Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 775: I am Ray Za Barrell

Minerva, really, Ray—"

On the way to Genesis α, Aslan saw from a distance the escape pod separated and ejected from the Minerva.

Thalia Kuradis' resolute look came to mind.

The heartache of the sinking of the mothership in the past surprised even him.

He understands intellectually that they are in opposition to each other, but emotionally he can't accept it.

In the end, what he did was still just a traitor.

How long is this going to last?

Why do people who do not understand each other repeatedly miss, hate and fight with like-minded people?

Is this the fault of man?

Will we ever be able to escape from this irrationality?

"Kira, Noel - let's end this...forever!"

Suppressing his excitement and confusion, Aslan murmured and flew towards the Messiah's cannon on the left side of the eternal covenant.

"That's what we're here for."

Noel said without looking back.

"To end this forever!"

Kira also muttered at this time.

I don't know when the three people who were in the same mind all looked up and looked forward.

There, the cannon of the Messiah is gradually gathering light.

"One or three on the right rudder, 20 on the rudder, aiming at the target - Eternal!"

"The ray axis is fixed, and the power is 90%."

The launch process for the new Genesis is underway.

The moment of the end was approaching, but Dy Randall became inexplicably anxious.

"Green 18B, I found Covenant Gundam, Freedom Gundam, Justice Gundam!"

The soldier's call surprised Durandal.

A screen captures the three airframes moving through the fire.

Just one glance made him unable to move his eyes.

With the cooperation of the three, the Zaft troops who went to encircle and suppress them were shot down almost instantly.

Beam, beam saber, beam boomerang, beam cannon—

Graceful, violent, ethereal—

The three completely different attack modes are seamlessly integrated at this moment.

The beams that hit each other can always be hit by Zaft's MS in advance.

The nuclear Zaku troops that flew out of the Messiah base were almost instantly wiped out by three people.

The battleship also lost its combat power in bursts of fire.

The gorgeous battle scene made Durandal see an indescribable beauty.

Noel Cassia, Kira Yamato, Aslan Sara—

The radiance of the new human made his heart feel mixed.

Is this the power that represents the future of mankind?

Really strong.

——Lei and the others should also be killed by these three fighters.

The young man has been by his side since childhood, and the two are inseparable.

Durandal knew that he would lose him sooner or later, but when this moment really came, there was still a trace of sadness in his heart that could not be restrained.

"Launch as soon as you're ready!"

With the determination to open up the future for mankind, Durandal suppressed the sadness in his heart.

I seem to have lost...


With the help of Aslan and the Orb fleet, the Eternal finally arrived at the battlefield where the three were.

Standing here, the Messiah becomes so huge that you can even see the halo structure surrounding the Messiah.



Noel and Kira spotted the battleship coming from behind at the same time.



The voices of Lux and Frey also sounded at this moment.

"Lux, Frey - the Messiah is going to attack!"

Suddenly, just as Lux and Frey were about to say something, Noel and Kiraqiqi shouted, "Let everyone get out of the ray range immediately! Quick!"

Hearing this, Lux's face changed greatly, and she turned to look at Meiling.

The Eternal immediately broadcast this message to the entire universe.

【New Genesis - Launch! 】

Almost three seconds after their order came.

Messiah base pressed the launch button since.

A burst of white light flashed through the fortress's launch mirror high in the sky, as if a blaze appeared.

In the blink of an eye, the battleships and the MS fleet that had not had time to withdraw from the ray began to burn together, and immediately disappeared into the rising flames. From a distance, the scene was like seeing a meteor shower on Earth.


Talia, who was alone on the escape ship, looked at the Zaft battleship and MS who were shrouded in beams for not being able to evacuate in time, and a trace of regret and pain flashed in her eyes.

Why didn't I find it myself!

He didn't find out what kind of pain that turning around caused him.

Why are you so stupid!

"The past cannot be undone, but the future - can be fought for."

While muttering, Talia thought of Lux's words, and a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

It is an inescapable responsibility to reach this point.

The Gamma laser launched by Messiah burned everyone on the beam in an instant.

Ray could see it.

Death in that ray of light falls upon everyone equally, regardless of enemy or foe.

Really they don't know what's wrong?

——Lei thought about them inadvertently, and another shadow fell in his heart.

He concealed that feeling with a sarcastic smile.

So far, what is there to care about? Nothing matters.

It was Jill who emitted that light.

He has always lamented the ignorance of human beings and worked hard to create an ideal world, but after all, he is just a member of the human race.

Like all stupid creatures, he is now doing whatever it takes to win, becoming a pawn at the mercy of desire...

It was only now that Ray realized it.

- Every life is unique!

None of them taught this.


who I am--

I'm Ray Za Barrell.

Yeah, that guy was right, I never made my own decisions.

Neither Cruzer nor Durandal, no one had ever said that to him.

Perhaps to Durandal, who believes in the supremacy of genes, he is just another Lau Ru Cruze.

For Cruze, he is his clone.

So he picked up a child and arranged for him to follow the same path. No one would ask, not even Ray himself.

But, I am not Lou Rue Cruze.

I'm - Ray Za Barrell!

It turns out that anger has temperature.

This heat flow had been lingering under his consciousness, and now it broke through the frozen shell, so strong that he was puzzled.

He thought that he had fully understood his destiny and had already lost his heart to life, so he always lived by fate.

Unexpectedly, there is such a vivid passion in the depths of the soul, which is like dead wood and ashes. Maybe this is life.

But the resurgence of this life made his heart feel miserable.

In Durandal's mind, anyone - including himself, is just a pawn.

In fact, Lei knew it for a long time, but he just couldn't understand where the heartache came from.

Everything that had been believed in the past had completely disintegrated.

If you lose, it's all over.

The scorching anger that filled his chest suddenly receded, and he laughed miserably again.

I have to go... to find Gilbert...

But what if I saw him?

Asking himself, Lei ignited the remaining thrusters and staggered toward the Messiah.

Empty heart will also hurt when eaten, but he doesn't know how to soothe that pain.

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