the Justice Gundam.

But now Aslan has returned to the plant alone. As for the whereabouts of justice, we can get a glimpse of it from the space shuttle he drove back and the conversation between him and Lux ​​at that time.

It can be deduced from this that Aslan's current situation may be very dangerous.

"Oh...this can't be done..."

Still in that gentle and gentle tone, Lux murmured to herself, while looking up at Dacosta with his arms folded beside him.

Aslan's fighting power is indispensable...

Dacosta, who was praising his wit, had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Can you help me a little bit?"

Lux asked, tilting her head cutely. She looked so cute and charming that no one could refuse.



The soldiers surrounded Aslan in the center and sent him to the chairman's office at the headquarters of the National Defense Commission.

The last time I visited here was not long ago. At that time, Aslan was still a loyal soldier to the military like the people around him, but now he represents a completely different force. , it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a special envoy.

At least that's what he thought.

As soon as he stepped into the duty room, Patrick Sala's sharp eyes immediately shot over.

If it weren't for the fact that this was his own son, he might not have even thought about looking at Aslan and directly ordered the interrogation.

Not to mention that justice was gone for a trip, but he still flew back in the United Earth spacecraft.



Aslan wanted to avoid that cold gaze, but this time he tried to restrain the urge and chose to face it with his head raised and his chest raised.

Patrick Sala didn't seem to notice his change, and just roughly ordered the soldiers: "You can leave!"

The soldiers who brought Aslan immediately stood at attention, saluted, and exited the office.

When the room was barely closed, Patrick Sara asked eagerly: "What happened? What happened? Where is justice? What happened to freedom?"

It was undeniable that he began to feel fear and worry.

The anti-neutron jammer must never be obtained by the Earth Alliance Army!

If that really happened——

Aslan did not answer, but slowly approached Patrick Sala, and asked in his astonished eyes: "Father, tell the truth, what do you think about this war?"

Hearing his son suddenly ask something unrelated, Patrick couldn't help but asked in shock: "What did you say?"

Aslan asked again very seriously: "When will we stop fighting?"

"What nonsense are you talking about...!"

Only then did Patrick come back to his senses, followed by an angry and disbelieving scolding: "Don't talk about this yet, where is the task I gave you? Report it quickly!"

Still the same, his voice was still cold, not like he was treating his own flesh and blood.

But Aslan was no longer afraid of this, but looked directly into Patrick Sala's eyes and asked: "I came back this time to have a good talk with you..."

"Damn it!"

Patrick Sala couldn't bear it any longer, raised his hand and punched the table hard, and stood up angrily.

The photo frame with Lenoa Sara and young Aslan falling down, and with a crisp sound, the fragments that originally wrapped it shattered.

But neither of them noticed at this time, they were just arguing among themselves.

"Stop talking nonsense to me! How dare a child who doesn't understand anything dare to talk to me in such a tone!"

"Isn't it you, father, who knows nothing?"

Aslan retorted passionately: "Alaska, Panama, Victoria...those who are killed will take revenge, and those who take revenge will be killed again...Now this is just a continuous expansion of the war!"

"Where did you hear this stupid idea? Was it the idea that that woman, Lux Klein, instilled in you?"

Looking at his father's appearance, the despair in Aslan's heart began to rise to his forehead, and he didn't even realize what he was about to say.

But Aslan still expressed his heart desperately: "Can this kind of head-to-head competition of military firepower really end the war? Do you really think so?"

"It will definitely end!"

As if some kind of switch had been pressed, Patrick roared roughly: "As long as all natural people are eliminated, the war will end completely!"

Aslan couldn't help but gasp when he heard this, as if he was frozen on the spot.

Father actually...actually really thinks so?

Fear seemed to make Aslan's blood freeze. At this time, he couldn't even say a word, he just stared at his father as if he were a stranger.

Patrick strode up to Aslan, grabbed his collar and shook him, saying, "Aslan, what happened to justice and freedom?"


Aslan trembled and looked up at his father's face twisted with anger: "Are you serious...? Do you really want to eliminate all natural people?"

"That's what this war is for!"

Patrick didn't care about Aslan's doubts at all, and asserted categorically: "We are fighting for this purpose! Have you even forgotten this?"

In anger, he roared and threw Aslan away.

Aslan fell heavily to the ground and was so shocked that he couldn't lift his head.

There is not even the most basic understanding between them.

He thought he could convince his father...

In fact, it has always been like this. My father never paid attention to his own thoughts. He never paid attention to those who contradicted his opinions...

Feeling his father's footsteps walking back to the table and in front of him again, Aslan slowly raised his head, but was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Patrick held a gun in his hand, and the muzzle was pressed against Aslan's head.


"Where's justice and freedom? - If you don't answer, I'll arrest you as a traitor!"

Aslan desperately held back tears and looked coldly at the man standing next to him.

Aslan's heart completely collapsed at this moment.

——In the end, this man was never a "father" in the first place.

I am just a pawn in his hands.

If he had any flesh-and-blood affection for his son, would he confront him with a gun without hesitation?

He actually believed in the family affection that never existed from the beginning, and thought that it could change this crazy man. However, the fact was that even though he appealed to reason and moved his emotions, he failed to stop him at all.

This won't work. If this person is allowed to sit on top and continue to lead the battle, the enemy will just kill each other until we are dead.

——It must be stopped...!

A cold determination took shape in Aslan's heart. In his eyes, the gun pointed at him was no longer there.


The moment Patrick roared again, Aslan jumped up and flew towards him.

The gunfire rang out and I felt a burning sensation in my right shoulder.

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