Maureen, who was 'full' and sleepy, got up and found that Ma Li was not around, she smiled lightly, presumably the captain must have secretly returned to her room in fear of being discovered.

"What a lovely woman," Maureen said to herself.

After looking at the time, he got up and dressed and then drifted towards the Ganaku. It was still about 4-5 days away from the gravel belt. Take advantage of this time to adjust the body.

At this moment in the kitchen, Sai and the others were eating, but Frey was sitting far away from his boyfriend.

"Fleur, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't come near me, I haven't bathed for a day..." Fleur said in a low voice, embarrassed, as the little princess of the joint senior officials, she couldn't accept not taking a bath for a day.

"I thought something was wrong. Now the water resources are tight, just bear with it. I think it will be resolved soon." Sai comforted.

"I really hope to go home early, I don't know how my parents are doing." Tuo'er said listlessly lying on the dining table.

"Teacher, sit down and talk. With someone as powerful as Major Maureen, we will definitely be able to go home safely." Mirialia now admires Maureen very much, but it is by no means an admiration.

"I didn't even think that one day I would be a soldier. Although it is compulsory, we will not have to continue to be a soldier when we get to Orb." The timid Kaziyi rejected being a soldier from the bottom of his heart.

Aslan followed Kruzer to PLANT, and accidentally met his father, ZAFT's leader-Patrick Sara, when he was changing to a shuttle boat at Fort Jakin Duvi.

At this time, Patrick hadn't completely fallen into madness. Before he set off, he received the battle video data from the Gamow battleship. As a hardliner, he attached great importance to the mecha developed by natural people.

Although they know the name of Sirius, they still don't know anything about Maureen, but they all know that Kira is the adjuster for the assault pilot.

"Natural people can develop such a powerful machine, but the pilot is an adjuster. If you report it truthfully, it will only cause unnecessary trouble. They only care that natural people can play such a powerful mobile suit. As for the Sirius There is no need to report for now, but the identity of the pilot must be confirmed as soon as possible. Compared with the body, he is the key. Even in ZAFT, his physical fitness is unique. In order to end the battle as soon as possible, we must work harder Take it seriously," Patrick said.

Kreuzer deeply agrees with this statement, and now he still has lingering fears when he thinks of the attack in the satellite, and his maneuvers and movements are too abnormal.

After more than four days' journey, the Archangel finally reached the gravel belt, and came to the largest piece of 'meteorite' through the radar. Everyone gathered on the bridge looked at the scene outside with their mouths wide open, their faces full of shock. color.

"Continent, why is there a continent here?" Someone asked subconsciously

"Unius 7, the colonial satellite that was destroyed by the joint nuclear bomb attack last year on 'Blood Valentine'. The death toll of the adjusters reached 243,721." Maureen stepped forward and said.

"This, is it going to be here... Supplies? In a place where hundreds of thousands of people died." Kira asked, with a very ugly face.

"Well, the radar scan shows that there are only 100 million tons of frozen water here. We are not something to snatch the victims..." Code Stream said that this is a bit hard to say.

Maureen stepped forward and said:

"Your task is to drive a work vehicle to carry it. No one wants to do this, but the most basic right of a person is to live. Our current reserves simply cannot last the lunar base. We can only do this if we want to survive. Work During this period, no one is allowed to enter the construction area."

"Maureen, you..." Maureen knew he was trying to excuse herself.

"Let's get to work, Kira and I will drive MS on patrol, it's just one year of Blood Valentine's Day, there's no guarantee that there won't be ZAFT nearby." Maureen added.

The engineering soldiers, maintenance soldiers and Orb's students on the Archangel all started to work intensively. Maureen drove the Sirius around to see if he could find the transport ship that pulled the demon.

'Drip~~Drip~~Drip~~' Suddenly the radar responded, and there was a rescue signal not far from here.

"I really found it."

On Kira's side, he encountered the reconnaissance-type Gene as in the original drama, and then shot through the cockpit. This was his first kill since driving the assault. Seeing the exploding mobile suit, Kira trembled all over. Hearing the voice in the communicator, he immediately turned it off, and smashed it hard on the console in a circle, feeling uncomfortable.

"Major Maureen, what's going on, how did you find a rescue capsule?" Bucky Lulu asked.

"It looks like it's from PLANT, maybe it's from the condolence group." It should have been drifting for a while, so let's take it back first.

Maddock cracked the code of the rescue cabin door and said:

"I'm going to open it, stay away."

Kira and the others also returned to the Archangel, wondering who it was.

With the sound of 'Peng', the door was violently opened, but a round thing floated out before anyone saw it and kept shouting 'Hello'.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful and outrageous woman floated out. She had pink hair and was about 1.7 meters tall. Although her bust was not as good as Maulu's, the proportions of all parts of her body were perfect.

Before she could drift away, Maureen grabbed her and landed on the side.

Lux saw the people around her with cute faces and said:

"This is not ZAFT's battleship..."

Hearing these words, the faces of the joint members were full of helplessness, and Bucky Lulu couldn't help but support their foreheads.

After arranging a room for Lacus, Maliu, Bucky Lulu, Mu and Maureen all entered the room, and questioning is indispensable.

"Thanks for saving my escape pod. I'm Lacus Klein". Lux introduced herself first, then hugged Hello with both hands and introduced this chubby thing with a cute face, making several people speechless again, if Maureen didn't know what the woman in front of her was like, maybe she wouldn't have been deceived past.

"As I remember, the president of the PLANT Supreme Council is called Siegel Klein." Maureen said.

"Ah? Do you know my father?"

After knowing Lacus's identity, several people felt even more headaches. This is really picking up a 'baby' back.

In the subsequent chat, everyone learned why she appeared here. They had heard Maureen talk about this time on the bridge before.

"Maureen, what do you think should be done?" Maureen asked subconsciously.

Several people also looked at Maureen, including Lacus, who was very curious about this person.

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