Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 741: Pink Harrow

Shopping is actually a very hard job.

Especially shopping with three girls who are about to be suffocated.

Whether it is Lux or Frey, the halo on their bodies is dazzling, but it cannot change the fact that they are girls.

under the leadership of the three.

From the initial indifferent attitude, the three of Noel gradually turned into surprise, astonishment, panic - dead fish eyes.

"Which number is this?"

Noel sat on the sofa outside the store for men to rest, and looked at Lux, who was still full of energy, with erratic eyes.

"Can not remember."

Aslan also lost the vigilance he had when he first arrived.

Kira wasn't even in the mood to talk.

"Woman, what an amazing creature—"

Nuoer looked at the clothing store attendant behind the three and swore to himself that next time, no, there will be no next time. Whoever asks him to go out shopping with a woman in the future will kill him directly.

Go shopping with girls, it's really not something people do.

Even Lux was no exception.

At the beginning, Noel was quite interested. After all, both Lux and Frey were both goddess-level people. It was quite eye-catching to see them put on different styles of clothes.

Even Meiling Hawke is a very beautiful girl.

But even in seductive eyes, I can't hold my legs soft.

From the morning to the afternoon, I was delayed for fifteen minutes when I was eating, and the rest of the time was shuttled back and forth between the shops.

It's not about clothes, it's about shoes, or it's their accessories, cosmetics, bags—

To be honest, going shopping with Lux and the others is more tiring than letting Noel go out on the battlefield to fight a siege.

If there is a choice, Noel would rather choose to fight on the battlefield instead of shopping with Lux.

Aslan heard the words and didn't answer, just leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes.

As for the vigilance - hehe.

Kira also lost her initial calm, and even began to subconsciously avoid Frey and the others.

In case the other party comes again -


Frey's voice made Kira's body tremble subconsciously.

"What, what's wrong?"

Kira looked over with a smile.

I saw Frey holding a suit at this time and beckoning to Kira: "Come and try this suit."

"Well, I'll-"


"I'll come."

Kira got up and rubbed her shoulders, moving slowly under the watch of Noel and Aslan.

"The strongest adjuster, but so-"

Noel couldn't help sneering at Kira's appearance.

What kind of bullshit is the strongest adjuster, isn't it still the same.

"Aren't they tired?"

Aslan rarely complained, but in the face of the three people who were still full of interest, even Aslan couldn't help but complain.

"Women and men are—"


Before Noel could finish speaking, he saw that Lux had also chosen a set of clothes to hold, and looked over with a smile: "Come and try this dress too."

"Can I say no?"

Noel wanted to be tough.

"That's it, it's a pity. I always thought Nuoer, you look good in this dress, but if you don't like Nuoer, there's nothing you can do."

Lux's mood dropped visibly.


Nuoer got up slowly, rubbed his hair, and leaned over slowly.

I will never go shopping in the future, never!

"Mr. Aslan..."

Meiling's voice also sounded at this time.

Aslan, who thought it had nothing to do with him, froze subconsciously, looking at Meiling Hawke's twinkling stars, but mixed with a little uneasy expression.

Aslan sighed and got up, followed Noel and walked over.

An elegant gentleman who never knows how to refuse.

When people are in pain, time always goes by so slowly.

Noel stood quietly as a hanger, silently watching Lux gesture in front of him with a pile of clothes.

Then it seemed that something was not right, so he turned and ran to the other side, picked up a new set of clothes and walked over.

In the back, the clothing store attendant stood there flatteringly.

The eyes that looked at Nuoer were faintly full of light.

The term micro-service travel is completely broken.

With this thought in mind, Noel turned his head to look at Aslan and Kira not far away.

At this time, the two also fell into the same situation as themselves, and this discovery made Nuo Er feel a little better.

"Hello, hello. Borrowed-"

Just when Noel was wandering the world.

A stupid voice came from the direction of the shop door.

Looking down, I saw a red Haro rolled in.

Lux's pink Harrow immediately responded, "Hello?"

I didn't wait for Lux and the others to respond.

The three of Noel immediately came to Haaro.

Aslan rushed to the door, peering in the crowd.

But he couldn't find the long pink hair.

However, the red hello was indeed Mia's.

Is she also at Copernicus?

When returning to Kira and the others, Lux had already picked up the red Haro and took off a small piece of paper that it held in her mouth.

On the front of the piece of paper was written "Miss Lux," and on the back was a scribbled line, "Help! Someone is going to kill me!"

There is also a simple map attached at the bottom, which looks like it is in an amphitheater.

The six stared at the paper for a while without saying a word.

Until Meiling said sullenly, "This... such an upright trap!"


Aslan didn't think that Mia would be locked up in this kind of amphitheatre. Even if he was locked up, who brought this hello?

She shouldn't have known that Lux was here.

From this point of view, the existence of that source is all the more suspicious.

"But you can't leave it alone - the other party clearly calculated this."

Aslan was a little anxious.

Lux picked up the piece of paper and asked Aslan, "...You mean this person?"

Aslan nodded: "Yes, her name is Mia Campbell - Lux of the Speaker."

He remembered the goodbye in the rain that day. Mia looked very sad in the rain.

"Someone is going to kill me" - this note may have been written by Mia.

But she probably didn't understand her situation. Although she could no longer pretend to be Lux, she was one of the few people who knew the inside story, so the Speaker couldn't ignore it.

On the other hand, it was Lux and others who caused her to fall into this field, and the other party also judged that Lux would not die.

Whether saving Mia or killing Lux, this is an opportunity not to be missed for both parties.

"You protect Lux, get back to the ship right now—ah, no, ask for help first. Wait a minute, I don't know where they're going to start."

Aslan hurriedly instructed Kira and Noel, and while taking out the phone, he thought that the other party might also guess that they would split up, and maybe they would be ambushed on the way back, or it would be safer to ask the Archangel to send someone to pick them up.

Seeing that Aslan was nervous there, Lux said in a daze, "I'm going too."




The three looked at her in astonishment.

But Noel reacted quickly, and he didn't seem to need to be so surprised.

Lux's attitude was as gentle and firm as usual, looking directly at Aslan and said, "This friend is looking for me."


Aslan wanted to object, but heard Lux ​​say again: "In every way, this matter has to be handled properly—are you right, Noel."

When Noel heard the words, he was lost in thought.

If you say that Lux will not go, will Lux not go?


Seeing that Noel didn't stop him immediately, Aslan couldn't help but cast a reproachful look.

It wasn't that he didn't understand Lux's mood.

He knew she wanted to talk to Mia, and he would save her if he could.

Mia had refused Aslan's help, but Lux might be able to persuade her.

However, this situation is too dangerous.

Ignoring Aslan's concerns, Lux said firmly, "I want to see her."

"But it's too dangerous!"

Aslan was still refuting.

Klarcus just kept her eyes firm.

In desperation, Aslan had no choice but to turn his attention to Noel.

"I said no, do you think Lux would listen?"

Noel also had a headache about this.

Lux is fine with everything, but she is a little helpless because she is too assertive.

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