"Retreat now! Call for backup!"

Bucky Lulu was also terrified, knowing that she couldn't beat her, she immediately ordered to escape, and her own 'coach' was also on her battleship.

Part of the joint fleet shifted their guns, and the target was changed to the original stone. All fools know that this powerful MS is a nuclear machine, and the driver is not an ordinary person.

"Stop him, block our joint honor!"

"MD, do you want to protect the Lord Angel even if you die? Then your determination will be fulfilled. Floating Cannon!"

"Damn it, what kind of firepower is this, give it to me..."

One of the captains wanted to die together, but before he could finish speaking, the battleship was blown up.

"Battleships are also miscellaneous soldiers, and they can't survive two minutes if they are close to mobile suits!"

Due to the desperate output of the joint battleship, the Yuanshi Gundam was unable to break through the firepower net for a while, and the Lord Angel also took the opportunity to flee.

If nothing can be done, then change the target, Genesis must be defeated!

"Mina, Mario, Lacus, the three warships are dealing with Genesis. Prioritize destroying the reflector in front of the main body. Without the reflector, it can't launch!"

The first generation of Genesis has a fatal weakness, that is, the reflector is placed on the outside.

"We are also planning to do so. The United has no chance of winning, but it seems that Patrick is not going to stop. The third shot, I think it is very likely to be Washington, the headquarters of the Atlantic United on Earth!"

Maureen really admires his brain, and Mina's analysis can be said to be very accurate.

"I'm going there too."

On the Lord Angel, Azrael saw the Stone Gundam leave, and immediately contacted the nuclear bomb force,

"All the nuclear bomb troops are dispatched, while their attention is not on our side."

Bucky Lulu didn't understand very much. According to her cognitive ability, the current situation is extremely unfavorable to her side and she should retreat. Moreover, once the nuclear bomb attack is launched and Genesis is forced to launch again, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Director, the current situation is extremely unfavorable to our army, I suggest retreating."

"It's really enough, why do you refute me every time I say something, you are a soldier, and the soldier just follow the order and it's over, who do you think you are! The Lord Angel also participated in it, guarding the nuclear bomb force !"

Azrael took out a pistol from his bosom, Bucky gritted his teeth tightly, and the joint officers and soldiers on the bridge were also very dissatisfied with Azrael's actions, but a group of recruits were more afraid, especially Fleur, Rob was right in front of her eyes.

"The Lord Angel is dispatched to protect the nuclear bomb troops."

It can be said that Bucky Lulu gave the order by gritting her molars, and she touched the pistol under the chair with her hand, and her patience was almost reaching its limit.

Lux on the Eternity can be said to be the most anxious, and immediately turned on the full-frequency persuasion:

"ZAFT, please stop Genesis immediately. We, who have been attacked by nuclear bombs, know the sadness and pain it brings. Do we want to repeat the same mistakes! Pushing innocent people and even children to death, is this our responsibility? Is there justice in my heart?"

Lux's words still played a certain role, and many Genes turned to attack the United's fishy attack dagger.

At this time, the front lines of the two sides were very close, and explosions occurred all the time.


Mu felt his arrival, and Kira, who was intercepting the nuclear bomb not far away, also felt it.

"Aslan, I'll leave this to you. I feel something is coming."

Mu's driver Sirius really feels much better than Assault, especially the four wire-controlled floating cannons on the back, which are easy to use.

Maureen is now focused on both sides, right in the center of the battle.

"Soldiers of ZAFT, get out of here if you don't want to die, don't force me to turn my gun!"

"Stop him, never let him go to Genesis!"

The ZAFT soldiers who intercepted were all worried that the target of the original stone would be Genesis, and the United has been ruthlessly slaughtered by Maureen, so the hatred value for him can be said to be 'explosive'!

"In that case, kill

The whites of Maureen's scarlet eyes are almost gone, he has been suppressing the mania in his heart, and from now on he doesn't intend to continue to suppress it.

"Floating Cannon! Hit me!"

The floating cannon is like a living thing, moving, shooting and swimming exactly according to Maureen's ideas.

After the three rounds of attacks, in just a few minutes, a pile of wreckage appeared around the rough stone, and it became the place with the least artillery fire on the battlefield.

"Is it you, Cruze, are you satisfied with everything now?"

Mu and Kruse met again, and the two, both of whom had upgraded their equipment, started the second round of the "father-son game".

"Hahahaha, are you still satisfied with my masterpiece? Mu, a son can't beat his father, how much power can you exert on this Sirius. Try this, Dragoon!

There are 11 dragoons of Shenyi Gundam, five big and six small, with 44 muzzles, which is almost twice as many as the floating cannons of Yuanshi Gundam.

There are beams of light all around Mu. After all, he is a natural person, and he doesn't have much experience in MS driving, so he can only dodge it now.

In fact, Cruze never thought of killing Mu, otherwise he would not be allowed to return with residual blood in the play. What he wanted to kill was Kira!

"Don't underestimate me, the Sirius that Maureen gave me is very powerful, a wire-controlled floating cannon."

The four floating cannons on the back of the Sirius kept changing angles and shooting all over the body, which also surprised Kruse.

"Hehe, it's really an accident, so let me be a little more serious.

Serious Kruse and the bonus of God Gundam is very scary. Under the control of Kruse, the dragoons caught a mistake of Sirius and directly blocked the beam. All four wire-controlled floating cannons were destroyed and even exploded. After tearing his right arm, Sirius directly has residual blood, and Shenyi is currently full of blood.

"Major Mu, get out of the way and let me come."

Kira finally arrived, and Mu also took advantage of the opportunity to leave the battle circle and return under the cover of an M1 team.

"It's really embarrassing. Kira, be careful, his weapon looks like a rough stone."

Needless to say, Kira has already felt that the light beams all over the sky, even if SEED is turned on, can only be exhausted.

"Only you! You are the last person who should not exist! If people know your existence, then everyone will yearn to be like you!"

Cruze's words reminded him of Maureen's earlier words, but he still didn't want to admit it.

"Only you are an unforgivable existence!"

Kruse's angry shouts all his life made his voice crack.

The explosive Kruse directly smashed the meteor into scrap iron, and the butterfly wings brought by Maureen also slapped Kira fiercely. His talent is indeed top-notch, but the talent still needs to be developed. At this time, Kira Far from that Kishen, and at this moment, although Kruse didn't intend to go back alive, he exploded completely!

Kira knew that he would die if he went on like this, but the light curtain all over the sky allowed him to dodge without injury, and he had already put in all his strength. Freedom, who was relatively weak in melee combat, did not have a good way to deal with it at the moment.

"Kira Yamato, no, Kira Hibiki. Go to hell with the wrath of our failures!"

The attack of the dragoons has become sharper, and Kruse's NT ability has improved to a higher level after adapting to the semi-finished dragoons.

"Kruse, are you bullying children!"

Maureen also rushed towards Kruse, but at this time the state of freedom is very bad, the head, right arm, and both legs have been destroyed, and there are only three wings left on the back, almost crippled, while the dragoons Only two were knocked out.

"Even if this kid dies, he will die at my hands, and it's not your turn, Kreuzer!"

"Hahahaha, Maureen, you understand me, right? You are also a victim (Li Wangzhao) from that laboratory. The pain at that time is still vivid in your memory. Don't you hate this world?"

Kruse feels that if anyone in the world can understand him, it must be Maureen!

Maureen does understand him, but it doesn't mean she agrees!

"Kruse, in my eyes you are just a poor coward. It is true that I have also suffered injustice, but I have a family who loves me, a lover who loves me, and friends who can brag and drink. Do you, haha, envy? Are you jealous? Do you hate this world even more? But what can you do, Genesis can no longer be launched, nuclear bombs have been fired, the war is about to come to an end, and everything has entered my script .”

Kruse seems to have been abandoned by the whole world at this moment, but the only person who thought he could understand him was stabbed heavily in the heart, and at this moment, Kruse was completely plunged into boundless darkness!

"Then go to hell with me, it's scary!"

"It's you who should go to hell, not being able to kill you in Heliopolis is the biggest regret in my life! Kill!"

Maureen's eyes were completely scarlet, and he ran away immediately; Kruse was completely blackened, as the saying goes, whitening is three times weaker, blackening is three times stronger, and the ultimate battle between the two started instantly! . . .

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