Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 743: The Muzzle of Death

Mia huddled up on the ground, unable to stand up.

"You are the real Lux" "Thank you for your efforts"

——The kind tone of Sarah and the Speaker was shattered in this deafening gun battle.

Tears flowed from her closed eyes.

Are they going to kill me here?

Because I'm useless anymore?

Because I know the Speaker their lies?

"Miss Mia."

She opened her eyes and saw that Lux was crawling towards here from under the window, then sat down beside Mia, clasping her knees like her, but smiling at her with squinted eyes.

"do not be afraid."

Mia couldn't help crying again, her heart was full of guilt.

It was I who deceived her and put her in such danger, but she didn't blame me for a single word, but instead came to comfort me.

Such a good person, I would actually want to kill her.

Lux gently held Mia's hand, as if to coax her: "...don't be afraid."

The warmth from the palm of his hand suddenly penetrated into Mia's heart.

In Mia's mind, Lux has always been a person who lives on the screen, and her understanding of her is limited to her refined appearance. Now she looked at Lux with tears in her eyes, only to realize that she was wrong.

Lux is as flesh and blood as she is, and will die if hit by bullets, and she is also an existence that cannot be replaced by anyone.

Even if he was not born as beautiful as Lux, he should have many advantages, but he never valued them, he just blindly considered himself small and insignificant, so he ruthlessly abandoned that self.

How could you give up so easily? Why don't you love yourself well?

Mia realizes this for the first time under the threat of death across a wall.

At this moment, Kira, who fired back from the window, suddenly shouted sharply: "Run!"

Lux responded quickly, grabbed Mia and ran out. Mia was pulled by her and rolled behind a pillar, followed by an explosion behind her, and the wind ruffled their hair.

Mia, clinging to Lux, saw Aslan leap from behind cover and shoot the man who threw the grenade at them.

Noel also jumped down from above at this moment.

Against the opponent's shot counterattack.

The cooperation between the two is very tacit.

But there are also many enemies.

The sound of gunshots and grenades exploded in the opera house.

At this time, several dead bodies were already lying in the theater.

Kira and another teen continued to cover fire from behind the pillar.

Aslan and Noel shuttled through the hail of bullets, their movements as swift as lightning.

Only then did Mia really see the capabilities of the top elites of Zavot.

With the tacit cooperation of the two, the men who were shooting with guns were hit and fell to the ground.

Soon, or maybe a long time ago.

The gunfire in the opera house gradually diminished until it disappeared.

The opera house, which was supposed to be full of singing, was now covered with countless corpses, and the air was also full of gunpowder smoke.

At this moment, an engine sound was approaching in the air, and Mia was startled again.

"Little brothers, are you alright?"

With the sound of the external loudspeaker, a flashing golden MS slowly landed.

Seeing the aircraft landing in the center of the theater, Mia was at a loss.

"Take Lux and the others away!"

After being urged by Noel unceremoniously, MS's driver seemed a little unhappy: "...Got it."

Seeing the golden MS bend over, she stretched out her big hand in front of Lux.

"Princess, please."

"Quick, go up."

Kira, who was protecting Frey and Lux, urged.

Lux glanced at Noel, who was still on guard and patrolling the surrounding area, and the uneasiness in Noel's heart disappeared, and then gracefully walked onto the MS's palm.

Frey also stood up with Kira's help.

Then, Kira stretched out her hand to Mia: "Come on, you too."

Mia looked at his hand in confusion. The young man named Kira smiled very peacefully, and did not feel reluctance or any unpleasantness at all.

Mia remembered that rainy night again, and the hand that Aslan stretched out to her was just like the present one.

--You still have time?

Can I do it all over again?

Can you openly face these people face to face?

Sitting in MS's palm, Lux was also looking at her with a smile.

Despite hesitation, Mia decided to stretch out her hand, but at this moment, a small flash appeared in the corner of her vision, and a man who was wounded by a grenade and had already moved slightly.

That's - the muzzle!


The gun was pointed at Lux, neither Aslan nor Kira noticed.

Just as Mia rushed towards Lux, two gunshots sounded almost simultaneously in the opera house.

The bullet rubbed Mia's cheek and hit the auditorium not far away.

The hot tingling made Mia subconsciously cover her cheeks.

Noel also loosened the nerves that he had been guarding at this time.

Inside the Archangel.

Noel and others returned to the Archangel one after another.

Mia was also taken to the emergency room.

Lux and the others stood at the door waiting anxiously.

Although Mia was saved from death because of Noel's appearance, the last bullet still rubbed Mia's cheek.

Soon the doctor came out.

"How is Mia?"

Lux and the others quickly gathered around and asked anxiously.

"It's not a big deal. Her cheek was not directly hit by the bullet, it was just a scratch. Although there may be scars on her face, with the current biotechnology, the scars can be eliminated."

Lux and the others were relieved by the doctor's words.

It can be treated.

"Can we go in and see her?"

Aslan also asked at this time.

When Mia fell in pain, Aslan was the most worried.

The girl's mournful voice cut into his chest.

Fortunately, everything went in the right direction.

Mia is finally free from her fate at the mercy of others.


The doctor nodded and smiled.

Lux and the others who got the answer hurriedly walked in.

At this time, Mia's head was half wrapped in gauze. Looking at the people who came in, Mia smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Listening to Mia's tone, Aslan's heart was completely let go.

"Now, my heart is as sad and as angry as you are."

the next day.

A broadcast appeared all over the world.

Speaker Durandal's sad expression appeared on countless screens.

"The year before last, we experienced a great war, and we swore at that time that such a tragedy would never happen again."

His sincere statement. Not just the colonies, but thousands of people on Earth are listening to his words.

"However, the fall of Julius No. 7 wiped out our efforts and opened the war again. The war has spread and we have to taste the same grief again."

Speaker Durandal stretched out his arms and asked the crowd: "Really, what is going on here? It would be too stupid to repeat such a tragedy."

"One of the reasons is undoubtedly the existence of LOGOS. These people who create hostility, fan terror, advocate war, and profit from it, have long been attached to the shady history of history, doing their death business."

When he said this, Durandal paused for a while, and his tone suddenly became high: "However, we finally eliminated them!"

At this moment, I don't know how many people cheered and cheered.

Even the members of the Archangel and the Main Angel who knew the true face of Durandal had a hint of seasonal movement in their hearts.

The crew gathered on the bridge watched the high-spirited speaker announce to the world: "Because of this, I want to reiterate—"


Martyr whispered something.

Lux nodded beside Noel to answer.

Frey quietly held Kira's palm and the ring on the fingertips shone brightly. Durandal in the picture is undoubtedly the performance of a perfect politician.

Kira smiled and patted Frey's palm, and listened to Durandal's speech with everyone.

"—From now on, we will face another greater enemy, and we must defeat it and liberate it from its grip!"

The trump card that Durandal has been hiding in the palm of his hand is about to be revealed now.

That is also the result of his skillful dealing, leaking, ignoring, manipulating, and the final answer.

Killing and hatred, an infinite vicious circle;

Repaying kindness with resentment, a future opened up in thorns.

"Everyone must have noticed or not. The reason why wars are indispensable in the history of mankind is that mankind has the greatest enemy—"

Durandal looked at the people on the other side of the camera with pity in his eyes: "—that is the ignorance and desire that we have been unable to break through for a long time!"

Lux's face also showed a solemn expression at this moment.

In this moment, Durandal denies everything—and the possibility of humanity.

At the same moment, Thalia watched this broadcast at the Daedalus base, only to feel stunned.

She feels that these words are not just a tribute to the dead, but more like a declaration of victory in the war.

The crew members on the bridge also looked puzzled, and felt that the speaker's words were too abrupt.

"After leaving the earth, rushing to the universe, and cracking the various mysteries of the human body and potential, human beings still do not understand human beings, they do not understand themselves, and they cannot see the future - the first is this anxiety;"

Under her gaze, Durandal sighed: "Furthermore, equal expectations, even more, more abundant - endless desires! These two elements constitute who we are now! The seeds of the struggle, the people All problems with people are here!"

Of course he was right.

If human beings had no desires, there would be no need for contention.

But that's how humans are supposed to be, isn't it——?

"However, these problems are finally coming to an end - we have been able to end it."

With suspicion, Talia watched Durandal proudly announce: "At this moment, there is a way to overcome all this!"

His high-spirited expression was so unfamiliar, unlike the man who once had a skin-to-skin relationship with her.

I saw Durandal looking straight ahead again: "And all the answers are already in your body."

Thalia held her breath.


She suddenly understood the real intention of Durandal all the way, but it was too late.

"With it, we can understand others, understand ourselves, including tomorrow..."

She regards the conquest of LOGOS as the ultimate goal, and perhaps everyone has been indoctrinated with this idea-that the war will end if the conquest is successful.

But they were all wrong.

Durandal has already planned the next path.

The quest for LOGOS is only the first stage, by the way, to remove the obstacles that may be encountered in the future, and to gather the trust of the world, and then is his real purpose - to advance towards the final stage of the plan.

"...that's the only way to stop the tragedy from repeating itself again and again."

Thalia watched the broadcast without moving.

She recalled that Durandal in his youth had talked about his ideals with enthusiasm, the answers he had been looking for and the hopes that had been rejected, as well as the knowledge and skills he had acquired along the way—it turned out that he had put them all in one place.

I should have found out earlier, because I am familiar with his young ideals, and even if I reject his outstretched hand, I still love him so much.

When he proposed to break up, he just smiled calmly, stretched out his hand to say goodbye, and didn't say anything malicious or waved tears, so he didn't notice that his despair was so deep.

Was it the period of the past that sowed the dark intolerance in his bright ideals and stirred up hatred for the world?

She hoped it was just her own over-imagining.

And now, he swears revenge for the selfishness of his lover and the injustice of his fate:

"I hereby announce that I will implement the destiny plan as the last defense strategy for the survival of mankind!"

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