Aslan looked at the command room where the red alarm was flashing, gritted his teeth and returned to Justice Gundam, he decided to '2887' again!

"Everyone, Lux, can you hear me? Genesis can launch again. Fortress Yakin Duwei has activated the self-explosion procedure. Once it explodes, Genesis itself will directly emit gamma rays at full power. Now it is aiming at Earth Washington!"

Aslan's notification was also heard by everyone in the Three Ships Alliance. Maureen didn't expect Genesis to be able to launch after this. Looking at the wreckage of God's will in the hand of the original stone outside the cabin, he also praised his wit, but then He reflected that Aslan wouldn't play self-destruct again.

At this time, a coup d'état is taking place in the PLANT parliament, and the peace faction headed by Irene Kanaba is seizing power by force!

ZAFT and United soldiers are still fighting, ZAFT is afraid that the United will still have nuclear bombs, and the United is worried that Genesis will launch again.

"Aslan, go to escort the third ship, our strength is running out. Genesis is handed over to me.

Now there are 15 M1s left, and the rest are all killed, and there is no possibility of rescue.

"Mina, you go back too, and prepare to participate in the peace talks. That yellow-haired girl Kajiali probably won't even get a hair back, so give me a big mouth this time."

"Well, don't worry, it must be ruthless ~ bite off a large piece of meat.

The original stone Gundam broke into the interior of Genesis unimpeded all the way.

Mina returned to Kusanagi and opened the whole channel to report to the whole world, opened the image collector-device and started the live broadcast.

"I would like to inform the whole world that due to the joint launch of nuclear bombs to PLANT by the Atlantic Ocean, PLANT activated the satellite weapon 'Genesis'. With the efforts of our Orb National Defense and Independence Army, all nuclear bombs have been intercepted, and Genesis has lost its normal launch function. However, due to the Connected with the self-explosion system, Genesis will directly shoot gamma rays to the earth with 100% energy of the body, the target: Washington, of course, once launched, there will be no life in the world after Washington. There are still 15 minutes left.

After speaking, Mina turned her perspective to Genesis, which was gradually lighting up the arc, and her announcement caused global panic.

The headquarters of the Atlantic Union in Washington was also a mess.

"Contact PLANT immediately and ask them to stop this anti-human behavior!"

"Your Excellency, we... fired the first nuclear bomb...

The combined commanders were caught off guard for a while.

"Hmph, Atlantic Union, you can just bring yourself to shame."

Mina's wisdom is incomparable to those idiots in the union. Her purpose is to make the internal factions of the union strife.

Maureen also liked Mina's flamboyant operation.

"Nice job, Mina!"

"Now, it's time to end!"

Maureen placed the wreckage of Shenyi, released a floating cannon, then turned and left, fired and ignited the energy part of Shenyi at the moment when he was about to lose contact with the floating cannon.


Not only the three warring parties, but the whole world saw Genesis disintegrate and disappear in the violent explosion through Mina's live broadcast, and then saw the Rough Stone Gundam rushing out in the flames, and the fuselage looked a little blackened by the aftermath of the explosion.

Not surprisingly, the human beings on the earth danced happily, feeling that they had avoided the end of the world, and the MIS on the screen was the savior.

The adjuster of PLANT has lost the biggest hole card and leader, and the morale of the army is lax.

There was a brief ceasefire between ZAFT and the United.

At the same time, the peace faction led by Irene Kanaba finally broke into the command room of the parliament.

The main combat faction headed by Azalia Jiuer could only surrender.

"Notify the ZAFT army and the coalition army in the universe. Now the PLANT interim council is preparing for the PLANT and coalition truce agreement. Now the PLANT supreme interim council has issued a request to the coalition to stop all combat operations, hoping that the two sides can cease the war."

Not only Mina and Maureen, but also many ZAFT and joint officers felt that PLANT was out of his mind.

"Irene Kanaba is a traitor, right? She has obvious advantages, but she actually issued the word 'request'!"

Maureen's complaints were recognized by Mina.

"Who knows. The nuke is ready."

The only two nuclear bombs that Maureen carried rushed towards the combined camp.

"Notify the United Army, I am Brigadier General of the Orb Defense Independent Army, Maureen. We do not accept peace, only surrender! You were the first to use the nuclear bomb, so you should also try it

"What do you mean, are they still going to fight? Are they crazy? With such a small force, is it true that we are united and easy to bully!"

Yuanshi Gundam opened all the gun doors along the way, directly rushed into the hinterland, avoided the position of the main ship, and fired an ultra-high-energy nuclear bomb in a direction where the battleships were relatively dense!

The dazzling light spread rapidly. In the vacuum of the universe, the explosion diameter of this nuclear bomb reached 10,000 meters, and its power was comparable to that of the 'Cyclops' with hundreds of battleships and countless mobile suits in the light.

And this picture was also broadcast to the world.

Whether it is the earth or the plant, especially the two sides on the battlefield all lost their voices.

Looking at Yuan Shi just now, he thought he was the savior, but now he looks like an out-and-out devil!

But Maureen didn't stop there, but rushed towards the Lord Angel at high speed, leaving the remaining five floating cannons on the back of the rough stone, and knocked out all the weapons before Bucky Lulu could react.

Looking at the scarlet eyes in front of him, Azrael felt very bad, and his intuition told him: Maureen came for him.

"Whether the Union is fighting or surrendering, Murta Azrael, one of the driving forces behind this war, must be handed over immediately, or I will sink the Lord Angel, Ensign Bucky Lulu, you know what I can do Yes, it's time to make a choice."

"Asshole, even if I die, I need someone to be buried with me, hahahaha.

Azrael laughed maniacally and tried to shoot the gun.


It was Bucky Lulu who shot, not Azir.

"Why do you have a gun, ah~~~~~~

………… Ask for flowers……………

Azrael is crazy.

"Tie it up and throw it out!"

After Bucky Lulu finished speaking, she loosened her neckline, comfortable!

Maureen laughed softly when he saw Bucky Lulu who shot and Azrael who went crazy.

"The world has really been changed by me."

Not long after, Azrael was thrown out of the Archangel in a space suit.

"What are you going to do, I am the supreme director of Blue Cosmos......"

At this time Azrael was already talking nonsense in fear, he had witnessed how one of his little toys was killed.

Maureen showed a cruel smile, manipulated the rough stone to grab the villain in front of people all over the world, and then forced himself to the broken battleship not far away, and Azrael himself was instantly crushed into a meatloaf.

"It's impossible to leave you with a whole body."

Yuan Shi took the Ship Slaying Knife behind him, and directly chopped the flattened Azrael into a gaseous state, and the broken battleship exploded completely.

When did the common people on earth who live and work in peace and contentment see such a scene, many people vomited directly, and the broadcaster also urgently coded...

"Maureen, please stop. We surrender!"

Bucky Lulu opened the public channel to directly announce her surrender.

"You and the Archangel are my prisoners of war and trophies, and my request is that the Atlantic Federation surrender and stay next to the Archangel. The crew on the ship can leave, but you and Fleur can't!"

Just now, Mina contacted the East Asian Republic and quickly reached an agreement.

This kind of 'dirty work' is done by Na on behalf of the Sahak family.

At this time, the supreme leader of the Atlantic Union is under siege from various factions.

What they are afraid of is not only Maureen and the original stone, but also the deterrence of nuclear bombs!


The top coach of the Atlantic United in Washington chose to commit suicide by swallowing a gun in his office.

Maureen standing in front of the United Fleet is also very nervous at this time. If the opponent does not surrender, then he can only continue to fight, and his supply is almost bottomed out!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The joint main ship fired 5 white flares.

Three colored ones represent retreat, five white ones represent surrender!

"I am the interim commander of this operation, on behalf of the Atlantic Union, surrender!"

After finishing speaking, the commander also chose to commit suicide by swallowing a gun on the spot.

"Yeah, we won!"

Mina was happy like a child on the bridge, and Symonds on the side floated to the window and looked at the rough stone Gundam not far away, smiling and muttering to himself:

"My stinky baby has grown up, what should I do in the future."

Kajiali was soy sauce the whole time, she was still thinking about what to say at the armistice agreement conference table, but now she looked at the people on the bridge, she was confused, "I feel like a child in front of Caolin and Reina The same is extremely childish.

"Cagali, prepare to go to PLANT with me to attend the meeting."

Mina returned to her usual queenly demeanor after a short period of excitement. .

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