Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter seven hundred and thirty second: the end is coming

"Is this... is it going to set up some kind of stronghold? As a frontline base?"


Returning the report to the secretary, Durandal nodded and instructed: "I understand, the report on this matter will be the highest priority in the future, and at the same time contact the Joint Lunar Surface Base and ask them to explain what is going on, I don't believe it. They don't know anything about it."


The secretary took it and returned to his seat in panic.

At this time, the Messiah was already near.

Looking at the fortress towering in the gloom, Durandal couldn't help snickering.

The presence of Lux Klein is certainly surprising.

But it doesn't stop there.

The world has danced on its own terms.

The chess formations laid out before were so well thought out, even if they were tenacious and unyielding, it was almost impossible to turn the tide today when the boat was done.

The end is coming, Lux Klein.


"The Gounod is twenty minutes away from the scheduled location."

Operator report status.

The cosmic map on the large panel has a moving point of light flickering.

"The operation rate of the Requiem reactor is 85%, and the 23rd to 55th have reached the critical point."

"Energy supply and transmission is good. Critical error of metaspecular reflector is 3129."

"Start backup cooling system gr. Omit connection."

In the Daedalus base, the main control room built at a high place can overlook the panorama of the operating room.

The earth, the moon, and the colonies are marked on the panel. The flickering light spots are slowly moving toward the colonies. That is the last relay point, and it is also the target of the tight escort of the combined fleet at this moment.

Including this base and the moving final relay point, there are a total of five light spots in the space domain, which are displayed by five panels marked Fury, Vivaldi, Verney, Martin, and Gounod.

In one of the crater bunkers outside the base, the huge circular structure faintly glowed, the back of the structure hidden at the bottom of the crater was counting down, and the energy was gradually accumulating.

Mattis sat next to Commander Freeman Byron and watched this scene with a dazed expression.

And in the port channel of the base.

Countless soldiers and warships are in full swing in the deployment of tasks.

"Have you not determined the location of the Zaft military fortress?"

Mattis asked the soldiers below.

"Yes, it is still impossible to determine the opponent's location, only the approximate position."

The soldier in charge of the radar search hurried back.

"What an old fox."

Matisse wasn't annoyed when he heard the words, but he just said something.

Based on her understanding of Plant, since United can quietly create Requiem, Zaft must also have its own strategic weapon.

After all, the first strategic weapon was created by Zaft.

Unfortunately, no information has been revealed.

According to her guess, Zaft's side is most likely to carry a strategic weapon, which is Zaft's new strategic fortress-Messiah.

It's a pity that after searching for so long, I still can't determine where the thing is. Messiah, like Genesis, can be moved and is equipped with a mirage system.

In addition, it was located inside Zaft, so it was impossible to know the exact location.

Otherwise, it is best to use Requiem to directly paralyze the Zaft command system with a shot at the Zaft Command.

It would be a shame if Requiem had the attack area of ​​Genesis.

"It seems that you really intend to launch this thing."

Freeman Byron couldn't help laughing listening to Mattis' question.

"Isn't that obvious?"

Mattis countered.

"I'm sorry, I'm not doubting your determination, it's just because the recent politicians are too difficult to deal with. I don't know why, the necessary armaments that were produced with a lot of money in the early days were not used in a pinch, and there are too many kind people. It makes us soldiers don't know what kind of thing we are."

Freeman Byron laughed and said an apology that wasn't an apology.

"There's no need to talk about this kind of meaningless aggressiveness, let's talk about more practical things."

"More practical things?"

Commander Freeman Byron looked puzzled.

"Once this place is exposed, it will inevitably fall into Zaft's crazy attack. I am afraid it will be difficult to hold on with the remaining troops here. At that time—"

"I'll let Requiem explode by then."

Before Mattis could finish speaking, Freeman Byron calmly interrupted her.

"So, have you made up your mind?"

Mattis couldn't help looking over after listening to Commander Freeman Byron's words.

"This thing was created for the future of the natural man, so it must never fall into Zaft's hands. This is my mission and my mission."

Freeman Byron just said his thoughts slyly: "I only hope that you can do everything you just said, so that it is not in vain for me to make this decision."

Mattis heard the words and did not continue to talk, but only glanced at Freeman Byron's aged face with a deep meaning.

There were times when she really didn't know whether she should be moved by Freeman Byron's devotion to the natural, or if she should be laughing at their stupidity.

But think about it, the former may be heavier.

After all, she can't really laugh.

outside world.

"As written in the report, there are quite a few!"

The fleet lined up at the front also dispatched the MS fleet, which was already flying straight in this direction.

Eighty percent of the structure floating in the center of the formation was rebuilt from the abandoned O'Neill-type space station, and now it has become a large cylinder with a diameter of six kilometers.

Even if radar and other enemy detection devices are useless, how could such a large drifter be discovered until now?

Diaka in the trial-style Destiny r was also suspicious: "But what are they doing in such a ghost place?"

Zavot's delay in noticing the presence of the enemy fleet was also due to the fact that they had been sailing on the outskirts of the sentry area.

To launch an offensive against the colonies, this is too far.

Just then, the enemy planes fired the first burst of artillery fire.

A few streaks of bright light flashed through the darkness.

Yin Zak shouted back to his friend: "God knows! It's not going to be a goodwill visit anyway, no matter what it is, it's just right!"

"Tsk, you are the captain, you have the final say!"

Listening to Diaka's voice, Yinzak immediately led his team to accelerate towards the enemy fleet.

Soon, with the cooperation of the two, the MS troops quickly arrived at this big drum.

At close range, the structure appears intimidatingly large.

Parts of the building still remain on the severely twisted inner wall, just like any ordinary abandoned space station.

Countless beams and explosions of fire flared up next to the silver giant ring, like fireworks embellished at festivals.

Under the protection of the fleet, the space station is still moving slowly.

At the same time, the advance troops in the direction of Zaft also rushed towards the enemy troops at this moment.

Just like what Inzak said.

At this point in time, no matter what is floating, as long as it is affiliated with the Union, it is definitely not a good thing for Zaft.

Hit it right.

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