Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 665: The miserable man bound by fate

The empty room was lonely and monotonous.

Durandal, who was playing with the chess pieces, looked up at the empty space on the opposite side of the chess board, where a familiar figure slowly emerged.

The friend who often played chess with him had slightly curly blond hair and always showed a sarcastic smile across the chessboard.

——All things are born and die, and the world is just like this...

These two sentences, which are often said by friends, sound heartbreakingly hollow, and they still echo in Durandal's ears.

He hates everything in this world - even himself, but he desires to continue his life more than anyone else.

It seemed like he was resisting something, and also like he was asking for something he couldn't get.

He is an extremely contradictory combination.

But it was as if he was bound by fate.

Struggling and roaring in the torrent of fate, falling into the abyss by the chains called fate.

People have a destiny that is difficult to escape.

This thing called destiny bound him before he was born.

He also captured Durandal and his lover from the moment they met.

"You and I are both miserable beings bound by fate——"

Suddenly, a voice appeared in his mind, and a sarcastic smile appeared on his friend's face.

"A miserable person bound by fate——"

While muttering, Durandal had a smile on his face.

He remembered his dream——

[What kind of world do you think is called happiness? 】

[What kind of world... is to get together with your loved ones, family and friends, and live a normal life, isn't that happiness? 】

That is an extremely ordinary and small wish.

At that time, their world was small and simple.

Looking at the starry sky outside the window, Durandal unconsciously recalled the beautiful past in his mind.

I also recalled the arrogant words I once made that didn’t know the heights of the sky—

[There should be no differential treatment between people. 】

[Sooner or later, human beings will be freed from this kind of misfortune, prejudice, discrimination, jealousy, hatred - one day, human beings will transcend these stupid and impulsive emotions, gain true freedom, and live in a world of complete happiness. 】

[Since we have gained power beyond natural humans, we should take on more responsibilities, contribute our own strength, and create a better future for mankind. 】

The dreams I once had may be a little childish and less real, but they were brilliant enough.

At that time, she and he both lived in a small world. Although there were only two of them, he felt extremely satisfied and happy because he had gained the whole world.

But on that day, his world disappeared.

According to the marriage regulations established by the colony.

The tiny whorls engraved in the cells of the two people determined their fate. Faced with the birth rate decreasing year by year, the colony fully implemented the marriage system.

The data shows that Durandal and Thalia are genetically incompatible, and it is impossible for them to have children.

So - Thalia left him.

"If fate puts me on this path, then I will change everything...change everything."

Durandal put the chess pieces down on the chessboard and muttered to himself as if he was answering the phantom of his old friend.

In the past, he never had any hope, but stubbornly resisted fate until the last moment.

Destiny cannot be rewritten. This is the answer that my old friend interpreted to himself with his life.


"Let it go down the right path from the beginning..."

Durandal's eyes flashed with a gloomy light, looking directly at the chessboard - the future that was about to be developed by himself.

"Haha, I'm looking forward to the day you mentioned -"

The figure of his old friend disappeared into the empty room together with his sarcastic smile.

"What are you looking forward to? What a disgusting friend——"

Durandal murmured as he looked at the chessboard full of chess pieces on the table with a trace of determination flashing in his eyes.

Expectation is the word he hates the most.

In other words, it was the word he hated most since that day.

From that day on, he no longer had any expectations for anything or the world.


"What? You want us to drive the girl there directly?"

Arthur was making a fuss there again.

Thalia was also quite confused about the order she had just received, and said in a slightly stern tone: "Yes, we must also bring the information from that research institute with us."

The repairs of the Minerva were finally completed, and an instruction was issued from the headquarters.

Ask them to go to the Gibraltar base as originally planned.

Although the destination remained the same, there was a troublesome additional condition: they had to send the enhanced girl and the information there.

Is this the decision of the headquarters or the calculation of that old fox?

Arthur also felt something was inappropriate and objected anxiously: "But, I heard from the medical officer that the girl's condition is not very good..."

"I also reported this, but the superiors said, 'It's more appropriate for you to send it because your equipment is good.'"

Thalia gritted her teeth in reply.

For a moment, he thought of Durandal's upright face.

She really wanted to ask that guy not to take everything on her.

One moment as a hero, the next as a courier, the Minerva is not a superman and cannot do everything.

However, the order was absolute, and she had nowhere to vent her anger.

We can only arrange for the warship to set sail as soon as possible.

After all, the situation of the girl named Stella is not optimistic.


The breeze blows across the late night sea, and the reflected starry sky sparkles beautifully.

"Can't sleep?"

Fleur's voice came from behind.

Kira looked back at the girl under the starry sky. The breeze blew her hair across the side of her face, and her white dress floated slightly, swaying under the starry sky.

People are going to change--

This is clearly reflected in Fleur.

The paranoid, extreme, arrogant, and arrogant young lady she once was has completely become a thing of the past.

"What's wrong?"

Facing Kira's gaze, Fleur stepped forward and asked softly.

"It's nothing. You should go to bed early. We have to have a battle meeting with Yuna and the others tomorrow."

Kira smiled and shook his head when he heard this, without saying anything more.

In fact, he didn't know what was wrong with him.

The heart that had already been decided was shaken.

Everything that happened recently made his heart start to waver.

Is what I protect really justice? Can there really be peace if this continues? What will the future be like——

He began to wonder what the meaning of what he was doing was, and he began to doubt whether what he was doing was right.

The road to peace was difficult, he knew that.

But for some reason, he suddenly felt that what he was doing now might not be the true path to peace.

He seemed to have lost his reason to continue fighting.

Watching Kira's leaving figure.

Fleur's eyes flickered.

She opened her mouth several times but was denied by herself.

She didn't dare to say what she wanted to say.

She was afraid that if she told him, she would lose him forever.

Fake is always fake, no matter how you try to disguise it, fake can never carry the real.

She had thought about turning the fake into real, and she had tried and worked hard.

But sadly, humans have limits.

At least she is not strong enough to turn the 'fake' into the real thing, and she doesn't even have the power to carry the real thing.

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